Safety instruction s
The washe r dryer i s heavy take care w hen lifti ng it.
Warning : fr ozen hoses may tear/burst. D o not install the w asher dryer outd oors or in areas
where there is a ris k of frost.
The washer dr yer may b e d ama ged. Do n ot l ift b y pro j ecting components (e.g. wa sher dryer
In addition to the instructions mentione d here, special regulations of t he relevant water a nd
power su pply comp anies ma y apply.
If in dou bt, have the a ppliance c onne cted by a technician.
Lay hose s and cabl es in such a way tha t there i s no risk that t hey ca n be tripped over.
Environm ental dispos al
Dispose o f packa ging in an e nvironm entally friend ly manne r.
This appliance has bee n identified in acco rdance with the E uropea n Directive
2002/9 6/EEC on W ast e E lectrica l an d El ectro nic E quipm ent ( WEEE). The D irective
spec ifies aâ fra mew ork for the return and recyc ling of waste appliance s a nd is valid
throug hout Europ e.
Scope of deliver y acco rdi ng to mod el
Humi dity in t he drum is c aused
byâ the final in spection.
Dep end ing on the conn ect ion
Aâ 244 0 mm d ia. hose c lip ma y also b e req uired for connectin g the sip hon (avai lable fro m
specialis t retailers). aPageâ 4 : Water connect ion
Us eful tool
S pirit level for aligning th e washer dry er.
W rench for adjusting the m achine f eet.
Water drainag e
Pow er cord
Water s upply
Hose hol der
Aqua- Stop Aqua- Secure Standard
Instal lation ar ea
Stability is important to p revent th e machine f rom wand ering.
The install ation area mus t be firm and level .
Soft floors /floor cover ings are not suitable.
Ensure th e area is well ventil ated to ach ieve good drying performanc e.
If i ns tallin g th e app lianc e on a ped es tal
It is e ssential to secure the washer d ryer feet with hold ing bracketsâ *.
If i ns tallin g th e app lianc e on a wood en joi st flo or
If possib le, install the wash er dryer in a cor ner.
Screw a water- resistant wood en p anel (min . 30 mm thi ck) to the flo or.
It is e ssential to secure the washer d ryer feet with hold ing bracketsâ *.
*â order no. WMZ 2200, WX 97 56
Hose and cab le lengths
Con nec tion on lef t s ide or Con necti on on right sid e
Note: if hose holders ar e used, the h ose le ngths may b e reduced .
Available from deale r/custome r service:
Aqua- Stop exten sion hoseâ ** , approx. 2.50 m.
Longer supply ho se, app rox. 2.20 m, for standard m odel.
**â order n o. WMZ 2380, WZ 101 30
Built-under/ Built-i n applia nce
Build-un der/build-in before co nnection to the p ower s upply.
Inst alled in betw een kit chen uni ts (bui lt-u nde r or bu ilt -in)
Dime nsion requ iremen t of kitch en unit:
aâ =â 650â mm, bâ =â 62 0â mm, câ =â 850â mm
Insta ll washer dryer only under a contin uous worktop tha t
is c onnected firm ly to the adjacen t cupbo ards.
The install ation area must be well ven t ilated, otherwise th e
was her dryer wil l operate bel ow optim um perfor mance.
Dime nsion of venti lation cross -sectio n:
d x e = 200 mm x 1 00 mm, f = 365â mm
Dista nce betw een wal l and machi ne: 50â mm
~140 cm
~160 cm
~140 cm
~90 cm
~165 cm
~95 cm
max. 100 cm
min. 60 cm
Removing t ransport b olts
Before using the a pp liance for the first t ime, always rem ove and retai n
all 4 transpo rt bolts.
If transpo rting the ap pliance subs equently, alwa ys re-i nstall the
transport b olts this pr events dam age to the machine. a Pageâ 6
Retain the screw and s leeve.
1. Take the hoses out of t he holder an d the elbow.
2. Undo and remo ve all 4 transport bolts .
3. Take the pow er cord ou t of the holders. R emove the sleeves.
4. Ins ert the cov ers and lock them in place by pressing on th e locking h ook. Insert the hose
holde rs.
5. Fi x the hoses in the hose holders.
Water conn ectio n
Risk of electric shock ! Do not immerse the Aqua-Stop safety devic e in wat er
(containsâ a nâ elect ric valve).
