15 Installing and Conguring Fonts
for the Graphical User Interface
The installation of additional fonts in openSUSE® is very easy. Simply copy the fonts
to any directory located in the X11 font path. To enable the use of the fonts, the in-
stallation directory should be a subdirectory of the directories congured in /etc/
fonts/fonts.conf or included into this le with /etc/fonts/suse-font-dirs.conf.
The following is an excerpt from /etc/fonts/fonts.conf. This le is the standard
conguration le that should be appropriate for most congurations. It also denes
the included directory /etc/fonts/conf.d. In this directory, all les or symbolic links
starting with a two digit number are loaded by fontcong. For a more detailed expla-
nation of this functionality, have a look at /etc/fonts/conf.d/README.
<!-- Font directory list -->
/etc/fonts/suse-font-dirs.conf is automatically generated to pull in fonts that ship
with (mostly third party) applications like OpenOce.org, Java or Adobe Acrobat
Reader. A typical entry would look like the following:
15.1 Adding Fonts
To install additional fonts system wide, manually copy the font les to a suitable di-
rectory (as root), such as /usr/share/fonts/truetype. Alternatively, the task can be
performed with the KDE font installer in the System Settings. The result is the same.
Instead of copying the actual fonts, you can also create symbolic links. For example,
you may want to do this if you have licensed fonts on a mounted Windows partition
and want to use them. Subsequently, run SuSEconfig --module fonts.
SuSEconfig --module fonts executes the script /usr/sbin/fonts-config, which
handles the font conguration. For more information on this script, refer to its man-
ual page (man fonts-config).
Installing and Conguring Fonts for the Graphical User Interface 181