High quality audio signals p assing from power amplifier to loudspeaker are unusual i n their demands on cable. Fr equencies from 20Hz
to 20kHz (10 octaves or a ratio of 10,000:1) an d currents of 80dB dynam ic range (again a ratio of 10,000:1) have to co exist. The cable
also has to be capable of transmitti ng peak curr ents of at least 10 Amp without cau sing losses greater than 0.001 Amp ( 10 Amp d ivided
by the ratio 10,000). These strict requirements on loudspeaker cables help explain why the sound quality from loudspeakers is so
dependant on the physical properties of the cables connecting them to the power amplifier.
Grille Removal
Special acoustically transparent cloth is used in the grilles. However, for ultimate fidelity the enthusiast will find it is best to use these
loudspeakers with their grilles removed during listening.
The la rge fr ont gr ille is rem ovable for access to the front pane l cont rols. Insert the key pr ovided into the lock at the bottom of th e mai n
grille assembly and turn anti-clockwise to release. Pull the bottom of the grille away from the cabinet; the grille will drop down from
its upper l ocation. Take care not to damage the solid w alnut lower part of th e cabinet. To replace the grille engage the top of the grille
into the slot in the cabinet and push the grill into the recess. Apply slight pressure to the bottom whilst turning the key clockwise to
engage the lock.
Loudspeaker System Adjustment
Each lou dspeaker is fi tted wit h a tr eble ene rgy con trol loc ated on th e ba ffle be neat h t he d etachabl e f ront gr ille . Th is high curren t s witc h
block control can be u sed to comp ensate for the varied acoustic char acteristics of listening rooms. The control sho uld be adju st ed with
the amplifier tone controls set to the 'flat' or uncompensated position. Each loudspeaker should be adjusted individually. This is most
easily done by rotating the amplifier balance control to select first one loudspeaker and then the other.
The EN ERGY c ontrol has f ive po sitions . It allows the o utput of the high freque ncy co mpressi on dri ve uni t to be inc reased or de creased
from the linear or 'flat' position over a frequency band from approximately 1kHz to 20kHz. The control has a shelving effect ov er the
1kHz to 20kHz frequency band.
The flat test mos t linear respons e from the loud speaker willl be obtaine d with both con trols se t at t he LEVEL positio n, and this positio n
should be used for initial listening tests. If the overall high frequency sound quality seems too prominent the -1.5 or -3 positions for
the ENERGY control should be tried. If the sound appears subdued in the treble region +1.5 or +3 settings may be preferred.
Remember the changes that can be made by moving either control from one position to another are subtle. They may not easily be
heard if the programme material has very little content in the frequency band under consideration. Choose a well balanced piece of
music with a full spectrum of sound.
The correct setting will be found when the loudspeakers are no longer evident and only the musical performance is heard.
Running in
Like all loud spea kers, the drive unit in your Turnberry SE req uires a while to rea ch optim um p erfor mance, a s th e s tress es i n th e ma teria ls
relax - especially in the suspension system. For this reason, it is beneficial to run the system at fairly high levels at normal room
temperature, for approximately 20 hours to achieve best results.
During the de sign of the c rossover netw ork the acous tic, mechanica l and electri cal interacti ons of the hi gh and low f requency sections
hav e bee n ful ly analy sed. The cros sover is t her efore an i nte gra l par t of the des ign of the syst em. T he cross over net work pro vides co mplex
equalisation in both amplitude and phase for each section and fully integrates the response at the crossover point. All components are
high precision, low-loss and thermally stable. Quality, low-loss polypropylene capacitors are used.
All components in the crossover network are hard wired to eliminate unwanted metal-to-metal contact and ensure freedom from
vibration. The com ponents are laid out to minimise inter com ponent c oupling a nd are p laced wel l away f rom the driver m agnetic field.
Top quality silver plated Van den Hul wiring is used throughout.
High current switch block s with gold- plated screw terminals pe rmit user ad justment of high frequenc y sound radi ation to sui t differing
listening environments.
The complementary design of crossover and drive units means that the loudspeaker system as a whole behaves as a minimum phase
system over the audio band and therefore the acoustic sources of the high and low frequency sections are aligned in time and space to
ensure accurate reproduction of stereo images.
The Crossover Network
A Note on Auditory P erception
Our hearing mechanism loc ates natural sound source s with great accuracy by using the naturally occ urring phase differences (or arrival
times) at mi ddle frequenc ies, and int ensity differ ences at hig her frequenci es, between each of our ears. Natura lly occurring sounds pass
through the air to the ears at constant speed (345 metres / second or 1132 feet / second). All frequencies travel at the same speed and
therefore a frequency independent time delay is associated with the distances involved. (The familiar time delay between a flash of
lightning and the associated clap of thunder is an example).
Human hearing relies on the constant nature of t he time delay with the intensity to locate natur al sounds accurately. A pair of Tannoy
Prestige loudspeakers can uniquely reconstruct stereo images and provide excellent localisation of recorded sounds. The Tannoy Dual
Conc ent ric™ pr inciple en sures that the s ource of sound a t high fr equenci es is on the sa me axi s a s t he sou rce of sou nd at low frequ enci es.
The careful design of crossover network complements the drive unit to provide a coincident sound source at frequencies where the
hum an ea r deri ve s phas e in form ati on for loca lis atio n. The lo ud spe aker sy ste m e xh ibi ts a time del ay re spo nse that is i n e ss en ce i nd epe nden t
of reprod uced fre quencies. In addi tion, th e amplit ude (or intensity ) respon se is li near, sm ooth and consiste nt. This provide s the correct
intensity information to recreate the original sound stage.
Tannoy Dual Concentric Drive Unit with Tulip Waveguide
The Tannoy Dual Concentric™ has three fundamental advantages over conventional discrete systems. The Dual Concentric™ driver
is a coincident acoustic point source, it has a very wide dynamic range potential and constant symmetrical directivity.
The high frequency unit is mounted behind, and concentrically with, the low frequency unit. High frequency sound radiates from the
centre o f the l ow frequ ency uni t throug h a wav e guide. By ca reful me chanical and cro ssover network design the virt ual aco ustic sources
of the high and low frequency units can be made to occupy the same point on the axis. Therefore the total sound appears to emanate
from a single point source located slightly behind the drive unit. This gives the Dual Concentric™ driver a coincident acoustic point
source. This feature allows the Dual Concentric™ driver to generate a full and accurate stereo image when fed from a high quality
stereo source. Realism in sound reproduction is enhanced as the drive unit both preserves the harmonic structure of complex sounds
and provides a linear phase response.
The key to the controlled, symmetrical radiation pattern of the Dual Concentric™ is the new Tulip W aveGuide™. This computer
designed high frequency wave guide - named for its similarity in cross-section with the flower - ensures that spherical wavefronts are
created from the high frequency section to match those from the low frequency driver. A truly spherical wavefront is generated across
the spectrum. This gives optimum, natural dispersion and directivity. Constant directivity means that no particular room modes are
excited. Tannoy Dual Concentric™ systems therefore exhibit easy integration with real rooms.
A new aluminium high frequency dome tweeter is used in the Tul ip W aveGuide™ version of the Dual Concentric™ d river. This gives
a smoother, more extended treble and further reduced high frequency colouration.
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