Drying table
Cottons/Coloureds ( textiles mad e of cott on or linen such as u nderwear, T-shirts, sweaters, tro users, ki tchen towels )
Dr y weight in kg
0,5ɛ 1,0 1,0ɛ 2,0 2,0ɛ 3,0 3,0ɛ 4 ,0 ɛ0,5 ɛ1,0 ɛ2 ,0 ɛ2,5
Estimat ed dry ing time in min utes Selecta ble drying time in mi nutes
Cupbo ard dr y
< 60 60ɛ 80 80ɛ 110 110ɛ 150
3 0 60 90 120
< 65 65ɛ 90 90ɛ 130 130ɛ 160
Recom mended prog ramme
Intensive Dry (auto) Intensive Dry ( t ime)
Quilt/T er ry towel (big o r thick textile s made of cotton su ch as terry towe ls, be d shee ts, table cloths , jeans , workwe ar)
Dr y weight in kg 0,5ɛ 1,0 1,0ɛ 2,0 2,0ɛ 3,0 3,0ɛ 4 ,0 ɛ0,5 ɛ1,0 ɛ1,5 ɛ2,0
Estimat ed dry ing time in min utes Selecta ble drying time in mi nutes
Cupbo ard dr y
< 60 60ɛ 90 90ɛ 120 120ɛ 160
3 0 60 90 120
< 80 80ɛ 110 1 10ɛ 140 140ɛ 170
Recom mended prog ramme
Intensive D ryc(auto) Intensive Dry (tim e)
Easy-Care (textiles m ade of s yntheti c or mixed fibr es such as shirts, s ports wear, deli cate gar ments)
Dr y weight in kg
0,5ɛ 1,0 1,0ɛ 2,0 2,0ɛ 2,5 ɛ0,5 ɛ1,0 ɛ1,5 ɛ2,0
Estimat ed dry ing time in min utes Selecta ble drying time in mi nutes
Cupbo ard dr y
< 50 50ɛ 100 1 00ɛ 120
3 0 60 90 120
< 60 60ɛ 110 1 10ɛ 130
Recom mended prog ramme
Low Heat D ry (auto) Low Hea t Dry (time)
Times are ap proximate and refer to standa rd load, spin prog ramme and environment tempe rature.
The maximum sel ectable drying time (time dry) is 120 minutes, if the load of the laundry to be dried is more than 2.5 kg, please se lect
auto dry fu nction. Auto dry is re commende d to achie ve good dr ying result an d save energy. 15 min ute s time dry prog ramme is for
cooling down the l aundry.
Consu mption values
Program me Option Loa d
cons umption
Water * **
Program me
duratio n
Cottons 30 ° Câ **
7 kg 0,49 kW h 74 l 2:18 h
Cottons 40 °Câ **
Int ensive
7 kg 0,57 kW h 74 l 2:18 h
Cottons Eco 60 °C **
7 kg 1,19 kW h 51 l 2:31 h
Cottons 90 ° C – 7 kg 2,10 kWh 84 l 2:15 h
Easy-Car e 40 °Câ ** Intensive
3,5 kg 0,59 kWh 55 l 1:43 h
Mix 40 °Câ ** – 3,5 kg 0,54 kWh 52 l 1:03 h
Delicate/Silk 30 °C
– 2 kg 0,15 kW h 29 l 0:39 h
d Wool : ( c old) – 2 kg 0,08 kW h 42 l 0:36 h
d Wool 30 °C – 2 k g 0,16 kWh 42 l 0:36 h
Intensive Dry – 4 kg 2,55 kW h 3 l 2:30 h
Low Heat Dry
– 2,5 kg 1,55 kWh 3 l 2:00 h
Fluff Clean : (cold) – – 0,04 kWh 29 l 0:16 h
Cottons Eco 60 °C +
Intensive Dryc(2 cyc les)*
7/3,5 kg 5,67 kWh 57 l 6:58 h
* Programme set ting for testing and ener gy labelling in accor dance wit h EN50229, E U directi ve 96/60/EC .
