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C h anging direc t ion of rot at ion 9
-w h en not properly se t in left / righ t posi t ion, s w it c h A 2
c annot be ac t ivat ed
! change direction of rotation only when tool is at a
complete standstill
C h anging bit s q
! do not use bits with a damaged shank
Torq ue c ont rol ( VariTorq ue) w
-out put t orq ue w ill inc rease as c lut c h ring B is rot at ed
from 1 t o 1 7 ; posi t ion C w ill loc k up t h e c lut c h t o perm it
drilling or driving h eavy dut y w ork
-when turning in a screw, rst try VariTorque position 1
and inc rease unt il t h e desi red dept h h as been reac h ed
Mec h anic al gear se lec t ion e
-se t se lec t or D t o desi red sp eed
! actuate the gear selector while tool is running
-low sp eed
-h igh t orq ue
-for sc rew driving and drilling large diam et ers
-for t apping t h read
-h igh sp eed
-low er t orq ue
-for im pac t drilling
-for drilling sm all diam et ers
H olding and guiding t h e t ool t
! while working, always hold the tool at the grey-
coloured grip area(s)
-keep vent ilat ion sl ot s H 2 unc overed
-do not apply t oo m uc h pressu re on t h e t ool; let t h e t ool
do t h e w ork for y ou
U se t h e appropriat e bit s y
! only use sharp bits
W h en drilling ferrous m et als
-pre- drill a sm aller h ole, w h en a large h ole is req uired
-lubric at e drill bit oc c asi onally w it h oil
W h en t urning in a sc rew at / near t h e c ross c ut end or an
edge of w ood, pre- drill a h ole in order t o avoid c rac king
of t h e w ood
For an optimal use of the tool a steady pressure on the
sc rew is req uired, esp ec ially w h ile rem oving
W h en sc rew driving in h ard w ood one sh ould pre- drill a
h ole
Splint erfree drilling in w ood u
Dust free drilling in w alls i
Drilling in t iles w it h out ski dding o
For more information see www.skil.com
Th is t ool is not int ended for professi onal use
Alw ay s keep t ool c lean ( esp ec ially vent ilat ion sl ot s H 2)
! remove battery from tool before cleaning
If t h e t ool sh ould fail desp it e t h e c are t aken in
m anufac t uring and t est ing proc edures , repair sh ould
be c arried out by an aft er- sa les se rvic e c ent re for SKIL
pow er t ools
-se nd t h e t ool undismantled t oget h er w it h proof of
purc h as e t o y our dealer or t h e nearest SKIL se rvic e
st at ion ( addresse s as w ell as t h e se rvic e diagram of t h e
t ool are list ed on w w w . ski l. c om )
full c apac it y of t h e bat t ery , c om plet ely c h arge t h e bat t ery
in t h e bat t ery c h arger before usi ng y our pow er t ool for t h e
rst time)
Only use the following batteries and chargers with
this tool
-SKIL battery: BR1*31****
-SKIL charger: CR1*31****
Do not use bat t ery w h en dam aged; it sh ould be replac ed
im m ediat ely
Do not disa sse m ble t h e bat t ery
Do not exp ose t ool/ bat t ery t o rain
Permitted ambient temperature (tool/charger/battery):
-w h en c h arging 4. . . 40° C
-during operat ion –2 0. . . + 50° C
-during st orage –2 0. . . + 50° C
3 R ead t h e inst ruc t ion m anual before use
4 Batteries may explode when disposed of in re, so do not
burn bat t ery for any reaso n
5 St ore t ool/ c h arger/ bat t ery in loc at ions w h ere t em perat ure
w ill not ex c eed 50° C
6 Do not disp ose of elec t ric t ools and bat t eries t oget h er
w it h h ouse h old w ast e m at erial
Combined switch for on/o and speed control A 2
-c ont rol t h e sp eed st eplessl y from z ero t o m axi m um by
put t ing less or m ore pressu re on t h e t rigger
C h arging bat t ery
! read the safety warnings and instructions
provided with the charger
R em oving/ inst alling t h e bat t ery 2
At t ac h ing belt c lip 7
-at t ac h t h e belt c lip J t o t h e drill w it h t h e su pplied sc rew .
Bat t ery level indic at or 8
-press t h e bat t ery level indic at or but t on K t o sh ow t h e
c urrent bat t ery level 8a
! when the lowest level of the battery indicator
8b, the
battery is empty
! 
after pressing button K 8c, the battery is not
within the allowable operating temperature range
LED- ligh t r
LED- ligh t aut om at ic ally ligh t s on w h en ac t ivat ing t h e on/
o switch
! 
protection is activated (see below)
Bat t ery prot ec t ion
The tool is suddenly being switched o or prevented from
being s w it c h ed on, w h en
-the load is too high - - > rem ove load and rest art
-the battery temperature is not within the allowable
operating temperature range of -20 to +50°C - - > 2
levels of the battery level indicator start ashing when
pressi ng but t on K 8c ; w ait unt il bat t ery h as ret urned
w it h in t h e allow able operat ing t em perat ure range
-the battery is nearly empty (to protect against
deep discharge) --> a low battery level or ashing low
bat t ery level 8b is sh ow n by t h e bat t ery level indic at or
w h en pres si ng but t on K; c h arge bat t ery
! 

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