Some channels support a choice of audio formats and/or languages. To select another audio stream,
press AUDIO in viewing mode. A list with available audio streams will now be displayed. Use pq to
select the desired stream and confirm with OK. The audio channel as stereo, mono, left and right can
be selected with the tu buttons.
6.4 Teletext
Your receiver includes a fully featured Teletext. To access Teletext, press the TTX button in viewing
mode and use the 0~9 buttons to input the number of the page you wish to see. The coloured
buttons of the remote control allow you to jump to selected pages directly, as indicated on the
bottom of the Teletext screen. Use the pq buttons to select one page up or down, use tu buttons
to select subpages. Press EXIT or TTX to get back to viewing mode.
6.5 Subtitles
Some channels support a choice of subtitle languages. Press SUBTITLE in viewing mode to display a
list of available subtitle languages. Select your subtitle of choice with pq and press OK to confirm.
Press EXIT to leave without making changes.*
* Availability of DVB/HoH subtitles depends on the broadcast. If such subtitles are not supported, then most likely subtitles can be activated via Teletext
if available.
6.6 Timeshift
Timeshift allows you to pause live broadcasts and resume playback later. Press TIMESHIFT in viewing
mode to activate this mode. On screen the message Timeshift On appears, live TV keeps playing. To
pause press the 2 button and press u to resume Timeshifted playback. Press 56 for fast rewind/
fast forward. Press 3 to return to live TV.
Press TIMESHIFT to exit the Timeshift mode.
NOTE: Timeshift and its playback only work properly when a fast USB storage
device such as a USB2.0 HDD is connected to the receiver. Timeshift and
playback of HD content requires sufficient read/write speed of the used
USB storage device. USB pen drives might be insufficient.
6.7 EPG (Electronic ProgrammeGuide)
The Electronic Programme Guide is a very useful function that allows you to view event schedules
and programme information and to mark events/movies for recording. To access the EPG, press the
EPG button in viewing mode. Use pq to select a channel and tu to select an event. Press OK to
display detailed information of the selected event. Use EXIT to quit the detailed information screen.
Press RED to access further step functions. Use tu to select the desired step and OK to execute it.
Press EXIT to quit the step function. Press GREEN to set a timer for a selected event. Refer to section
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