** Prog ramme setting for testing accordin g to valid versio n of EN 60456.
Note for comp arativ e testing: to test usi ng the test p rogrammes, wash u sing the specified load am ount and max imum spin sp eed.
Select the Mix 40 °C programme and max imum spin sp eed a s the short pr ogramme fo r colo ureds.
*** T he value s deviate from the indica ted valu es depending on w ater pressur e, hardness , and inlet te mpera ture, amb iente tempe rature,
type, a mount an d soiling of th e laund ry, deterg ent used, fluct uatio ns in the powe r supply and selected additional functions.
Displa y and Opt ion bu ttons
Dis play sym b ols
Displ ay info rma tion
Alternati ng displ ay of dryi ng
status (Au to dry m ode/T ime dry
duration /OFF)â **, maximu m load
recomme ndation in kg a nd
remain ti me or fin ish in time
* â Examp le of dis play, ma y vary
depen ding o n selecti ons.
**Only w hen th e drying
progra mme i s available .
Op tion b utton s
You can ch ang e th e s pin s peed a nd te mpe rature even wh ile t h e s e lec ted p rog ramm e i s run ning.
The e ffec ts dep end on t he p rogre ss of the progr amme .
°C T e mp.
You c an cha nge the indicat ed wa shing temp era ture. The max im um wash ing te mpe rature whic h
can be sele c ted de pend s on the progra m me th at h as bee n cho sen. a Page 7
Spi n
You c an ch an ge the indic ated spin speed . Th e ma ximu m sp in sp eed whic h ca n be sele cted
dep ends o n th e ch osen progra mm e. I f is selec ted , the load i s hel d in the rinsin g wat er.
9 Dr y
You c an a ctiv ate, d eacti vate a nd s et t he dr ying funct ion by tou ching t his o ption button . Mo de
ofâ w ash ing an d dryi ng wit ho ut inter rupt ion is a uto d ry on ly; wh en s ingle dry ing pr ogra mm e is
selec ted , you can choose au to d ry, or time dry wi th de sired dryin g time . aPa g e 8
Del ay
When you sele ct a pro gram me, th e resp ective progr amme dura tion is di splaye d. Yo u can de lay
the start of the p rogra mme before it b egin s. T he fi nish- in ti me indicate s wh en t he p rog ramm e w ill
be fi nishe d. It can be set in h our in cre ments up to a m axim um of 24 h .
Pres s an d ho ld the
D elay butto n un til the requ ire d nu mber of ho urs is sho wn ( h= hour) .
Sele ct Start / Rel oad, t he d oor is lock ed.
P rewa sh: On if prewash pr ocess is run ning .
t Wash ing: On i f wash pr ocess i s runni ng .
mcRinse: On i f rinse p rocess is running .
Spin: On if spin proc ess is ac tive .
9cDrying : On if dr ying pr ocess i s activ e.
: On if drying pr ogram me is sel ected.
xTap is: F lashing if tap n ot open or no w ater s upply.
On if low wat er pre ssure.
This will extend th e prog ramme.
küOverdo sage: Foam detecte d. Maybe too mu ch deterg ent.
rcD oor:On i f door can be opened.
sCh ildproof lock: O n i f childpr oof lock i s act ivated.
Flashing if there is m isoperation .
Activate/d eacti vate child proof lo ck. a Page 1 0
kg, *:max imum load recommendati on in k g for selected
wash ing/drying p rogramme . aPag e 7 , Progra mme ov erview
Time, e.g. *: p rogra mme remaining ti me, or
*:Finish in t ime defin ed by user . a Page 9
Dry, drying mod e and dryi ng time:
: Auto dr y mode 1 .
: Auto dr y mode 2 , ex tra dry for d rying pr ogramme .
: Dryin g program me is off.
*: Tim e dry for solo drying programm e, dryin g time defin ed
manua lly. a P ag e 9,
9cDry butto n
: On if progr amme i s in pause.
:O n if doo r c an be open ed wh en pro gramm e wa s pause d.
: End of program me, or
:E nd of progr amme w ith the
se tting.
