Tannoy - A Short History
In the e arly days of broa dcasting radio se ts needed both lo w and hi gh voltag e DC pow er that had to b e suppli ed by ba tteries. Th e lead
acid batteries used in the radio sets of the time needed regular recharging.
In London, in 1926, Guy R. Fountain perfected a new type of electrical rectifier with the aim of designing a charger more suitable for
use in the house. His rectifier consisted of two dissimilar metals held in a special electrolyte solution. One metal was Tantalum and
the o ther an al loy o f Le ad. S o suc cessfu l wa s thi s inv ention tha t Guy Foun tain found ed a British Com pany called Tann oy ( a con tr action
of th e word s ' Tant al um ' and 'Al loy' ). Ta nn oy so on be ca me in te rn at io na ll y know n a nd high ly re ga rd ed in al l aspe cts of soun d r eprod uc ti on .
Moving coil loudspeakers with DC energised magnets began Tannoy's continued success in the field of loudspeaker technology.
A discrete two-way loudspeaker system followed in 1933 and shortly after a range of microphones and loudspeakers capable of high
power handling.
Tannoy has always been at the front of the communications revolution, developing its own equipment and production technology.
The co mpany built a fun d of knowled ge and expe rience, that has proved invalua ble in the develop ment of lou dspeake rs for a t ruly wide
range of applicati ons. The now famous Ta nnoy Dual Concentr ic™ principle was crea ted and deve loped und er G uy F ountain's direction
arou nd 1950. It is hig hly regarde d by musi c enthu siasts, an d reco rdin g and broadca st studios be cause of its unique pr opertie s in faith fully
reproducing sound to an unusually high quality standard.
Guy Fountain retired from the company in 1974 but the Tannoy company continues his philosophy dedicated to the accurate and
realistic reproduction of music for both enthusiasts and professionals around the world.
The Tannoy Research and Development unit has further refined the innovative Dual Concentric™ principle. Using the latest design
and material technologies, with sophisticated circuit techniques in crossover design, Tannoy has produced a loudspeaker system with
superb reproductive capabilities and exceptionally wide dynamic range.
T a nnoy is n ow part of th e TG Group , who se go al is t o des ign , pro duce and dist rib ute t he best engin eer ed, most r ecogni sed a nd re spec ted
brands of audio products in the world.
Initial P ositioning
The Turnberry SE is a floor-standing speaker and therefore does not require a separate stand. To get a detailed sound with a 'fast' bass
and accurate stereo imaging it is necessary, however, to 'fix' the loudspeakers at a point in space.
Holes are provided in the base of the sp eakers for down-spikes that give maximum sta bility. Special floor-co upling spikes are p rovided
and these should be screwe d into t he base of the l oudspeake rs, takin g care n ot to ov er-tighte n them. When the loudspea ker is i n stalled
in its upright position, the spikes should pass between the weave of your carpet to contact the floor beneath.
For polished wood floors, hard nylon self-levelling 'ball-and-cup' feet are provided.
Locate the loudspeakers so that the favourite listening position is approximately 15° from the axes of the cabinets. The axes of both
cabinets shou ld intersect at a point slightly in front of th e listening position. Rem ember that t he proximity of the loud speakers to wal ls
and corne rs w ill affect th e so und. Some exp erimentati on will proba bly be n eeded to fine tun e th e st ereo image de pth and low frequency
sound quality. Close-to-wall positions (and room corners more so) have the effect of increasing very low frequency sound energy.
Reflective adjacent walls may upset the stereo image by causing unwanted reflections.
The loudspeakers are designed to be used at least 1m from any side wall or reflective surface and at least 0.5m (20”) away from a rear
wall. Only in this position will their exceptional stereo image depth capabilities be realised.
Unpacking Instructions
Unfasten the bottom of the carton. Fold the end leaves out of the way and remove the packing tray to reveal the plinth and bottom
of the loudspeaker cabinet. Locate and remove from the carton the accessories pack. Turn the carton and loudspeaker over so that the
cabinet now stands on the floor inside the carton. Lift the carton upwards to reveal the loudspeaker.
Examine all pieces of packing material and inspect the carton for signs of external damage. If there is evidence of excessive damage to
the packaging and resulting damage to the loudspeaker inform the carrier and supplier immediately. Always keep the packing in such
circumstances for subsequent examination.
Tannoy strongly suggests that you store the complete packaging set for possible future use.
Amplifier Connections
Connect the loudspeakers to the amplifier using a high quality speaker cable. Y our dealer will be able to make recommendations.
The terminals will accept either spade or banana plugs.
Arrange the connect ions s o that the right hand a mplifie r chan nel te rminals are connect ed to the r ight h and lo udspeak er as viewed from
the listening position.
Correct polarity of the conn ections between the amplifie r and speakers is essential. The positive terminal on the amplifier left channel,
marked + (plus) or coloured red, must be connected to the positive terminal on the left loudspeaker. The negative terminal on the
amplifier left channel, marked - (minus) or coloured black, must be connected to the negative terminal on the left loudspeaker.
Repeat this connection for the right speaker.
Good quality cables and tight, well-made connections are necessary to eliminate resistive losses and maintain the correct damping of
the loudspeaker by the amplifier.
If the cables and connections have been made correctly as described above the loudspeakers will be automatically in phase with each
other. However if phasing is felt to be incorrect (for example, diffuse stereo image, lack of bass) then apply the following test:
Place the loudspeakers side by side and play a monophonic signal from the amplifier, choosing the programme material with
a strong ba ss content. If phasing is correct bass will be full and rich. If incorrect th ere will be very littl e bass due to can cellation
effects. Incorrect phasing can be remedied by reversing the connecting leads to one loudspeaker (at either the amplifier or the
loudspeaker terminals but not both).
Note: Be ce rtain to e nsure that the amplif ier i s switched off when connec ting or di sconn ecting loud speak er le ads. Accide ntally shor t ing
the loudspeaker leads together can damage some amplifiers. Such damage is outside warranty provisions.
In combining the best of traditional crafts and the latest production and design skills Tannoy presents the Turnberry SE loudspeaker.
The Turn berry SE embodie s the T annoy ph ilosophy. Cabinet s in se lected h ardwoods are han d finish ed and polished to a standard t ha t
is unsurpassed.
The Turnberry SE is a compact high performance loudspeaker based around
Tann oy' s u niq ue 10 inch r ibb on wou nd Tul ip Wav egui de™ tw in- magn et Dual
Concentric™. Signal handling is by gold-plated terminals with captive link
bi-wire/normal wiring and a hard wired time compensat ed crossover network.
Th e Turn berr y SE of fers hig h f requ en cy en er gy ta il or in g thro ugh a h igh cur re nt
gold-plated switch block. Silver plated copper Van den Hul wiring is use
th ro ug hout , t oget her wit h s peci ally se lect ed high qu alit y c ross over comp onen ts.
The speci all y d esigne d t win-ro ll impreg nat ed fabric s urro und u sed on the drive
unit's cone, ensures midrange purity combined with tight, controlled bass.