If there is a pool, pond, ravine, ditch, steps or public roads not protected by a wall inside or outside the work area, lay the perimeter wire at least 90
cm (35.43 ") from the edge. To reduce the distance of the perimeter wire for the best set-up and operation of the robot, we recommend installing
an additional fence of at least 15 cm. This will allow laying the perimeter wire at the regular distances described in the previous paragraphs.
Carefully follow the distances and slopes specifi ed in the booklet to guarantee excellent installation and proper functioning
of the robot. Increase the distance by at least 30 cm (11.81 ") in the presence of slopes or slippery ground.
90 cm.
/ 35,44 “
90 cm.
/ 35,44 “
90 cm.
/ 35,44 “
Obstacles resistant to knocks, such as trees, bushes or poles without sharp edges present inside the work area do not need to be delimited. The
robot hits the obstacle and changes direction. If you don’t want the robot to knock into the obstacles and for its safe and silent operation, all the
fi xed obstacles need to be delimited. Slightly sloping obstacles such as fl ower pots, stones or trees with protruding roots must be delimited to
protect the cutting blade and the obstacles themselves.
To mark the boundary of the obstacle, start from the outside point of the perimeter nearest the object to delimit, arrange the perimeter wire so
that it reaches the obstacle, goes around it and then travels back along the previous path, observing the regular distances described in the
previous paragraphs. Overlap the outgoing wire and the incoming wire so that they pass under the same peg, this will allow the robot to go past
the perimeter wire.
For the robot to function correctly, the minimum overlapping length should not be greater than 70 cm (27.56 ") in order to allow the robot to move
min. 70 cm
/ 27,56 ”
min. 70 cm
/ 27,56 ”
< 70 cm
/ 27,56 ”
< 70 cm
/ 27,56 ”
0 cm / 0 ”0 cm / 0 ”
The perimeter wire can be buried or laid on the ground. If you have a
wire trenching machine, it is better to bury the wire for greater protection.
Otherwise, install the wire on the ground with the pegs provided as
described below.
Start laying the perimeter wire from the installation area
of the charging station, leaving a couple of extra meters
so that it can be cut down to size when connecting to the
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