De gr ill d ra ait op t wee n iveaus ; na het eind e va n het e erste gril lnive au pie pt het 2
keer , nu kan u w ete n om ge draaid wo rde n. I ndie n u met h et g rille n wens t d oor t e
gaan , laat u all es g ewo on do orl op en. N a een p auze van 1 minu ut b egint h et g rillpro -
cédé opn ieuw .
7 . De combin atiem odus
Bij de co mbina tie mo dus p as t u me er der e sc hotel be reid end e me tho den g elijk tij dig
toe. U ku nt uit 3 ve r sc hillen de co mbin atie mog elijk he den e en keuze maken:
Opt ie 1. Con vectie + m agn etr on (230°C con vectie + 50 % m agn etr on ) ( displ ay “ C- 1 ”) .
Id eaal o m te bra den e n te bak ken.
Op tie 2 . Grill + co nvec tie (5 0% grill + 2 30 °C c onve c tie (di spl ay “C-2”). Ideaal o m no g
een s te ba kken etc .
Op tie 3. G rill + mag net ron (45% grill + 55% magne tro n) (display “C-3”). O m sn el te
grille n.
He t is ge mak kelijk om d eze modu s te g ebr uiken. Volgen de s t app en di ene n in ach t
gen ome n te wor den:
Dru k “Grill /C ombi ” in totd at de g ewe ns te op tie ve r sc hijnt (C- 1, C- 2, C- 3). ∙
Met “ Def ros t / Ti mer ” de ge wen s te duu r ins te llen . ∙
Met “ Sta r t / Re s et ” be ginn en. ∙
8. D e co nvec tie mo du s
Dit ap paraa t kan al s conve c tie ove n geb ruik t wo rde n. He t kan he el tra diti one el voo r-
verwar md worde n. De standa ardtem pera tu ur v oor h et voorver w armen bedr aagt
23 0 °C ; do or “Conve” he rhaal delij k in te dr ukken , kunt u de vo or ver war mte mpe ratu -
ur ver hog en of ve rlag en.
Wanne er de g ewe ns te vo or ver warm tem pe ratuu r ber eik t i s , pie pt he t t we e keer . N u
kunt u de o ven ge br uiken.
Stel de tij d als vo lgt i n:
Dru k “Conve” voor co nvec tie in . ∙
Met “ Def ros t / Ti mer ” de ge wen s te duu r ins te llen . ∙
Met “S tart / Reset” begi nne n. ∙
9. In ste llen va n de kl ok
De m agne tro n werkt met e en klok displ ay va n 0 tot 24 uur . S tel dit als vo lgt i n:
Dru k “Clock / Ti me r” in. D e uuraa nduid ing kni ppe r t e n u kunt de k lok in s tell en. ∙
Stel me t “De fro s t / T ime r” de u ren in . ∙
Dru k “Clock / Ti me r” ter ug in . Nu knip pe r t d e minuu taa ndui ding. ∙
Stel nu me t “De fro s t / T ime r de minu ten i n. ∙
Dru k nog maal s “Clock / Ti me r” in. H et tij ds ti p is in ge s teld . ∙
10. In ste llen va n de t ijd sc h akelkl ok
Met d eze fun c tie kun t u het b eg in, h et ve rmo ge n en de du ur van e en kookp roc édé
voora f ins te llen .
Ne em vol gen de s t app en in a cht :
Dru k “ Clo ck / Time r” (zo als b ij de instel li ng van de klo k) i n. Ga zo als bij 9. “Inste ll en ∙
va n de k lok ” te wer k. Ste l het g ewe nste tijdst ip, wa arop de mag net ron die nt i n te
scha k elen, i n. Uw kl ok ti jd w ordt hierd oor n iet aan gepast!
Dru k dad el ijk “M icro ” i n en k ies d e gew enste v ermogensg ra ad. ∙
Daarn a st elt u m et “D ef ros t / T im er” d e magn et ronm odu s in . ∙
Dru k nu “St ar t / Re s et ” in. ∙
Doo rda t het a ppara at t we e keer pie pt , ho or t u dat d e tijd sc ha -
k elklo k ingestel d is . Er versch ijnt een r ood k lok je a ls symboo l
voor d e voo raf ing es te lde tij ds pan ne. Di t dien t als g ehe uge n -
steu ntj e.
Op het voo ra f ingestel de tijdst ip p iept de magne tro n weer 2
keer en b egin t het a ppa raat te we rken. Na dat d e tijd ve rs t re -
ken is , pie pt h et 5 keer e n kunt u u w ge rec ht ver wij der en.
1 1. Ge br uik van d e kook pla ten
Om één van de be ide k ookp lat en t e gebru ik en, moet u het v olgend e in a cht neme n:
Dru k “Lar ge Ho tpl ate ” of “Sm all H otp lat e” in. Het d ispl ay geeft “H 1 , H 2, H3, H4 , ∙
H5 ” aan, het symbool vo or de k ook pla ten kni ppert (H 1 = 1 0 0% , H 2 = 80% , H3 =
60%, H 4 = 4 0%, H5 = 20% ).
