CMT -FX205/FX200.GB.4-178-506-14(1)
Creating your o wn program
(Program Play)
1 Select the CD or USB func tion.
repeatedly .
2 Select the play mode.
Press P L A Y M ODE
repeatedly un til “PGM”
appears while the pla yer is stopped.
3 Select the desired track or le number .
Press /
repeatedly un til t he desired track
or le num ber appears.
When pr ogramming MP3 les, press +
repeatedly to select the desired fo lder , and then
select the desired le.
Selected track or le number T otal playing time of the selected
track or le
4 Prog ram the selected track or le.
to ent er the s elected track or le.
5 Repeat steps 3 through 4 to pr ogram additional
tracks or les, up to a total of 25 tr acks or les.
6 T o play y our program of tracks or les, press
e progra m remains ava ilable until you o p en the CD
com part ment. T o play the same pr ogram again, pr ess
T o canc el Program Play
Press P L A Y M ODE
repeatedly un til “PGM”
disappears while the pla yer is stopped.
T o delet e the last track or le of the program
while the player is sto pped.
T o vie w program information, such as total
track number of the program
repeatedly .
Using optional audio components
1 Prepar e the sound source.
Connect additional audio co mponent t o the A UDIO
IN jack
on the unit usin g an audio analog cor d
(not su pplied).
2 T urn down the volume.
Press V OL UME
3 Select the AUDIO IN function.
repeatedly .
4 Start playback.
Start playback of the co nnected componen t and adjust
the volume .
e system may en ter standby mode a utomatically if the vol ume
level of the connected com ponent is too low . A djust the com ponent ’ s
volume acco rdingly . See “ T o t urn o the automa tic standby function. ”
Adjusting the sound
T o Press
Ad just the volum e
Generate a mo re
dynamic sound
(Dynamic Sound
Generato r X-tra)
on the unit.
Set the sound
Changing the display
T o Press
informa tion on
the display*
repeatedly when the
system is on.
Check the clock
when the system
is o
when the system is o.
e clock is displa yed for 8 seconds.
* For exa mple, you can view CD/MP3 disc informa tion or the USB
device information, s uch as;
t rack or le number during n ormal play .
t rack or le name (“ ”) during no rmal play .
a rtist name (“ ”) during normal pla y .
a lbum or folder na me (“ ”) during normal play .
t otal playing time an d total number of tracks on the CD-D A
disc (only when normal play m ode is s elected and the player is
t otal number of f olders (albums) on the MP3 disc or the USB
device (only when normal play mode is selected and the pla yer or
the USB device is stopped).
v olume label if i t exists on the MP3 disc or the USB device (only
when normal play mode is selected and the pla yer or the USB
device is stopped).
Notes on the display informa tion
Characters that ca nnot be displayed ap pear as “_” .
e follo wing are not displa yed;
t otal playing time fo r an MP3 disc and a USB device.
r emaining pla ying time for an MP3 le.
e follo wing are not displa yed correctly ;
e lapsed playing time o f an MP3 le encoded using VBR (variable
bit ra te).
f older and le names tha t do not follow ei ther the ISO9660
Level 1, Level 2 or Joliet in the expan sion format.
e follo wing are display ed;
r emaining pla ying time for a track.
ID3 t ag informatio n for MP3 les when ID3 version 1 and
version 2 tags ar e used (ID3 version 2 tag informatio n display has
priority when both ID3 versio n 1 and version 2 tags are used fo r a
single MP3 le).
u p to 32 characters o f ID3 tag information using u ppercase letters
(A to Z), numbers (0 t o 9), and symbols (˝ $ % ’ ( ) * + , – . / < = >
@ [ \ ] _ ` { | } ! ? ^
Using the timers
e system o ers two timer functions. If yo u use b oth
timers, the Sleep Timer has p riority .
Sleep Timer:
Y ou can fall asleep to mu sic. is funct ion wor ks even if
the clock is not set.
