Thank you very much f or purchasi ng a Si gma Lens. In order t o get the ma ximum
performa nce and enj oyment o ut of your Sigm a lens, pl ease read t his inst ruction
booklet thoroug hly befo re you start to use the lens.
These are special lenses that are designated for digi tal cameras because the lens im age
circle is desi gnated to correspond to t he size of the image se nsors of most di gital SLR
cameras. The speciali zed design gives these l enses the ideal properti es for digital cameras.
◆ An image sensor element l arger than those corresponding to AP S- C cannot be used in
digital cameras or 35mm SLR cameras. If s uch an element is used vi gnetting will occur
on the picture surface.
◆ If you use SD14 or SD10 or SD 9 d igital camera, correspo nding angle of vi ew will be
30- 212mm.
When this lens is attached to the camera body it will automatically function in the same way
as your normal lens. Please refer to the instructi on booklet for your camera body .
◆ On the lens mo unt surface, there are a number of couplers a nd electrical contact s.
Please keep t hem clean to ensure pro per co nnection. T o avoi d damaging the lens, be
especiall y sure to place the lens with its front end do wn while changing t he lens.
The sigma lens functi ons automatically after mounting to yo ur camera. Please, refer to the
camera instruction book.
For autofocus operation, set t he focus mode switch on the le ns to “AF” position.
If you wish to focus manually , set the focus mode switch on the lens to the “MF” position.
Y ou ca n adjust the focus by t urning the focus ring.
◆ In the case of Pentax fit, Auto Focus can only be used with HSM compatible camera
models. Other camera model s can be use d in Manual Focus only.
◆ T o avoid damag ing AF mechanism , pl ease do not turn the focus ring manually while in
the autofocus mode.
◆ When operating this lens in manual fo cus mode, it is recommen d ed that correct focus be
confirmed visuall y in the viewfinder rathe r than relyi ng on the distance scale. This i s
due to possi ble focus shift resul ting from extreme c hanges in temperat ure w hich cause
various compone nt s in the lens to e xpand and contact. S pecial allowance is mad e for
this at the infinity setting.
《Zooming 》
Rotate the Rubber grip on t he zoom ring to the desi red position.
《Zoo m Lock Switch 》
This lens is al so equipped with Zoom Lock Swi tch to eliminate the zoom creep w hen the
lens is tilted down. Please set zoomi ng ring to 18mm and set the zoom l ock switch to the
“LOCK ” positi on . (fig. 2)
The indication of the lens as “1:xx ” o n a focusing distance scale represent the magni fication
(commonly called the reproduction ratio). For example w hen you are in focus at the
“1:3. 8” position on the scale, a s ubject with an actual si ze of 3. 8cm will have an image si ze
of 1cm on the firm. (fig . 3)
This OS lens effectively compensates for i mage blurring caused by camera shake. Using
the Optical St abilizer function it i s possible to get sharp results at shu tter speeds
approximatel y 3-4 stops slower than you could without using the OS functi on.
Set the OS switch to ON (fig .4) . Press t he shutter button halfway down, confirm the image
in the viewfi nder is stable then take the pic ture. (It takes approximatel y 1 second to produc e
a stable image from the time of depressi ng the shutter button halfway).
◆ Sony and Pentax fitti ngs are not equipped wi th the Opti cal S tabilizer (OS) functi on.
◆ Do not use the Opti cal S tabilizer in t he following situations:
▪ When the lens i s mounted on a tripod. ▪ When using the camera i n Bulb mode.
◆ The Optical S tabilizer function i s powered from the camera. I f the OS l ens is attached to
your camera and activated, shooti ng capacity of your camera will be lower than wi th
conventional lenses used wit h the same camera. If you are not usi ng O S, please turn
OFF the OS switch, in order to preve nt unnecessary battery co nsumption.
◆ Be sure to tur n the OS switch to t he OFF position before attaching or de taching the lens
to the camera.
◆ The OS continues to operate after you release your finger from th e s hutter button, as
long as the expos ure meter displays the expos ure value. Never remove t he lens or
remove the camera’s battery whil e the image st abi lizer is operating as this could damage
the l e ns.
◆ Although the viewfi nder image may appea r to shake immediatel y after shooting and/or at
the start of the flash c harge cycle of the ca mera’s built-in flash, it will not cause any effect
to the pictures.
If the lens is detached f rom camera or the camera pow er is turned off while the OS
funct ion is in operat ion, the lens may emit a chatter i ng noise, but th is i s not a malfunct ion.
A bayonet type detachabl e hood is provided with the lens. This l ens h ood helps to prevent
flare and g hosted images caused by bright ill umination from outside the pi cture area.
Attach the hood and turn clockwi se until it stops rot ati on. (fig.5)
When taking pho tographs usi ng the bui lt- in flash, it is advisabl e to remove the lens hood so
as to avoi d cutting o ff any of the flash ou tput, which could cause a shadow i n the pictur e.
◆ In order to pl ace the lens and hood into t he storage case, you m ust first remove the
hood, then replace i t on the lens in the rev erse position. (fig.6)
◆ Only one filter should be used at the time. Two or m ore filters and/or speci al thicker
filters, like a polarizing fil ter , may cause vignetti ng.
◆ W hen usi ng a pol arizing filter wi th AF camera, use the “cir cular” type.
◆ Avoid any shocks or exposure to e xtreme high or l ow temperatures or to humidity .
◆ For extended storag e, choose a cool and dry pl ace, preferably with good v entil ation. T o
avoid damage to t he lens coating, keep a way from mothballs or naphthalene gas.
◆ Do not use thinner , benzine or other organic cl eaning agents to remove dirt or finger
prints from the lens elements. Clean by using a soft, moiste ned lens cloth or lens tissue.
◆ This lens is not waterproof. W hen you use the le ns in the rain or near water, keep it
from getting wet. It is often impracti cal to repair the internal mechanism, lens elem ents
and electri c component s d amaged by wat er .
◆ Sudden temperature changes may cause condensation or fog to appear o n the su r face
of the lens. W hen entering a warm room from the cold outdoors, it i s advisable to keep
the lens in the case until the temperature of the lens approaches room temperature.
Minimum Focusing Distance
Dimensions an d weight include the S IGMA mount.
The CE Mark is a Di
rective conformity mark of the European
Community (EC).
SIGMA (Deut schland) Gmb H Carl -Z eiss -S tr . 10/2, D-63322 Rö dermark, F .R.GERMA N Y
V erkauf: 01805- 90 90 85-0 Ser vi ce: 01805- 90 90 85- 85 Fax: 01805- 90 90 85- 35
① Filter Attachment T hread
② Focus Ring
③ Distance Scale
④ Focus Index Line
⑤ Zoom Ring
⑦ Mount
⑧ Zoom Lock Switch
⑨ OS Switch (SIGMA, Conon, Niko n)
⑩ Lens Hood