2 Select Desktop eects from the Desktop appearance and behavior category,
and select Activate desktop eects upon system start. If your graphics card
does not support the 3D function, you are notied accordingly.
3 Optional: Change some options under General settings on the Advanced tab.
4 Select the eects to be activated on the All eects tab. When you click on the
information icon, a short explanation on the respective eect is superimposed.
If an eect is activated, you can obtain access to further conguration options
with the spanner icon (right), for example to assign keyboard shortcuts for
the eect.
5 With Apply you can activate the eects permanently.
2.7 Use of virtual desktops
The desktop environment enables you to organize your programs and tasks on sev-
eral virtual desktops. If you often run a lot of programs simultaneously, this minimizes
the number of windows to arrange on your screen. For example, you can use a
desktop for e-mails and the calendar and another desktop for text processing or
graphic applications.
Procedure 2.7: Moving an application to another virtual desktop
You can display a currently executed application on one or all virtual desktops or
move them to other desktops.
1 Open the application.
2 Right-click on the title bar of the application.
3 Click on On Desktop.
4 Select the desktop where the application should be placed.
5 Click on the desired desktop in the desktop toggle switch in the control bar
in order to change to a certain desktop. Change to the next or previous
desktop by placing the mouse pointer in an empty space on the desktop and
moving the mouse wheel.
Procedure 2.8: Conguring the virtual desktop
You can increase the number of virtual desktops, change standard names, assign
activities, congure eect animations and assign keyboard shortcuts to switch
virtual desktops.
1 To add additional desktops, right-click on the desktop toggle switch in the
control bar and select Add virtual desktop. A new desktop is displayed in the
desktop toggle switch.
22 Start-Up