Press S LEEP
repeatedly . I f you select “ A UT O, ” t he
system au tomatically turns o aer the current disc or
USB device stops, o r within 100 minutes.
Play Timer :
Y ou can wake u p to CD , FM/AM reception or US B device
at a p reset time.
Make sur e you hav e set t he clock.
1 Prepar e the sound source.
Prepar e the sound source, and then p ress V OLU ME
to adju st the volume.
T o start f rom a specic CD track or a udio le, create
your o wn program.
2 Select the timer set mode.
3 Set the play timer .
Press /
repeatedly to select “PLA Y SET , ”
then press ENTER
4 Set the time to start playback.
Press /
repeatedly to set the time, then
press ENTER
5 Use the same procedur e as in step 4 to set the time
to stop playback.
6 Select the sound source.
Press /
repeatedly un til t he desired sound
source a ppears, then press ENTER
7 T urn o the system.
. e system turns o n 15 seconds before
the preset time.
If the system is o n at the preset time, the Pla y Timer
will not play . D o not opera te the system from the time
the system turns o n until the playback starts.
T o check the setting
2 Press /
repeatedly to select “PLA Y SEL, ”
and then press ENTER
T o canc el the timer
Repeat the same pr o cedure as abo ve until “ OFF” appears
in step 2, and then p ress ENTER
T o change the setting
Start ov er f rom st ep 1.
e Play T imer setting remains as lon g as the setting is not cancelled
manually .
T roubleshooting
1 Make sure the power cor d and speaker cords are
correctly and rmly connected.
2 Find y our problem in the checklist below, and take
the indicated corrective action.
If the issue persis ts, contact your near est Sony dealer .
If “PROTECT ” appears on the display
Immedia tely unpl ug the p ower co rd, and check the
followin g items aer “ PROTECT” disappears.
Are the + and speaker cords s hort-circuited?
Is an ything blocking the ventilation h oles of the
Aer you h ave checked these abov e items and fo und
to be all right, reconnect the power cor d, and turn on
the system. If the is sue persists, contact your nea rest
Sony dealer .
The sy stem does not turn on.
Is the power cor d plugged in?
The sy stem has entered standby mode
unexpectedly .
is is not a malfunction. e system ent ers standby
mode aut omatically in about 30 min utes when there is
no operatio n or audio signal out put. See “ T o t urn o
the aut omatic standb y function. ”
The clock setting or the Play T imer operation
has been cancelled unexpectedly .
If about a min ute elapses with no opera tion, the clock
setting or Pla y Timer setting is cancelled a utoma tic ally .
P erform the operation again fro m the beginning.
There is no sound .
Are the + and speaker cords s hort-circuited?
Are you using o nly the supplied speakers?
Is an ything blocking the ventilatio n holes of the system?
e specie d station ma y have tem porarily stop p ed
Sound comes from one channel, or the left and
right volumes ar e unbalanced.
Place the spe akers as symmetrically as possible.
C onnect only the sup plied speakers.
Severe hum or noise .
Move the sys tem away fro m sources of noise.
C onnect the system to a dier ent wall outlet.
Install a noise lter (a vailable separately) t o the p ower
cord .
The remote does not function.
Remove an y obstacles between the remote and the
remot e sensor
on the unit, a nd position the unit
awa y from uor escent lights.
Poin t the remote a t the system ’ s sensor .
Move the r emote closer to the system.
CD/MP3 play er
The sound skips, or the disc will not play .
Wipe the disc clean, a nd replace it.
Move the sys tem to a location awa y from vibra tion (for
examp le, on top of a s table stand).
Move the s p eakers awa y from the system, or place them
on separat e stands. A t high volume, speaker vibra tion
may ca use the s ound to ski p.
Play does not start from the rst track.
Return to Normal Pla y by pressin g PLA Y MODE
repeatedly un til b oth “PGM ” and “S HUF ” disappear .
