Set the Key Input Type either to Passphrase, ASCII or Hexadecimal.
Enter the respective Encryption Key (usually only one key is used):
If you have selected Passphrase, enter a word or a character string from which
a key is generated according to the specied key length (per default, 128-bit)
ASCII requests an input of 5 characters for a 64-bit key and 13 characters for
a 128-bit key.
For Hexadecimal, enter 10 characters for a 64-bit key or 26 characters for a
128-bit key in hexadecimal notation.
To adjust the key length to a lower bit rate (which might be necessary for
older hardware), click WEP Keys and set the Key Length to 64 bit. The WEP
Keys dialog also shows the WEP keys that have been entered so far. Unless
another key is explicitly set as default, YaST always uses the rst key as de-
fault key.
To enter more keys for WEP or to modify one of the keys, select the respective
entry and click Edit. Select the Key Input Type and enter the key.
Conrm your changes with OK.
To enter a key for WPA-PSK:
Select the input method Passphrase or Hexadecimal.
Enter the respective Encryption Key.
In the Passphrase mode, the input must be 8 to 63 characters. In the Hexadec-
imal mode, enter 64 characters.
If you have chosen WPA-EAP authentication, click Next to switch to the WPA-EAP
dialog, where you enter the credentials and certicates you have been given by your
network administrator.
Select the EAP Mode the RADIUS server uses for authentication. The details
you need to enter in the following depend on the selected EAP Mode.
440 Reference