side adjusted so that the operator can use the machine without treading in the soft ground or damaging the crop.
n HANDLEBAR SIDE ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 2) There are three positions for the handlebar side adjustment and these can be used either
with rear-mounted attachments such as a cultivator or with front-mounted attachments such as a mower. Follow these steps: Turn lever (8) anticlockwise
to disengage the clamp. Move the handlebar to the position you want it in. Clamp the handlebar again by turning lever (8) clockwise and check to be
sure that the teeth are perfectly meshed.
When turning the handlebar 180°, do so only clockwise so as not to damage the wires that run along the column. Furthermore, detach the gear
change rod (4) and reconnect it when the handlebar is in its new position.
When the handlebar is turned 180°, the position of the gears will be reversed - in other words, the reverse gear will become the forward gear and
nHANDLEBAR HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 2)1) Slacken off screws (3), adjust the handlebar to the required height 2) re-tighten the
screws (3).
n CUTTING BAR HEIGHT ADJUSTEMENT (Fig. 9) Adjust cut height with the adjusting shoes as needed but bearing in mind the type
of terrain being cut. Follow these steps: a) Slacken off nut (1) - b) Move the shoes (2) to the required position - c) Retighten the nuts (1). Repeat on
the other shoe.
nREGULATING THE KNIFE (Fig. 10) After changing knife or after a certain number of work hours, the knife guide should be regulated
by means of screws (1) and their locknut. To check the results after each regulation, rst remove the cowling and then turn pulley (2) slowly by hand
and check to make sure that the knife is moving easily.
n DEPTH ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 11) To ensure good soil cultivation and smooth machine movement, the attachment/ cultivator has a depth
setting device (1) that regulates spade working depth. When the depth control lever (2) is pulled back and moved up or down, spade penetration into
the soil is regulated. The cultivator is correctly regulated when the machine moves forward smoothly without lifting out of or digging into the soil. In the
rst case (lifting out), move the lever to position “B” and in the latter case (digging in) move the lever to position “A”. CULTIVATING HARD GROUND:
move the depth lever to position “B”. This position corresponds to a small soil penetration depth. CULTIVATING SOFT GROUND: move the depth to
position “A”. This position corresponds to a deep soil penetration depth.
Turn the engine on with the depth lever in position “B” as this enables the spades to break up the top surface.
n GEARBOX (Fig. 12, 13) Use SAE 80 oil. Oil capacity : 0,40 l. To check the oil level: the machine must be on level ground, Remove ller cap
(1, Fig. 12) and check that the oil il level with the bottom of the hole. The ller cap acts also as the oil level. Check the oil level every 60 work hours.
To change the oil: remove plug (1, Fig. 12) and tip the cultivator.
Drain the oil when the engine is hot.
When the oil has drained out completely, tip the machine back to its horizontal position and ll with new oil the bottom of the level hole. Replace the
plug.(1,g.12). Remove the cap (2, g. 13), tip the cultivator and ll the gearbox with new oil up to the bottom of the level hole. Replace the plug.
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