Starting playback takes more time than usual.
e following discs can incr eas e the time it takes to
start playback;
a disc recorded wi th a complicat ed t ree structure.
a disc recorded in m ultisession mode.
a disc that has no t be en nalized (a disc to which data
can be added).
a disc that has man y folders.
USB device
The connected USB devic e cannot b e charged.
Make sure the USB device is co nnec ted securely .
If you ha ve turned o the CD play er/USB device p ower ,
select a function other than the tuner function, or turn
on the CD pla yer/USB device power . See “ T o im pro ve
tuner recep tion. ”
Are y ou using a suppor ted USB device?
If you connect an un supported USB device, the
followin g problems ma y occur . Check the information
on the websi tes about com patible USB devices with
URLs listed under “P laying a le of the USB device. ”
e USB device is not r ecognize d.
File or f older names are no t displayed on this sys tem.
Playback is not possib le.
e sound skips.
ere is no ise.
A distorted sound is o utput.
T o improv e tuner reception
T ur n o CD play er/USB device power by using the
system ’ s power ma nagement function. By defa ult, CD
player/US B device p ower is t urned on.
U se butto ns on the unit to t urn o the CD player/USB
device power .
repeatedly to select the CD
2 Press
to turn o the system.
3 After “ST ANDBY” stops ashing , press DISPLA Y
to display the clock and then press
holding down
, until “ CD/USB PWR OFF”
W ith CD player/US B de vice power turned o , access
time is increased. I n addition, when the tuner func tion
is selected, power is not s upplied to the USB device,
so it is not r ecognize d and char ged even if connected.
T o turn on CD player/USB device pow er , repeat the
procedur e until “CD/US B PWR ON” ap p ears.
T o reset the system to factory settings
If the system still does not o p erate p roperly , r eset the
system to factory settings.
U se butto ns on the unit to r eset t he unit to i ts factor y
default settin gs.
1 Disconnect and reconnect the power cord , and then
turn on the system.
2 While holding down FUNCTION
and +
All user-congur ed s ettings, such as p reset radio
station s, timer , and the clock, are delet ed.
T o turn o the automatic standb y func tion
is system is equi pped with an auto matic standb y
function. W ith this function, the system enters sta ndby
mode aut omatically in about 30 min utes when there is no
operation o r audio signal out put.
By defaul t, the automa tic standby function is t urned on.
U se butto ns on the unit to t urn o the auto matic standby
Hold down
while the system is on, until
“ A UTO . STBY OFF” appears.
T o turn on the function, repeat the procedur e until
“ A UT O. S TBY ON” appears.
“ A UTO ST ANDBY” lights u p in the display when the aut omatic
standby function is t urned on.
e au tomatic standb y function is invalid for the tuner functions
(FM/AM), even when “ A UTO ST ANDBY” lights u p in the display .
e system ma y not enter standb y mode automa tically in the
following cases;
when an audio signal is detected.
when a USB device is connected.
during playback of audio tracks o r les.
while t he preset Play T imer or Sleep Timer is in p rocess.
CANNOT PLA Y : Y ou tried to play an unsu pported le on
the USB device.
DA T A ERROR : Y ou tried to play an un playable le o n the
USB device.
DEVICE ERROR : e USB device could not be
recognized or an unknown device is co nnec ted.
FULL : Y ou tried to program mo re than 25 tracks or les
NoDEVICE : No US B dev ice is connected or the
connected USB device has been stop p ed.
NO DISC : ere is no disc in the pla yer , or yo u have
loaded a disc that cannot be pla yed.
NoMEMORY : e mem or y selected for playback has no
memory media inserted in the USB device.
NO STEP : All of the progra mmed tracks have been
NO SUPPORT : An unsup ported USB device is
NO TRACK : Playab le le on the USB device is not loaded
in the system.
NOT USED : Y o u trie d to perform a specic operation
under condi tions where that opera tion is prohi bited.
OVER : Y ou ha ve reached the end of the disc while
pressin g
during pla yb ack or pause.
