n ATTACHMENT COUPLE (Fig. 14) After use, clean and grease the couple (2) through the grease nipple (1).
nCUTTER BAR MAINTENANCE The cutter bar requires good and frequent maintenance. A rst and essential operation is to wash and
clean the knife after each use. When the machine will not be used for long periods of time, the cutting bar and knife should be protected with corrosion
inhibiting products and antioxidants.
n CHANGING THE CUTTING KNIFE (Fig. 15) To remove the top knife to change or sharpen it, remove screws (1) and pull the knife out
with a pin push into hole (2). We recommend changing the knife after 2 or 3 sharpenings. The bottom knife should be changed after the cutting knife has
been changed a coule of times though this will depend on the degree of wear. Always replace the plastic knife guide (3) when knifes are changed.
n SHARPENING THE CUTTING BLADE (Fig. 16) When the cutting blades are blunt (this will depend on work load) they must be
reground. Do not exceed 15 hours of work. In orde to do this, the cutting blade is removed from the bar and cleaned. It is essential to check whether
the backs and edges of the blades are bent; if so, they must be re-aligned. Only then can sharpening begin. Suitable for this purpose is a hand grinder
with about 15000 - 20000 revolutions per minute, in conjunction with a cup-shaped grinding point with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of about
35 mm. Only the front side (face) of the grinding point is used in grinding in a movement from the back of the blade to the blade’s edges. Cutter bar
blades need a cutting angle of 35 - 40°.
n CULTIVATOR MAINTENANCE (Fig. 17) Every time the rotary cultivator is used, the operator must check: -if the screws and nuts xing
the right and left spiders to the shaft are tightened all the way home; - if all the screws and nuts xing the spades are tightened all the way home.
Every 60 hours, check the oil in the gearbox by remove plug (1, Fig. 17). The oil must be level with the bottom of the hole. Change the oil every 150
work hours. To drain the oil, remove plug (1) and tip the cultivator over.
Drain the oil when the machine is hot.
When the oil has drained out completely, tip the machine back to its horizo,tal position and ll with new oil the bottom of the level hole. Replace the
nDESCRIPTION (Fig. 18) 1) Start-Stop operating lever 2) Drive operating lever 3) Cutter bar clutching control lever 4) Engine 5) Lever to
regulate the handlebar to the side. 6) Gear control rod.
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