Performance Guarantee
If you are leasing your system, Sungevity has guaranteed
that your system will produce a certain amount of power
over the course of a year. In order for Sungevity to
provide you with your Production Guarantee, it is required
that you:
• Provide an Ethernet port in your router dedicated to
Sungevity’s monitoring.
• Provide a high speed internet connection 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year. If the internet connection is
bridged with an EoP adapter, that EoP adapter cannot
be unplugged or moved from its installed location.
• Respond to our emails and reconnect the internet
connection should it come unplugged and provide us
with access to remedy any monitoring issue.
• Maintain the same amount of sunshine on the solar
panels as existed when you installed the system by
trimming overhanging trees and shrubs .