Thank you very much for purchasing the Sigma EF-530 ST SA-STTL Electronic Flash. This
product is specifically developed f or the SIGMA SA / SD seri es SLR cameras. Depending
on the camera model, functions and operatio n may vary . Please read this instruction
booklet carefully . T o add to your enjoyment of photography , the flas h has a variety of
features. T o make the most of all these features, and to get the maximum performance an d
enjoyment from your flash, please read this instruction b ooklet, together with your camera’s
instruction manual, before using th e flash, and also keep it handy for your fut ure reference.
1.Flash Head 2.Built-in Wide Panel 3.AF Au xiliary Ligh t 4.Bounce Angle; Up and Down
5.Bounce Angle; Ri ght and Left 6.Bounce Lock and Release Button; Up a nd Down
7.Swivel Lock and Release B utton; Right and Left 8.flash coverage angle indicator
9.Battery Cover
10.Shoe Ring
11 . S h o e
12.TEST Button
13.Ready Light
14.Power Switch
This flash unit uses four “AA” t ype Alkaline dry cell batteries or Ni-Cad, Ni-MH,
rechargeable batteries. Manganese ba tteries can also be used but as they have a shorter
life than Alkaline batt eries, we do not recommend using them. Please replace batteries if it
takes more than 30seconds to light the R eady Lamp.
■ T o assure proper electrical con t act, cle an the battery terminals before installing the
■ NiCad batteri es do not have standardized contacts. If you use NiCad batteries, please
confirm that the battery con t acts touch the batter y com p artment properly .
■ T o prevent battery explosion, leaka ge or overheating, use four new AA batteries of the
same type and brand. Do not mix the type or new and used batteries.
■ Do not di sassemble or short-circuit batteries, or expose them fire or water; t hey may
explode. Also, do n ot recharge the batteries other than Ni-Cd recharge able batteries.
■ When the flash will not be used for an extended period of time, remove the batterie s from
the flash, to avoid the possibilit y of damage from leakage.
■ Batter y performanc e decreases at low temperatures. Keep batteries insulated when
using the flash in cold weather.
■ As with an y flash, it is recomme nded you carry spare batteries when on a long trip, or
when photographing outdoors in cold weather .
1. Be sure to set the P ower Switch to the off position then slide, the batter y cover in the
direction of the arrow to open (fig.2) .
2. Insert four AA size batteries into the batt ery chamber . Be sure the + and – ends of the
batteries are aligned accordin g to the diagram in the chamber (fig.3).
3. Close the cover.
4. Slide the Power Swit ch to the ON position. After few seconds, the Read y Lamp will light,
indicating that the flash unit c an be fired.
5. Please press the “T est Button” to be sure that the flash i s working properly .
■ If the batter y po w er i s not sufficient, or if there is an electronic information error , the flash
coverage angle indicator will blink to indicate the condition.
Be sure turn off the Power Switch. Then insert the Shoe Base into the ho t shoe on the
camera and turn the Shoe Locking Ring until it is tight (fig.4)(fig.5).
■ When y ou attach or remove the flash, g rasp the bottom of the flash to prevent damage to
the shoe foot and camera’s hot shoe.
■ If the ca mera’s built-in flash is set in up position, please close it before you attach the
flash unit.
■ T o remove the flash, rotate the shoe-locking ring in the opp osite direction of ◄LOCK
mark, until it stops.
In the TTL AUTO M ode, the camera w ill control the amount of flash lighting to get the
appropriate exposure for the subje ct.
1. Set the camera’s exposure mode to
Mode. (In the case of SA-300, SA-300N and SA-5
set to “
” fully automatic mode)
2. Slide the Power Switch to the TTL Position.
■ If the flash co verage angle indicat or blinks when you turn on the power of your flash,
please make sure that the flash head bounce a ngle is adjusted to the normal (0˚)
3. Focus onto the subject.
4. Press the shutter button after the flash is charged.
■ After a picture is taken, and the film receives appropriate exposure, the Read y Lamp will
blink. If the Ready Lamp does not blink, it indicates t hat the flash light was not sufficient
for that particular situation. Please retake the pictur e at a distance closer to the subject.
