Singl e Earbud Mode
Pair b oth earbuds with y our device in Couple E arbuds Mode bef ore us ing in
Single Earbud Mode .
Use Primary (Lef t) Earbud Only
1. T ake out the primary (left) earbud from t he charging cas e, and mak e sure the
second ary (right) e arbud is place d in the charging c ase and the lid is c ov ered.
2. It will try t o pair with the last connect ed device f or the fir st 20 s econds. If
re-pairing f ailed in 20 s econds, the e arbud will ent er pairing mo de with v oice
prompt “P airing” ev ery 10 seconds.
3. T urn on the Bluetoo th function on y our devic e and searc h for t he nearb y
devi ces. Find "T AO TRONICS SoundLib erty 95 " in the searching r esults, t ap on
the name t o connect.
Use Secondary (Right) Earbud Only
1. T ake out the seco ndary (right) earbud fro m the charging c ase, and m ake sur e
the primary (left) earbud is place d in the chargin g case and the lid i s co v ered.
2. The secondary earbud will ente r pairing mode with v oice prompt “P airing” ev ery
10 se conds.
3. T urn on the Bluetoo th function on y our devic e and searc h for t he nearb y
devi ces. Find "T AO TRONICS SoundLib erty 95 R" in the searching r esults, t ap on
the name t o connect.
Manually Pairing
1. Place both earbuds back in the char ging case wit h the lid unco vered.
2. Pres s and hold the R eset Button f or 3 se conds t o disco nnect the curr ently
paired device.
3. The earbuds will ent er pairing m ode with the LED indicat or on the charging
case flashing blue and whit e alternat ely .
4. Pair wit h yo ur new Bluetooth® de vice as instructed in “P airing” section.
If yo u failed t o pair your de vice with the earbuds, please cl ear the pairing hi sto ry
as instruct ed belo w:
1. Place both earbuds back in the char ging case wit h the lid unco vered.
2. Pres s and hold the R eset Button f or 8 se conds until the LED indic ato r on the
charging cas e flash blue and whit e alte rnate ly .
3. If yo u hav e paired y our devic e with the earbuds be for e, r emo v e
"T AO TRONICS S oundLibert y 95 " from t he Bluet ooth de vice list and pair again.
4. Re-p air with y our Bluet ooth® device as ins tructe d in “Pairing ” se ction.
Clear P airing List
If yo u want t o pair the earbuds with another de vice when yo u hav e
already paired them with a de vice, deacti v ate the B lueto oth function
on the paire d de vice or cle ar "T AO TRONICS SoundLibert y 95 " from it s
Bluet ooth list. R estore t he earbuds t o fact ory setting s as instruct ed
abo ve if p airing failed.
Oper ation and F unctions
Play / P ause
Next T rack
Pre vious T rack
Answer Phone
Hang Up
Phone Call
Decline an
Incoming C all
Only av ailable in C ouple Earbuds Mo de:
T ap the T ouch Cont rol on the righ t
earbud twic e under music
T ap the T ouch Cont rol on the
right earbud three tim es
T ap the T ouch Cont rol on the
lef t earbud three tim es
• Answ er via earbuds:
T ap the T ouch Co ntrol on e ither o f
the earbuds twi ce
• Answ er via mob ile phone:
T ap Answe r on the mob ile phone
T ap the T ouch Cont rol on eit her of th e
earbuds twic e
T ap the T ouch Cont rol on eit her of th e
earbuds three time s
V oice Prompt
Call rejec ted
T urn On / Off
V oice Control
Clear P airing List
Go into P airing
Succes sfully
paired with y our
Bluet ooth out of
Ran ge / F ailed t o
pair with y our
• Couple Earbuds Mode:
T ap the T ouch Co ntrol on t he lef t
earbud twic e until a beep is he ard
• Single Earbud Mode:
T ap the touch c ontrol o n either o f the
earbuds twic e until a beep is he ard
Re fer to the “C lear Pairin g List”
Re fer to the “P airing” section
V oice Prompt
To o t
Only when y ou are wearing the earbuds c an y ou hear the v oice prompt.
Cleaning an d Maint enan ce
1. Clean the earbuds and the char ging case on a r egular b asis.
2. Use dry and soft cott on cloth to wipe the unit.
3. Ke ep awa y fr om sharp objects to av oid scrat ches.
4. Put the unit in a dry and shady place if it is to be idle f or a long time.
5. Do not cl ean the pr oduct with det erg ent or che micals.
Note: Do not ins ert anythin g into t he product.