PUSH SELECT : Y ou tried to set t he clock or timer durin g
timer operation.
PUSH STOP : Y o u pressed PLA Y MO DE
SET CL OCK : Y ou tried to s elect the timer when the clock
is not set.
SET TIMER : Y ou tried to s elect the timer when the Play
Timer is no t set.
TIME NG : e Play T imer start and end times are set to
the same time.
Prec autions
Discs that this system CAN play
Audio CD
CD-R/CD-RW (a udio data/MP3 les)
Discs that this system CANNO T play
CD-R/CD-RW o ther than those recorded in music CD
forma t or MP3 forma t conforming to ISO9660 Level
1/Level 2, Joliet
CD-R/CD-RW r ecorded in multisessio n that have no t
ended by “ closing the session ”
CD-R/CD-RW o f po or recor ding quality , CD-R/
CD-R W that ha ve scratches or a re dirty , or CD-R/CD-
R W recorded wi th an incompatib le recording device
CD-R/CD-RW which is n alize d incorrectly
Discs containing les other than MP EG 1 Audio Layer -
3 (MP3) les
Discs of non-standar d shape (for exam ple, heart,
square, s tar)
Discs t hat ha ve adhesive tape, pa p er , or stick er attached
to them
Rental or used discs with attached seals where the glue
extends beyond the seal
Discs t hat ha ve labels printed usin g ink t hat f eels tacky
when touched
Notes on discs
B efore pla ying, wipe the disc with a cleaning cloth fro m
the center o ut to the edge.
Do not clean discs with solvents, s uch as benzine,
thinner , or co mmercially available clea ners or anti-
static spra y intended fo r vinyl LPs.
Do not expose dis cs to direct sunlight or h eat sources
such as hot a ir ducts, nor leave i t in a car parked in
direct sunlight.
On safety
C omp letely disconnect the power cor d (mains lead)
from the wall outlet (ma ins) if it is not go ing to be used
for an ext ended per iod of time. When un plugging the
unit, alwa ys gr ip the plug. N ever pull the cord itself .
Should any solid o bject or liquid get into the syst em,
unpl ug the system, and hav e it checked by q ualie d
personnel befor e operating it again.
e AC power co rd can be changed o nly by a qualied
ser vice facility .
On placement
Do not place the system in an inclined position o r in
locations tha t are extremely h ot, cold, dusty , dirty , or
humid o r lacking adequate ven tilation, or subject to
vibra tion, direct sunlight or a bright ligh t.
B e careful when placing the unit or s pe akers on
surfaces that ha ve been spe cially treated (fo r example,
with wax, oil, polish) as sta ining or discolora tion of the
surface may r esult.
If the system is br ought directly from a cold t o a warm
location or is p laced in a ver y damp room, mo isture
may co ndense on the lens inside the CD play er , and
cause the system to malfunction. I n this situation,
remo ve the disc, and leave the system t urned on for
about a n hour until the moist ure evaporat es.
On heat buildup
Heat build up on the unit during o peration is normal
and is no t cause for alarm.
Do not touch the cabinet if i t has been use d
con tinuously a t a high volume because the cabinet ma y
have becom e hot.
Do not obstruct the ventilation holes.
On the speaker syst em
is speaker system is not ma gnetica lly shielded, and
the picture o n nearby TV sets may become magnetically
distorted. I n this situation, t urn o the T V , wait 15 t o
30 minu tes, and turn it back on.
If there is n o impro vement, mo ve the speakers far awa y
from the TV .
Cleaning the cabinet
Clean this system with a so cloth sligh tly moistened
with a mild detergen t solution. Do not use an y type
of ab rasive pad, scouring powder , o r solvent, such as
thinner , benzine, or alcoho l.
