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instructed in its correct use by a responsible
• Unplugfromoutletwhennotinuseand
before cleaning. Allow to cool before putting
on or taking of parts, and before cleaning the
• Alwaysattachprobetogriddlebeforeplugging
temperature control knob to “OFF”, then
remove plug from wall outlet.
• Donotoperateanydamagedappliance.Do
not operate with a damaged cord or plug, or
after the appliance malfunctions, or has been
dropped or damaged in any manner. Return
appliance to the nearest authorized service
center for examination, repair, electrical or
mechanical adjustment.
• ForIndooruseOnly.Donotuseoutdoorsor
while standing in a damp area.
• Donotplaceonornearahotgasorelectric
burner or in a heated oven.
• Extremecautionmustbeusedwhenmoving
an appliance containing hot oil or other hot
• Useextremecautionwhendisposingofhot
• Donotuseapplianceexceptasindicatedin
these instructions.
• Theuseofaccessoryattachmentsnot
recommended by this appliance manufacturer
may cause injuries.
• Donotletthecordhangovertheedgeofa
table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.
• Donotplacegreasecup,warningdraweror
spatula rest on top of hot grill surface.
Best Quality SOGO
Mejor Calidad SOGO
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• Theconnectormustberemovedbeforethe
appliance is cleaned and the appliance inlet
must be dried before the appliance is used
• Onlytheappropriateconnectormustbeused.
• Thetemperatureofaccessiblesurfacesmay
be high when the appliance is operating.
• Theapplianceisnotintendedforcommercial,
and built exclusively for household use only.
• Alwaysremovetheplugfromthesocketwhen
the appliance is not in use and each time
before it is cleaned.
• Neverusethecabletocarrytheappliance.
• Theunitshouldnotbeusedwithindividual
timer or remote control.
• Thisapplianceisintendedtousedin
household and similar applications such as:
clients in hotels,motels and other residential
• WARNING: Charcoal or similar combustible
fuels must not be used with this appliance.
• Thisappliancecanbeusedbychildrenaged
from 8 years and above if they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliance in a safe way and
understand the hazards involved. Children
shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning
and user maintenance shall not be made by
children unless they are older than 8 years and

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