Dru k her haa ldeli jk op “ Large Hot pla te ” o f “Sma ll Hotpla te” e n selectee r hierme e ∙
de ver mo gen s graad .
Met “ Def ros t / Ti mer ” de duu r invoe ren . ∙
“St ar t / R es et ” ind ruk ken om in te s cha kelen. ∙
Om d e kookpl aten ui t te s chakele n, m oe t u “Sta r t / Re s et ” ind ruk ken of de kno p “ Aan /
Uit” va n de gr ote ko okpl aa t twee seconde n la ng inged rukt houde n. De k ookpla at
word t uitg es ch akeld en ga at naar d e mod us “ Stan d - by” .
V oo rbe eld : u wilt e en ge re cht bij 8 0% ve rm oge n ge dure nde e en tij ds pann e van 5 0
mi nut en verh otten.
a) “La rge H otpl ate” ind ruk ken, als v erm og en “H2” .
b) Met “D ef ros t / T im er” d e duur o p 50 mi nute n ins te llen .
c) “ Star t / Re se t ” indr ukken.
* Op mer king: d e ma xima le be drij f sdu ur van de kook plaa t be draag t 9 0 minu ten .
4. Auto Weight Defrost
Your microwave can also be used to defrost based on the weight of the desired item
E.g. 0.5 kg of meat:
1. Rotate the “Defrost/ Timer” control dial to the left until the display read 0.5
2. Press “Start/Reset”
The microwave will now begin to defrost at a set time length and power setting
5. Auto Menu
There are a number of auto menu options available with this microwave. These menus are useful for coo king
predetermined items based on their f ood type and weight.
There are six settings and a number of differe nt weight settings for each. Follow the below grid to guide you to
the most appropriate setting for you
Selecting an auto menu option is simple. Follow these steps:
1. Review the table below. Establish which auto option best suits your desired meal
2. Press the “Auto Menu” button. The display will now r ead A-, select the desired meal type by continuing to
press the “Auto/Menu” button until you have selected the correct option
3. Rotate the “Defrost/Timer” dial to select the weight of your meal. Again, use the below cha rt to make the
appropriate choic e.
4. Press the “Start/Reset” button to commence.
6. Using The Grill
Using the grill function is as easy as using the microwave options. Follow these steps to grill your food to
1. Press the “Grill” button. G-1 will be displayed, this indicates the grill has been selected
2. Use the “Defrost/Timer” dial to select the length of time you wish to grill for
3. Press the “Start /Reset” Button, the grill will begin to heat.
The heating element located on the top of the microwave cavity will begin to heat.
The grill will run in two stage, after the first stage of gr illing is complete it will beep twice, indicating that
your food is ready to be turned. Should you wish for it to continue, simply leave the microwave as is. After 1
minute of inactivity it will automatically recommence its grilling cycle
Zo va al i nd ru kke n
Opwarmen A ardappelen Pizza Lees Vis Kip
10. Setting The Timer
This function allows you to set a predetermined start cooking time, the power at which you want to cook and
the time length you wish to cook for
To set this, follow these steps:
1. Press the “Clock/Timer” button (just like setting the clock) Using the “Setting the Clock” steps above as a
guide, set the desired time you wish for the microwave to turn on and begin cooking (Don’t worry this will
not alter your clocks default time!)
2. Immediately after setting the desired turn on time, press the “Micro” button and select the desired power
level at which you wish to cook.
3. After this use the “Defrost/Timer” dial to select the length of tim e you wish to cook for
4. Now press the “Start/Reset” button.
You will hear two beeps indicating the timer has been se t. You will also notice a small re d clock symbol appears
above the default time. This is a reminder that a switch on timer has been inputted.
At the selected turn on time the microwave will
beep 2 times
and then begin cooking based on the inputted
time length. It will beep 5 times at the conclusion of its cooking cycle.
11. Using the Hotplates
To use the either of the hotplates please see as follows:
1. Press “Large hotplate or Small Hotplate ”button, it will show “H1, H2, H3,H4,H5 ” in the display and the hotplate
function icon will ash.
2. Choose the power level by repeatedly pressing the “Large Hotplate or Small Hotplate” button
3. Input the cooking time with “Defrost/Timer” dial
4. Press the “Start/Reset” button to begin operation
To cease operation, press the “Start/Reset” or hold the po wer key of the large hotplate for 2 seconds, it will stop
running and return to standby.
Example: to heat food on 80% power for 50 minutes
a) Press “Large hotplate ” button, select “H2” power;
b) Rotate the “Defrost/Time Setting” to set the time 50 minut es;
c) Press “Start/Reset”
*Please note the maximum cooking time on the hotplate is 90 minutes