■ The AF Auxiliary Light will turn on automatically as you focus on a dark area. Note:
Effective distance is up to about 0.7 to 9 meter (2. 3-29.5 feet).
■ When the flash is fully charged, the flash mark will appear in the finder . If the shutter is
released before the flash is full y charged, the camera will take the picture at a slow
shutter speed, with no flash.
■ T o conserve ba ttery power , the flash u nit automatically turns itself off when the fla sh is
not used within approximately 300 seconds. T o turn the flash on again, depress the
“TEST” button or the camera shutter button, halfway .
■ The flash will automatically set the Zoom Head positio n according to the focal length of
your lens.
■ Please refer to《chart.1 》 for the effective distance ranges.
Shutter Speed P riority Setting
By selecting the
mode of the camera, you can set the shutter speed from 30sec. to 1/X
sync speed. When you set the desired shutter speed, the camera will select the appropriate
aperture value for the background. I f the subject is too light or too dark, the aperture value
indicator will blink and show the limit values (maximum or minimum aperture). In such as
case, the camera proceeds to take flash photog raph at the limit value. Thus, the main
subject in the picture ma y be exposed correctly , but the background will bec ome under or
over exposed.
Aperture Priority Setting
By selecting the
mode of your cam era, the camera will select the appropria te shutter
speed for the background. If the su bject is too bright or too dark, the shutter speed indicator
will blink and show the limit highest or slo west shutter speed value. The highest shutter
speed will be limited to the camera’s normal flash s ynchronization speed. In such a case,
the camera proceeds to take a flash photograph at the limit value. Thus, the main subject in
a picture may be exposed correctl y , but th e background will become under or overexposed.
When used with
Y ou can set the desired shutter speed and aperture value. The sync s peed of camera is
30sec. If you adjust exposur e according to the exposure meter indication, t he camera will
work as for Daylight synchronizatio n flash or slow synchronization.
This flash unit can be used in Manual Mode at full power and at 1/16 power.
1. Set the camera’s exposure mode to Manual / M mode.
2. Slide the flash unit’s Power Switch to M H (full flash power) or to ML (1/16 flash po wer).
3. Focus on the subject and set the camera’s F-stop, using the exposure calculated by the
formula shown below:
F-stop = Guide Number (G .N.) ÷ Flash to Subjec t Distance (m)
4. After the flash is fully charged, pres s he Shutter Release button to take the picture.
Guide Number will change according to t he Zoom Head position, (see《chart.2 》 ). Guide
Number will also change according to film speed (ISO),(see《chart.3 》 ). In the case of
non-ISO100 speed fil ms, multiply the《chart.3 》number b y the《chart.2 》number . For example,
using ISO400 film, Zoom Head posi tion for 50mm and the MH mode; multiply the《chart.3 》
number ”2” by the《chart.2 》 numb er “40”: 40× 2=80. This will be the ne w ef fect iv e Guid e
Number (G .N.) in meters. T o determine th e G .N. in feet, multiply the G .N. in m eters by 3.3.
EX. If flash to subject distance is 10 me ters:
F-stop = 80 ÷ 10 = 8 ( 8 is the F-stop to set on the camera. )
When repeatedly usi ng the flash rapidly in the MH mode, it s hould be allowed to “rest” for
about 15 minutes after each 15 flashes. If used under the same conditions in the ML mode,
the flash should be allo wed to “rest” after each 40 flashes.
This flash is equipped with built in type wide panel, which can provide ultra wide 17mm
angle of coverage. Slide out the wide panel and flip it down to cover flash’s head. Then the
coverage angle setting of the flash will be set to 17mm automatically (fig. 6).
■ T he flash coverage a ngle indicator will show that the wide panel is in use by blinking the
both end values (24mm and 105m m) slowly (1sec each time).
■ If the built-in wide panel comes off accidentally , adjustment mechanism of flash coverage
angle will not function. In t his case please contact the store where you h ave purchased
the flash, or a service station.