Set vol ume of si gnals. a Page 10
Set addi tional rin se cyc les. a Pag e 10
Informati on on the displ ay. a P age 11
1 0
Addit ional fu nc tions
See a lso P rogramm e overvi ew a Pag e 7
Sele ct the des ired addi tional f unc tions with t he Opti on but ton and th en ac tiva te (or dea ctivat e)
the ch ose n fun ction with the Sel ect butt on, e .g. se lect the In tens ive fu nctio n:
– For Cot tons Eco prog ram me , touc h Option but ton, â Less Iron indic ator flas hes.
– Touc h Option but ton aga in u ntil Inte nsi ve indica tor flashes .
– Touc h Select butto n. In tensi ve in dic ator flash es and re lated indi cator c ome s on. It mea ns
the f unct ion has been pres elect ed. If y ou need to dese lect the function immed iately , touch the
Sele ct b utton again .
– If no other acti on, the I ntens ive in dicat or stops fla shing an d comes o n afte r s evera l secon ds.
Add ition al fun ction is s elected su ccess full y. Set ting of h Ri nse Plus . aPa ge 10
üi Quick
Sh orten the washin g tim e. For s lightly soile d item s.
â Less Iron
Sp ecial spin seq uenc e with sub seque nt flu ffing . Gent le fina l
sp in – r esidu al mo istur e in the la undry in creas ed sli ghtly.
v Water Pl us
Hig h w ater lev el to a chieve bet ter rin se resu lt.
h Rinse Plus
Add ition al rin se cy cles , ext ende d w ash ing ti me. F or areas w ith
ve ry s oft wat er or for further imp rovemen t of the rinsi ng r esu lt.
Se lect h Rin se Plus by Option button . T hen touch Sel ect
toâ a ctiv ate the fun ction and touch Sel ect b utton f or d esired
rinse c ycles (m ax . 3 c ycle s).
Intens ive
Exte nds the w ash ing ti me for a m ore intensi ve washin g
ofâ h eav ily soile d items.
For heav ily so iled laund ry. Pr ewash at max. 30â °C.
Star t/R elo ad
For s tarting or pausin g th e wa shin g/dr ying program me .
Sig nal vol ume (for button signal and in f o rma tion signa l)
Child pro of lo ck s Progr amm e will n ot be changed by ac cide ntal oper ati on.
To ac tivat e th e chi ldproof loc k:
– Aft er the progra mm e st arts or finish in time is act ivate d a P age 9 , press and hold the
Dealy butt on for 5 sec onds;
– Relea se w hen the s symb ol lig hts up . If bu tton si gna l is on, a n aco ust ic sign al will be heard .
When the program me ends, the S tart/R eload indica tor re mains on t o remind you to deac tivat e
the ch ildpr oof loc k .
To de activ ate the childp roof loc k:
– Touc h the Dea ly butt on u ntil th e s sy mbol turns o ff.
– Relea se t he b utton.
s sy mbo l flas hes if the p rog ramme ha s been cha nge d whi le ch ildp roof l ock is ac tivated .
If the child proo f lock is d eacti vated wh ile the pro gram me s elec tor is in a diffe rent p osition
from w hen th e ch ildpr oof loc k wa s act ivate d, th e runn ing p rog ramm e will be halte d.
Set to Of f
for a t least
5 second s
1 st ep
cl ockwise
C Temp.
button and ho ld
1 step
clockw ise
Button signals Information signals
Touch Dealy
button and set
1 step
Set to Off
*If requi red, set r epeate dly.
1. Ac tivate s etting
mode for si gnal
2. Set volum e for ...
Release the
C Temp.
Touch D ealy
button and set
Addition al functions and Individual setting s
1 1
Plea se c lose the door i mmed iat ely bec au se of ri sing water le vel .
In pau se s tatus and are disp layed altern ately .
Doo r is l ocked d ue t o sa fety r easo ns (wa te r level and/or temp era ture are too high).
For washi ng progra mme : In pa use s t atus, and ar e d isplay ed altern ately .
