Fig.11: Choose the hood scoops that match the cable choices. Install the correct hood scoop over the appropriate sections of housings. Place the
hood scoops into the entry port holes and fasten the hood scoops to the frame (M4 x 13mm chamfered head bolts).
NOTE: If the bolts are being installed after the hood scoops have been installed on the housings, carefully flex the housings to the side to provide enough
space for the bolt to access the hood scoop bolt hole. Be sure not to damage the housings.
Once the entry and exit port hood scoops have been fastened to the frame, adjust the housing lengths so that each housing reaches its mating
shifter or Command Post (hydraulic brake housing is adjusted later) with enough housing length to allow the handlebar to rotate freely through its
entire range of rotation.
Fig.12: Place the rear derailleur housing section into the chainstay. Pull the housing out of the chainstay at the dropout using a hooked dental pick.
Tighten the exit port hood scoop cable pinch
bolt, just tight enough to keep the housings
from migrating in or out of the down tube.
Front Derailleur
Rear Brake
Rear Derailleur
Housing loop distance
Camber: 35-45mm
Epic: 30-40mm
Fig.13: Adjust each length of exposed cable housing to create a loop, so that the gap between the bottom bracket shell and the housing loops is
30-40mm (Epic/Era) or 35-45mm (Camber).
• Position the front derailleur housing against the cable stop, adjust the loop distance, then trim the housing to the appropriate length. Epic and
Era frames do not need a large front derailleur loop since the housing does not connect to the chainstay.
• Position the rear derailleur housing loop to the correct distance from the bottom bracket shell. Do not adjust the housing length at the rear
derailleur until after the down tube exit port pinch bolt has been tightened.
• Position the rear brake housing loop to the correct distance from the bottom bracket shell. Final length adjustment can then be made at the
brake lever so that the handlebar can rotate freely through its entire range of rotation. Remove the tape holding the cable to the housing, trim the
housing length, attach the housing to the brake lever and bleed the brake if necessary.
Tighten the exit port hood scoop cable pinch bolt, just tight enough to keep the housings from migrating in or out of the down tube.
Fig.14: External rear brake routing: Camber, Epic and Era models are equipped with two single-bolt guides (middle and upper position) and one
dual-bolt cable guide (lower position). Place the guides over the brake housing and fasten the guides using recessed head bolts (M4 x 13 mm).
NOTE: Epic/Era frame bottom bracket housing loops: Do not zip-tie the front derailleur housing to the rear derailleur and/or brake housings!
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