To prev ent leakage o r water dam age, fo llow the instr uctions in this chapt er.
Attention : o perate the wash er dryer with col d drinking water only.
Do no t connect to th e mixer tap o f a pressur eless hot- water heat er.
Do n ot use a used in let hose. On ly use the inlet hose supplied or one which
was pur chased f rom an aut horised spe cialist dealer .
If in doub t, have the applianc e connected b y a technic ian.
Water su pp ly
Water inlet hos e:
Attentio n: do not k ink, crush, modify or c ut through (str ength is no longer guarante ed).
Optimum wate r pressu re in the mains: 1 001000 kPa (1 10 bar)
When the tap is turned on, the water flow is at least 8 l/ min.
If the wat er pre ssure is hi gher, insta ll a pressu re reducing v alve.
Model: Aqua-S top
Aqu a-Sec ure
Stand ard
1. Con nect the wa ter supp ly hose to the tap.
Tighte n plastic sc rew fittin gs by hand o nly.
2. Car efully turn on th e ta p and chec k that th e
conne ction poin ts are not leaking.
Attentio n: the screw co nnection is under
water mains pressure.
Water d rain ag e
Water drainage hose:
Attentio n: do not kink or stretch .
Height differen ce betwe en insta llation a rea and o utlet: 60100 cm
Drainage into a sink/ba th tub:
Attentio n: secure the drain age hose to p revent it fro m slipp ing out
ofâ theâ sink.
Attentio n: the plug must not b e in the plug hole. Whe n the water is bein g
pumpe d out of the washe r dryer, c heck that the water d rains away quickl y
enough. Do n ot immerse the end o f th e drainage hose i n th e water that has
been pump ed out. Th ere is a risk that wa ter wi ll be drawn bac k into th e
washer dry er.
Drainage into a siphon:
Attention: se cure the con nection with a 2440 mm d ia. hos e clip (a vailable
from a spe cialist ret ailer).
Drainage into a plastic pipe with rubber sleeve:
Attentio n: Secure th e dra inage ho se to preven t it from slip ping out
ofâ theâ drain .
min. 10 mm
m ax.
min 10 mm
Manuf acturer (see Operati ng instruction s) 0312 / 9000 479252
Ali gnment
High l evels of n oise, intense vibration s and wanderi ng may be due to incorrec t alignment.
Alignm ent will be carried o ut by custom er serv ice or a uthorised te chnicians, if yo u want
toâ align th e mac hine by yourse lf please use a spiri t level.
Alig ning the was her dr yer wit h a sp irit l evel.
1. Undo th e lock nut i n a clockw ise directio n using a wrench .
2. Adjust th e heigh t by turning the applian ce foot.
All four applian ce feet m ust be pla ced firmly on the flo or.
The wa sher dryer mu st not be able to wob ble.
Check th e alignm ent of the washer d ryer with a s pirit level andâ
correc t if necessary .
3. Tighten th e lock nu t against th e housin g.
Hold the foo t in p lace and make sure th at th e height is n ot adju sted.
The lock nuts on all four appliance fee t must be s crewed tightly against
the hous ing.
Electric al c onnection
Connec t the was her dryer to an alter nating c urrent via a c orrectly inst alled ea rthed socke t
The ma ins volta ge and sp ecifications on the wa sher dryer mu st match.
aPageâ 6 : Techn ical specificatio ns
For infor mation a bout the c onnected lo ad and re quired fuse.
aPageâ 6 : Techn ical specificatio ns
Ensure th at:
t he mains plug and soc ket are com patible ,
t he cable cros s-section is adequate ,
t he earthing sy stem has been instal led correc tly.
A damag ed powe r cord ma y be re placed b y an elec trician only.
A repla cement p ower co rd is availa ble from cus tomer service .
Do not u se multip le plugs/c onnector s or exten sion cable s.
If a res idual curre nt operate d circu it-breaker is use d, use onl y a type wh ich gua rantees
compli ance with th e currently valid re gulation s.
Mains p lug:
d o n ot insert in to/pull o ut of the s ocket with d amp han ds.
d o n ot pull the plug ou t of the socke t by pulling on the power cor d.
n ever pull out th e plug wh ile the ap pliance is in operatio n.