If y o u need t o o pen the d oo r, w ait f or t h e t e mp erat ure t o d r op or dra in the wat er (e.g.
sele ct müRinse/Spin or l Em pty p rogra mm e).
For dr yi ng pro gramm e: I f you n eed t o o pe n the door, wait f or the temp eratur e to d rop
or se t 15 minu tes time dry progr amme to c ool down t he la undr y.
If c omes up after the dr ying prog ram me ends f reque ntly:
– C lean the cool air i nlet fi lter.
Insta lla tion an d ma inten ance in stru ction s, P age 9
– R un the Fluf f Cl ean : ( cold ) pro gram me wi thou t lau ndry.
Doo r can not be lo cked /unl ocke d d ue t o hig h t emp eratu re o f th e d oor lock. K eep the
mac hine switche d on f or ab ou t 1 mi nut e. Then the mach ine c an b eâ loc ked/u nloc ked
aga in.
Doo r cann ot b e ope ned due to th e hig h tem per ature afte r the drying prog ram me.
The c oo ling down proc ess will continue u ntil t his dis play d is appe ars and the d oo r ca n
be o pene d.
Flas hing (no wa ter supp ly):
Tap t urn ed on ?
Inlet filter bloc ked? Clean f ilter aInst allati on
and m aint enanc e ins truc tions, Page 8
Supp ly ho se k inke d or b locke d?
On (l ow water pres sure):
On ly informat ion . No influenc e on the
pr ogram me proces s. The prog ramm e
dura tion will b e pro long ed.
Cle an dra in p um p a
In stallati on an d ma inten ance instru ction s, P age 8 ;
outle t pip e/d rainage h ose bloc ke d.
Hold the 9 Dr y b u tton for 3 sec onds to clear t his d ispla y.
– C lean the cool air i nlet fi lter. a Instal lation and ma int enanc e instru cti ons, Pag e 9
– R un the Fluf f Cl eanü: (cold ) prog ramm e withou t laun dry.
other di splays
Swi tch of f the a pplian ce, wait 5 se cond s an d s witch it back on .
If the displ ay a ppe ars ag ain, call t he c ustom er se rvice.
Safety i nstructio ns
– R ead an d fol low the opera ting and Install ation an d ma inte nan ce i ns tru ctions and all oth er i nforma tion
encl osed with t he w asher drye r.
– Retai n do cume nts for sub sequ ent us e .
Ris k of elect ric shock
– Nev er pull o ut the mains plug by tug g ing the pow er co rd.
– Nev er insert/p ull out the mai ns plug w ith da mp ha nd s.
Ris k of dea th
For wo rn-out ap plian ces:
– Pul l out the mains plug .
– Sev er the po wer cord and disca rd toge ther with the plu g.
– De stroy the loc k on the w ashe r dry er doo r. Th is w ill pre vent child ren from
lock ing them selves in an d riski ng their l ives.
Ris k of suffo catio n
– Kee p pa ck aging , pla stic fil m and pack ag ing parts out of th e reac h
ofâ c hildre n.
Ris k of pois ioni ng
– Kee p de terg ents and care produ cts out of th e reac h of childre n.
Ris k of ex plosion
– Ite ms of laund ry p retrea ted w ith c leanin g ag ents contain ing solve nts, e. g.
stai n remove r/clean ing solv ents may lea d to a n explosion after b ein g loa ded
into the w asher d ryer.
First rin se item s o f laun dry thor ough ly by hand .
Ris k of inju ry
– Wa she r dry er door ma y becom e very h ot.
– Ta ke ca re when draini ng h ot dete rgen t sol ution.
– Do not climb onto the w asher dr yer.
– Do not lean on the open wa sher dr ye r door.
– Do not touch the d rum in cas e it is sti ll spinn ing.
– E nsure that the pu mp c ap is scre wed on whi le th e mac hine is running to
pre ven t the esca pe of wate r and c ontac t with mov ing pum p par ts.
– If a dryin g pro gram me was in terrup ted , the wa sher dryer and the laundry
m ay b e very h ot, select Inte nsive Drycor Low Heat Dry and set 15 min utes
pro gramm e to coo l down the laun dry, the n r emove t he lau ndry .
