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SGB 1200 A1
1 egg
1 egg white
250 g fl our (type 405)
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Zest of half a lemon
1) Beat the butter until foamy.
2) Add the sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon zest and
3) Mix the fl our, baking powder and salt and stir
into the mixture using a mixing spoon.
4) Allow the dough to stand for about 10 minutes.
5) Shape the dough as desired, e.g. with the as-
sistance of a mincer, cookie cutters or a piping
6) Line the baking tray 0 with baking paper and
place the cookies on this.
7) Bake the cookies on the top rail of a preheated
oven at 180°C, using top and bottom heat,
for about 10–15 minutes, until they are golden
This quantity of dough is suffi cient for several
baking trays 0.
Bread rolls
300 g fl our (or wholemeal fl our)
2 heaped teaspoons of baking powder
200 g linseeds
1 egg
500 g quark or curd cheese
1 teaspoon of salt
Subject to taste: caraway seeds, onions,
bacon ...
1) Knead all ingredients together well and then
shape into small rolls.
2) Line the baking tray 0 with baking paper and
place the rolls on this.
3) Bake on the top rail at about 200°C for
around 30 minutes.
This quantity of dough is suffi cient for several
baking trays 0.
1 egg white
45 g sugar
1) Place the chilled egg white into a fat-free mixing
bowl. Ensure that no egg yolk is mixed in with
it or the meringue will not solidify.
2) Beat the egg white at a slow speed, so that the
bubbles formed in the meringue are not too
3) Add a pinch of salt to taste.
4) Gradually add in half of the sugar when the
meringue starts to solidify.
5) Then beat it at the highest speed until stiff .
6) Add the remaining sugar. This allows the
meringue to attain the required solidity.
7) Fill a piping bag fi tted with a large star nozzle
with the meringue mixture and squeeze out
rosettes, slithers or other shapes onto a baking
tray 0 lined with baking paper. Leave a little
space between each shape.
8) Pre-heat the oven and grill to about 120°C
using top and bottom heat.
9) Bake the meringues at around 120°C using
top and bottom heat for about 2 hours.
IB_108152_53_SGB1200A1_FI_BE_NL.indb 13 27.01.15 11:05

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