5. For better protection, wear technical boots or shoes when working. DANGER! When the machine is operating the risk of serious injury to
hands or feet is high.
6. When running the machine on its set of wheels on a path, switch off the motor and wait until the cultivator blades stop.
7. Maintenance and cleaning work on the machine, as well as adjustment of the brake shoe or set of wheels, must only be carried out with
the motor switched off and the cutting tool stopped. Remove the sparkplug .
8. When leaving the machine or leaving the guide handles the motor should be switched off.
10. The operator must always hold the handlebar when working.
11. It is essential to have the machine checked professionally if it comes to a sudden stop, for example, as a result of hitting an obstacle (gear
damage, bent blades).
12. Machines with an internal combustion engine must never be operated in closed rooms because of poisoning danger.
13. Never refuel with the motor running. Do not smoke when refuelling. Use an appropriate funnel to prevent petrol spilling onto the motor
and the housing.
14. The exhaust and parts close to it can heat up to 80° Celsius. Attention: Burnhazard!
16. Please note that our company assumes no responsibility for damages due to: a) repairs made by unspecialized personnel or unauthorized
after-sales service centers, or b) use of other than ORIGINAL SPARE PARTS. The same conditions apply to the accessories.
n INSTRUCTIONS - MOTOR Please follow the motor manufacturer’s operating instructions.
n PUTTING INTO OPERATION Make sure, operating levers are in “off” position. Put throttle into “start” position. Pull on the engine
starter handle until you feel the resistance due to compression, let the starter rope run back slowly, and then give it a hefty pull (a full arm’s length) to
start the engine. Keep hold of the starter handle and let the rope run back slowly. To stop: Put the accelerator lever into STOP position.
nSAFETY FEATURE- All motor-cultivators are provided with a safety feature which acts. The device causes the transmission to disconnect
automatically anytime the respective control lever is released.
n TRANSPORTA forklift truck should be used to move the machine. The forks should be opened as far as possible and inserted into the pallet.
The weight of the machine is given on the Manufacturer’s data plate together with the other technical information.
n HOW TO ASSEMBLE YOUR MOTOR-CULTIVATORUnless otherwise agreed, the motor-cultivator is delivered disassembled and
placed in a packing case. For assembly to be completed, the step by step procedure is as follows.
n INSTALLING THE HANDLEBARS (Fig. 2) Fix the handlebars (Fig. 2, detail 1) to its mount (2) using screws (3). Important! The larger
diameter washers must be installed by the slots. Adjust handlebar height with its xing screws (3). Position the gear lever (4) putting though its guide
(5) and push the tip into the hole on the swivel (6) and clamp it with safety pin (7).
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