Informatio n on the d ispla y
1 2
What to do if ...
Wate r is leakin g ou t.
– F it/refit draina ge hos e correc tly .
– T ighten the scre w conn ection o f the s upply h ose.
No wa ter supp ly.
Detergen t n ot disp ensed.
– Start /r eload not s elect ed?
– T ap not turned on?
– F ilter b locked ? Clea n the f ilter. aInstal lation a nd main tenance
instru ctions , Page 8
– S upply hose kinked or trap ped?
Washer d ryer doo r cannot be
opened .
– S afety func tion act ive. Pro gramm e stoppe d ? aPage 5
– (no final spin/drain) selec ted ? aP age 5
– C an b e opene d by e me rgency release only . aPag e 13
Program me doe s no t start.
– Start /r eload or
Dealy sele cted ?
– Wa she r drye r door clo sed properly?
Detergen t so lution is not
draine d.
– C lean the drain pum p. aIns talla tion a nd maint enan ce
instru ctions , Page 8
– C lean waste pipe and/o r drain age hose.
Water not visibl e in the drum .
– No t a faul t – w ater bel ow the vis ible ar ea.
Spin resu lt no t satisf acto ry.
– Was h s mall an d large ite ms of laun d ry togethe r.
– â Less Ir on sele cted? aP age 10
– S peed select ed too low? aPa ge 9
Spin cycl e perf ormed sev eral
– No t a faul t – unb al anced l oad det ectio n syst em adjus ts the
imba lance.
Compart me nt ~ no t rinsed
out com plet ely.
– Re mo ve the insert. Clean dete rgent drawer and insert it again.
aInst allat ion and maint enance instru ctions , Pa ge 7
Odou r form ation in the
washer dryer .
– Ru n th e Fluf f Cl ean 90°C program me w ithou t laund ry.
– Us e stan dard deterge nts.
Foam e scap es from the
deter gent dr awer.
– T oo m uch de tergen t used ?
Mix 1 tablesp oon of fabr ic softe ner with ½ litre of w ate r and
pour into co mpa rtment I I in the deterg ent dra we r.
– Re duce dete rgent dosage for th e next was h cycle .
– Us e com me rcially a vailable low f oam de terge nts a nd c are
produc ts w hich a re su itable for use in w asher d ryer.
Exces sive noise, vib rati ons
and “wa nderin g” durin g sp in
– Are th e appl iance feet fixe d?
Se cure the applia nce feet. aInstal lation and m aintenanc e
instru ctions , Page 5
– T ranspor t bol ts remo ved?
Rem ove tra nsp ort bolts. aI nstallatio n an d ma intenanc e
instru ctions , Page 3
Displa y pan el/indica tor
lamps d o not functio n while
the applia nc e is runn ing.
– Pow er failure?
– C ircuit break er tripp ed? Res et th e circ uit b reaker/ change
theâ fuse.
– If the fault occ urs rep eate dly, ca ll the custome r servic e.
Program me seque nce
longer than u sual.
– No t a faul t – unb al anced l oad det ectio n syst em adjus ts
imba lance by re peate dly distr ibuting the l aun dry.
– No t a f a ult – foam det ectio n sys tem a ctive – adds a n a ddition al
rinse cycl e.
Detergen t re sidues on the
– Occ as ionally , phos phate -free dete rgent s con tain w ater-
insolub le res idue s.
– S elect müRins e/ Spin or brush o ff re sidues wh en t he laundry
is dry.
Spinning noise durin g drying .
– T his is a n inno vative process calle d thermo spinni ng to redu ce
energy consum ptio n du ring d rying.
Differe ntly colou red fluff from
the prev ious drying cycle is
redepo sited on t h e la undry in
the fo llowing washin g cycl e.
– Ru n th e Fluf f Cl ean : ( cold) program me w ithout laundry
insid e to rem ove fluff ac cumu lated in the tub during tum ble
dry ing.
Water inlet n oise d uring
drying, W ater tap sym bol
isâ flash ing du ring dry ing.
