digging speed (3) should start the rotavator only after having performed half its way. When the lever (3) and the lever (4) are held toghether, i.e. on
working operation , the belt stretcher load-spring for forward speed (5 and 6) should be extended for about 8-10 mm. If the handlebar register is not
enough to obtain any conditions , please go on another adjustment.
FORWARD: screw or unscrew the adjuster (7) or (8) on the wire (1).
REVERSE: screw or unscrew the adjuster (9) or (10) on the wire (2).
HANDLEBAR ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 10A - 10B) The motor-hoe handlebar can be both side and height adjusted. Before starting any work
it is a good standard operating procedure to adjust the handlebar to the operator’s requirements so that the machine could be easily handled.
LATERAL ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 10A) : The lateral inclination of the handlebar allows the operator to keep off the cultivated ground and not to squash
the vegetation around. Go on raising the lever (3) to unlock the handlebar (2) from the support (1). Turn the handlebar to the desired part and lower
the lever (3) to lock it.
HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 10B) : in order to unlock the handlebar (2) you need to turn the handles (4) to loosen them .
Raise or lower the handlebar in the desired position ( the standard adjustment is at the sides height/level). To settle the right position, tighten the 2
INSTRUCTIONSFollowing the assembly & adjustment operations the motor-hoe is ready to start working.
- Adjust the handlebar to the requested position/height (see g. 10).
- Before switching the engine on, carefully check if the motor-hoe is in perfect good repair.
- Attention: the motor-hoe is delivered without the oil into the engine. The tank has got a capacity for about 0,5 kg. and should be lled in up to the
indicated level. In any case the operator should always carefully read the engine instructions manual.
- Do not change the calibration of the speeds control rotation device of the engine in order not to over-speed it.
IMPORTANT : at the rst use of the machine it is absolutely necessary to verify that inside the chassis to be present the lubrication oil. Do no start the
unit/machine on before having done such control.
- When you have nished the assembly, switch the motor-hoe on and check , bringing the accelerator to stop position , the engine to shut completely
- How to switch the engine on (Fig.14): Open the fuel cap (for the engine equipped like this), push to START the accelerator lever on the handlebar (1).
If the engine is cold, operate the starter device on the carburettor, bring the starter handle (10) and pull energetically.
When the engine is on, after some bursts/bangs, put the starter again at rest position.
- Forward speed (g.11): Grip the handlebars (1) and press the safety device (2) which is preventing the accidental tines connection. Lower the
forward lever (3) all its way long.
- Reverse speed (Fig. 12): Grip the handlebars (1) and press the safety device (2) which is preventing the accidental tines connection. Pull the reverse
lever (3) all its way long.
The present machine has been projected in order to lower to the minimum the vibrations and noise levels. Anyhow we can advise you to stop working
any now and then in case you would need to perform/work for a long period.
- Stop working operation : To stop the work, switch the engine off, bring the accelerator lever (Fig. 14 part 1) into stop position.
GEAR BOX OIL CHANGE (only when engine/gear box is working using a hot device) (Fig. 13)As a general rule the
oil should be changed after every 100 work hours (oil viscosity SAE 80). To change oil: a) Remove the spur. b) Unscrew the screw cap. - c) Tilt the
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