Specic ations
Main unit
Amplier section
Euro pe an and Ru ssian models:
DIN power ou tput (rated): 4 wa tts + 4 watts (4 ohms a t 1 kHz, DIN)
Continuou s RMS power output (r eference): 5 watts + 5 wa tts (4 ohms at
1 kHz, 10% THD)
Music po wer output (r eference): 9 watts + 9 wa tts
Other models:
DIN power ou tput (rated): 4 wa tts + 4 watts (4 ohms a t 1 kHz, DIN)
Continuou s RMS power output (r eference): 5 watts + 5 wa tts (4 ohms at
1 kHz, 10% THD)
A UDIO IN (stereo mini jack): Sensitivi ty 550 mV , im pedance 50 kilohms
PHONES (ster eo mini jack): Accepts headpho nes with an impedance of
8 ohms or mo re
SPEAKERS: A ccepts impedance of 4 ohms
CD player section
System: Com pac t disc and digital audio system
Laser Diode Properties
Emission Duration: Con tinuous
Laser Output*: Less than 44.6µW
* is output is the value measur ement at a distance o f 200mm from the
objective lens surface on the Optical Pick-u p Block with 7mm aperture.
Frequency respo nse: 20 Hz 20 kHz
Signal-to-noise ratio: M ore than 90 dB
Dynamic range: M ore than 90 dB
Tuner section
FM stereo , FM/AM superheterodyne tuner
FM tuner section:
T uning ran ge
Brazilian model: 87.5 MHz 108.0 MHz (100 kHz s tep)
Other models: 87.5 MHz 108.0 MHz (50 kHz step)
Antenna: FM lead an tenna
Intermedia te frequency : 225 kHz
AM tuner section:
T uning ran ge
Models fo r Europe, Rus sia, Saudi Arabia, K uwait and Egypt:
531 kHz 1,602 kHz (9 kHz step)
Au stralian model:
531 kHz 1,710 kHz (9 kHz step)
530 kHz 1,710 kHz (10 kHz step)
Latin American models:
530 kHz 1,710 kHz (10 kHz step)
531 kHz 1,710 kHz (9 kHz step)
Other models:
531 kHz 1,602 kHz (9 kHz step)
530 kHz 1,610 kHz (10 kHz step)
Antenna: AM loop a ntenna
Intermedia te frequency : 53 kHz
USB section
Supported b it rate:
MP3 (MPEG 1 A udio L ayer -3): 32 kbps 320 kbps, VBR
Samplin g frequencies:
MP3 (MPEG 1 A udio L ayer -3): 32/44.1/48 kHz
(USB) port: T ype A, maximum current 500 mA
Speaker system: Full rang e, 8 cm dia., cone type
Rated impedance: 4 ohms
Dimensions (W/H/D): A ppro x. 148 mm × 240 mm × 127 mm
Mass: A ppro x. 1.23 kg net per spe aker
Po wer requirements:
Euro pe an and Ru ssian models: AC 230 V , 50/60 Hz
Au stralian model: AC 230 V 240 V , 50/60 Hz
Latin American models (except fo r Brazilian, Mexican and Arg entine
models): AC 110 V 120 V o r 220 V 240 V , 50/60 H z, adjustable with
voltage selector
Brazilian model: AC 127 V o r 220 V , 60 H z, adjustable with vol tage selector
Mexican model: A C 120 V , 60 H z
Argentine model: A C 220 V , 50/60 Hz
Models fo r Middle and Near East: AC 110 V 120 V o r 220 V 240 V ,
50/60 Hz, adjusta ble with voltage selector
Kor ean model: AC 220 V , 50/60 Hz
T aiwa n model: AC 120 V , 50/60 Hz
ai model: AC 220 V , 50/60 Hz
Other models: AC 220 V 240 V , 50/60 Hz
Po wer consumptio n:
Euro pe an and Ru ssian models: 28 watts
Latin American models (except fo r Mexican and Argen tine models):
28 watts
Models fo r Middle and Near East: 28 watts
Other models: 25 watts
Dimensions (W/H/D) (exc l. speakers):
Ap prox. 158 mm × 240 mm × 225.5 mm
Mass (excl . spea kers): A pprox. 2.1 kg
Supp lied accessories: Remote Commander (1), FM lead/AM loop antenna (1)
Design and specications ar e subject to change withou t notice.