– T he ma chine include s a self c leanin g functio n to remov e fluff
that is released fro m laundr y dur ing d rying. This is done with
help o f a small amount of tap water. Open the w ater t ap
also during drying .
1 3
Dryin g dura tion exte nded.
– Acc ording to the air coolin g princi ple, hi gher e nvironm en t
tem perat ure will result in poo r drying perfo rmanc e, so the
dry ing du ration wil l be extended . Ens ure a goo d ventil ation
toâ rem ove exhau st he at.
– C oolin g air in let filte r blocke d ? aI ns tallatio n and m aint enance
instru ctions , Page 9: Clean th e air inlet fi lter
– Ru n th e Fluff Clean : (cold) pr ogram me w ithou t laundry
toâ rem ove fluff ac cumu lated in the tu b and drying sys tem.
Dryin g progra mme does not
– D rying pr ogram me no t se lected? aPag e 9:
9c D ry optio n
button and P age 7 : Programm e ov erview
– Lo ading door not c losed proper ly?
– Pu mp is blo cked. aInsta llation a nd mai ntenance instru ctions,
Page 8: Cle an the pum p
The dryin g resul t is not
satisfac tory (laundr y is not dry
enoug h).
– T oo high enviro nme ntal tem pera ture ( above 30â °C) or bad
ventila tion of the ro om, w here the was he r dryer is plac ed –
ensure goo d vent ilation to rem ove e xhaust heat.
– T he laund ry has not been spun well e nough before drying –
alwa ys se t the hi ghest se lecta ble spin spee d fo r all w ashing
progr amme s.
– Ma chine overlo ad: please follow the lo ad rec omme ndatio n
inâ t he prog amme tab le and lo ad display, do n ot overlo ad
mach ine, be caus e of maxim um load a mou nt for d ry ing is lo we r
than for wash in g unload the mac hine aft er washi ng w ith
maxim um load f or wa shing a nd se parat e the load into two
dry ing cycle s.
– T he line volta ge o f the power supply is too low ( below 200â V)
– ens ure suit abl e pow er supp ly.
– C oolin g air in let filte r blocke d ? aI ns tallatio n and m aint enance
instru ctions , Page 9: C lean th e air inlet fi lter
– T hick mu ltilayere d tex tiles or text iles with thic k fill ings – these
textile s ea sily dry on the surf ace, b ut not inside . This
equaliz atio n pro ces s m ay take longer. Please use t ime drying
progr ams to comple tely dry th ese kinds of textil es.
A small am ount of w ater is
observed dripp ing on the
dried laundry load when the
door is o pene d.
– D rying t ime is shorte ned with a small load. Some residu al
moi sture ma y re main in the drying system . Openin g the door
quic kly creat es a suct ion effect which pul ls moist ure from th e
dry ing syst em.
– Op en the door slow ly. Avoid jerking the door o pen.
If you cannot corre ct a fault you rself or a rep air is required :
– T urn the progra mm e sel ector to Off and p ull the mai ns plug out of t he soc ket.
– T urn off t he tap and call cu stom er serv ice.
Emer gency release e.g. in the event of pow er fa ilure
The p rogramme wi ll cont inue to run w hen th e power is res tored.
Howev er, if the laundry ha s to be rem oved, the washing
mac hine door ca n be opened as foll ows:
Risk of scalding.
The deter gent solutio n and laundr y may be hot.
If poss ible, leave it to cool down.
Do not op en the wash er dryer door if wa ter can be seen
through the glass.
– S et the progra mme sele ctor to Off and disconnect th e mains
– Dra in the dete rgent so lution. aInst allation and m aintenance
instructions , Page 8
– Pull the eme rgency re lease with a tool and re lease.
The washe r dryer door can th en be opene d.
Wha t to do if ...
Ope rating in structio ns
W D14H 421 EU
Follow th e safety
instruction s on Page 11 .
Wa she r dry er
Read the se instructi ons befor e switching on the
washer dryer. Al so follow the separate Installation a nd
maintena nce instruc tions.