When you take a photo wit h flash in a room, sometimes a strong s hadow will appear behind
the subject, if you point the flash head upwards or side ways to reflect the light off the ceiling,
wall etc. the subject will be illuminate d softly . Press the lock button and adjust the flash
head to set the bounce angle .
UP: 0°, 60°, 75°, 90° DOWN: 0°,7°
RIGHT : 0°, 60°, 75°, 90° LEFT : 0°, 6 0°, 75 °,90°, 120°, 150°, 180° (fig. 7)
■ T he picture will receive the colo r from the reflecting surface. Please choose a white
surface for bouncing.
Close-up Exposures
For bounce flash can be tilted 7° do wnward for close-ups. The Flash will be effective only
for the subjects 0.5 meter to 2 met ers.
■ T he Flash co v erage angle display will blink (2 times / second), when you set the flas h
head tilted downward by 7°
TYPE: Clip-on type serial-controlled TT L auto zoom electric flash
GUIDE NUMBER: 53(ISO 1 00/m, 105mm head position)
POWER SOURCE: Four AA type alkaline batteries or , Four AA type Ni-Cd batteries or , Four
AA type Ni-MH Nicke l-Met al Hydride
RECYCLING TIME: about 6.0sec. (Alk aline batteries) : about 4.0 sec. (Ni-Cd, Ni-MH
Nickel-Metal Hydride)
NUMBER OF FLASHES: about 220 flashes (Alkaline batterie s) : about 100 flashes (Ni-Cd,
Ni-MH Nickel-Metal Hydride)
FLASH DURA TION: about 1 / 700 sec. (full power firing)
FLASH ILLUMINA TE ANGLE: 24mm-105mm motor po wered control
(17mm with Bu ilt-in
Wide Pane l)
WEIGHT: 305g/1 10.8oz.
DIMENSIONS : 77mm(W )/3.0in. x 139mm(H)/5.5in. x 1 17mm(L)/4.6in.
Symbol de notes the important poi nts, where warning an d caution are required.
Symbol contains infor mation regarding the a ctions that must be avoided .
Warning !!
Using the product dis regarding this warning sign migh t cause serious injury or o ther dangerous resu lts.
This flash cont ains high volt age circuits. T o avoid el ectric shock or burns , do not attempt to
disassemble the flash. If the outsi de shell of the unit is broken or cracked, do not touch the
mechanism insid e.
Do not fire the flash close to eyes. Otherw ise the bright light could damage the eyes. Keep at
least 1m/3feet di stance between face a nd the flash unit, w hen taking a picture wi th flash.
Do not touch the synchr o terminal of your camera when the flash is attached to hot shoe.
High volt age circuitry could cause el ectric shock.
Never use your camera in an envi ronment where flammabl e, burnable, gas, li quids o
chemicals, etc, exi st. Otherwise, it might c ause fire or explosion.
Using the product disregardi ng this caution sign might ca use injury or damage.
Do not use this flash unit on any camera other than the S IGMA SA / SD seri es cameras;
otherwise the flash may damage the circui try of these cameras.
This fla sh unit is not waterproof . W hen using the flash and c amera in the rain or snow or ne a
water , keep it from get ting wet. It is often impractical to rep air internal electrical co mponents
damaged by water .
Never subject the flash and camera to sh ock, dust, high temper ature or humidity . These
factors might cause fire or mal functioning of your equipment.
When the flash is subjected to sudden temperature change, as when the flash unit is brought
from a cold ex terior to warm int erior , condensation might form inside. In such a case, place
your equipment in a sealed pl astic bag before such a change, and do not use the flash unit,
until it reaches room temperature.
Do not store your flas h in a drawer or cupboard etc., con taining naphthalen e, camphor o
other insecticides. These chemicals will have ne gative ef fe c ts on the flash unit.
Do not use a thinner , Benzene or other cleaning agents to remove dirt or finger prints from
the component. Cl ean with a soft, moiste ned cloth.
For extended stor age, choose a cool dry place, preferably wi th good ventilation. It is
recommended tha t the flash be charg ed and fired several ti mes a month, to maintain prope
capacitor functioning.