Standb y power consum ption: 0.5 W
Halogen ated ame retardan ts are not used in the certain print ed
wiring boards.
“ OVER CURRENT” appears.
A problem has been detected with the level of electrical
current fro m the (USB) port
. T ur n o the system
and remo ve the USB device from the (USB) port
. Make sur e there is no pro blem with the USB device.
If this displa y pattern persists, con tact your nearest
Sony dealer .
There is no sound .
e USB device is not connected correctly . T urn o the
system, then reconn ec t the USB device.
There is noise , skipping, or distorted sound.
T urn o the sys tem, then reconnect the USB device.
e music data itself co ntains noise, o r the sound is
distorted. N oise may ha ve been entered when crea ting
music da ta due to the condition s of the comp uter .
Creat e the music data again.
e bit rat e use d when encoding the les was low . Send
les encoded with higher bit rat es to the USB device.
“READING” is displa yed for an e x tended time,
or it takes a long time befor e playback star ts.
e reading process can take a lo ng time in the
followin g cas es.
ere ar e many fo lders or les on the USB device.
e le structure i s extremely comp lex.
e memory capacity is exces sive.
e internal memo r y is fragmented.
Erroneous display
S end the music da ta to the USB device again, as the
data sto red in the USB device may hav e be en corrupted.
e character codes that can be displa yed by this
system ar e numbers and alp habets only . Other
characters a re not displa yed correctly .
The USB devic e is not recognized.
T urn o the sys tem and reconnect the USB device, then
turn on the system.
Check the information o n the websites about
com patible USB devices with URLs listed under
“Pla ying a le of the USB device. ”
e USB device does not work pr operly . Refer to the
USB device operation m anual for ho w to deal with this
prob lem.
Play does not start.
T urn o the sys tem and reconnect the USB device, then
turn on the system.
Check the information o n the websites about
com patible USB devices with URLs listed under
“Pla ying a le of the USB device. ”
to start playback.
Play does not start from the rst track.
S et the play mode to N ormal Play mode.
Files cannot be play ed back.
e MP3 le do es not ha ve the extension “ .mp3” .
e data is not sto red in MP3 format.
USB storage devices fo rmatted with le systems o ther
than F A T16 o r F A T32 a re unsup ported.*
If you use a partitioned USB s torage device, only les
on the rst partition ca n be played.
Files that are en cr ypted or pro tected by passwor ds, etc.
cannot be pla yed back.
* is system supports F A T16 a nd F A T32, but some USB st orage
devices may not su pport all of these F A T . Fo r details, see t he
operation ma nual of each USB storag e device or contact the
manufactur er .
Severe hum or noise , or stations cannot be
receiv ed. (“TUNED ” or “ST ” ashes on the
display .)
C onnect the antenn a properly .
Find a location and a n orientation tha t provide g oo d
reception, a nd then set up the antenna aga in.
Keep the antenn as away fro m the spe aker cords a nd the
power cor d to avoid p icking up noise.
T urn o n earby electrica l equipm ent.
Several r adio stations can be heard at the same
Find a location and a n orientation tha t provide g oo d
reception, a nd then set up the antenna aga in.
Bundle the antenna cab les using commercially ava ilable
cord c lips, for exam ple, and adj ust the cable lengths.
T o change the AM tuning interval (ex cept
models for Europe, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait and Egypt)
e AM tuning in ter val is factory-preset to 9 kHz (or
10 kHz fo r s ome ar eas).
U se butto ns on the unit to ch ange the AM tuning
1 T une in any AM station, and then turn o the
2 Press DISPLA Y
to display the clock.
3 While holding down
, press
All the AM preset statio ns are erased. T o reset the
interval to the factory preset, repeat the pr oce dure.