T roubleshootin g
No. Problem Solution
Fail ed to turn o n the
earbuds Earbuds lo w battery , please charge t hem 1
Fail ed to c harge the
• Place the earbuds int o the charging
case pr operly
• Make sur e the chargin g case is
fully charge d
Can’t ch arge the
charging cas e
Make sur e the chargin g cable is int act
and plugged in pr operl y
Can’t find
SoundLibert y 95 ”
in the Bluet ooth
device list
The e arbuds reco nnect ed with pre viously
paired de vice automatic ally:
• Deacti v ate th e Bluet ooth function o f
pre viously pair ed de vice or c lear
“T AO TRONICS S oundLibert y 95 ” from it s
Bluet ooth de vice list, and t hen sear ch again
• Put the de vice t o be conne cte d close t o
the earbuds
Fail ed to p air the
earbuds with y our
• T urn on the devic e and activ ate its
Bluet ooth function b efo re pairing
• Bring the earbuds int o pairing mode
as instruct ed in the “P airing” secti on
No sound in one o f the
earbuds in couple
earbuds mode
Place both earb uds back t o the chargin g
case then t ake them out, the y will pair
with each other auto matically . If pairing
failed, r est ore the m back t o the fa cto ry
settings as ins tructe d in the “Cle ar Pairin g
List” section
7 Poo r sound qualit y
• W ear the earbuds prope rly and k eep
them close t o each other .
• Place the co nnect ed de vice clos e t o the
earbuds or r emo v e the obst acles
between them
• Clear t he debris on t he earbuds
8Unstable connection
• Ke ep the earbuds clos e t o yo ur Bluet ooth
• The ef fecti v e dist ance may shorten with
obst acles in the w ay
• T urn off other Bluet ooth de vices to
decre ase the int erference
9Can’t he ar the other
party during a phone call Set the v olume to higher le vel
The ot her part y can’t
hear y our voice during
a phone call
Fr ee the built -in microphon e of any
cove r s
Multifunction T ouch
contro l of the earbuds
is unresponsive
Place the t wo e arbuds into t he charging
case and co ver the lid, di sconne ct the
Bluet ooth connec tion. Unco ver the li d to
turn on the earbuds and pair again.
W arrant y and Se rvice
If any problems occur , please cont act the T ao T ronics Cust omer Care Centr e via
the cont act information list ed in this User Guid e.
The B lueto oth® wo rd mark and log os are r egist ere d tradem arks o wned b y the
Bluet ooth SIG, Inc . and any use of such marks b y Sunv alleyt ek Int ernational Inc . is
under lice nse . Other tradem arks and tra de names are t hose of t heir re specti v e owne rs.
NO TE: This equipmen t has been t ested and foun d to co mply with the limits for a
Class B digit al device, pur suant to part 15 of the FCC R ules. Thes e limits are
designed t o provide r eason able prot ection against harmful int erference in a
resid ential inst allation. This e quipment ge nerat es uses and can radi ate r adio
frequenc y ener gy an d, if not inst alled and used in a ccor dance with the
instructions, ma y cause harmful int erference t o radio communicatio ns. How eve r,
there is n o guarant ee that interfe rence will n ot occur in a partic ular inst allation.
If this equipmen t does caus e harmful inte rfer ence t o radio or te levi sion
recepti on, which can be de te rmined b y turnin g the equipmen t of f and on, the
user is e ncourag ed t o try t o correct the int erference b y one or m ore of t he
follo wing measur es:
- Re orient or reloc ate the r eceiving ante nna.
- Increas e the separ ation bet ween the equipme nt and rece iv er.
WEEE Compliance
Corr ect Dispo sal of This P roduct (W aste Electrical & Ele ctronic E quipment)
(Applicable in coun tries with se parat e collection sy stems)
This m arking on the pr oduct, acce sso ries or lit erature indicat es that the product
and its electr onic acc esso ries should not b e dispo sed of with ot her hous ehold
wast e at the end of their w orking life . T o prev ent possible harm t o the
envir onment or human health fro m uncontr olled w aste di spos al, please s eparat e
these it ems from other t ypes of was te and r ec y cle them r espo nsibly to promo te
the sust ainable reus e of mat erial r esour ces. Househ old user s should cont act
either the r et ailer wher e the y purchas ed this pr oduct, or the ir local g ov ernment
of fice, f or details of whe re and ho w the y can t ake these it ems for envir onmen-
tall y s afe r ec y cling. Busines s users should cont act their supplier and che ck the
term s and conditio ns of the pur chase con tract. This pr oduct and its electronic
acces sorie s should not be mix ed with other commer cial w aste s for di spos al.
support@t aotro nics. com
Manufactur er: Shenzhen Ne arb yExpr ess T echnology De v elopmen t Co .,L td.
Addr ess: Flo or 7 , Building E, Galax y W orld Phase II, S henzhen, C hina
Learn more ab out the EU De claratio n of C onformit y:
https://www .taotr onics. com/pag es/user -manual
Re v_1.3_EN
- Conn ect the equipme nt into an o utlet on a cir cuit diff ere nt from that t o which
the receiver is connect ed.
- Con sult the dealer o r an e xperie nced radi o /TV techni cian fo r help
Changes o r modificati ons not e xpressly approv ed by the part y res ponsible f or
compliance c ould v oid the us er's authorit y to ope rat e the equipme nt.
This d evi ce complie s with P art 15 of the FCC R ules. Ope ration i s subject t o the
follo wing tw o conditions:
(1) this de vice may not cause harmful inte rfer ence , and
(2) this de vice must acc ept any interfer ence receiv ed, including inte rfer ence
that may cause undesired ope ration.
If yo u want t o change to couple m ode, s imply t ake out t he other
earbud from th e charging cas e, the y will pair with ea ch other
autom atically .
The p airing hist ory will not be clear ed under this operati on.