C ontents
1 – Int rodu ct ion .............................................. 8
Features............................................................................... 8
Include d items .................................................................. 8
Conventio ns used in t his manual .............................. 9
T rademarks ........................................................................9
Abo ut SD cards ............................................................... 10
Prec autions f or use ..................................................10
Precauti ons for inst allation .......................................10
Beware of condensation .............................................10
Cleaning the unit ...........................................................10
User registration ............................................................10
2–Q uick S t art Guides ...................................11
Playba ck and mix ing .................................................... 11
Preparing the unit .................................................... 11
Liste ning to the d emo so ng ................................. 12
From recor ding to mas tering ...................................13
Creatin g a new son g ...............................................13
Connec ting and set ting input sources ............14
Set ting t he guit ar as the TR ACK 1
recording source .....................................................15
Adjusting the input level and moni toring ......15
Reco rding gui tar to TR ACK 1 ...............................16
Playing back the recording ..................................17
Reco rd guit ar to TR ACK 2 ......................................17
Reco rd voca ls on TR ACK 3 ....................................18
Creatin g a stere o maste r track ........................... 20
Mastering the s tereo ma s ter track ................... 22
T ra nsfer ring th e stere o maste r track to a
comp uter ......................................................................... 23
Shuttin g down the unit ............................................. 23
3 – Nam es and f unc tio ns of pa rts ............... 24
T op Pa nel ..........................................................................24
Fr ont panel ...................................................................... 26
Rear panel ........................................................................27
Right s ide pan el ............................................................ 28
Bot tom pa nel ................................................................. 28
Hom e Scre en ................................................................. 29
Menu struc ture.............................................................. 30
Screen operations .........................................................31
4 – P re parations ...........................................32
Inse rti ng and rem oving SD c ards............................32
Inse rti ng an SD card ................................................32
Rem oving an SD c ard .............................................32
SD card w rite -pr otec tion s witche s ....................32
Preparing t he power ....................................................32
Using b atteries ..........................................................32
Using an AC adap tor (sold s epara tely) .............33
Star t-up & shu tdown ....................................................33
Star ting up t he unit .................................................33
Shuttin g down ..........................................................33
Prepa ring SD ca rds for us e ........................................ 34
Recorder modes ............................................................ 34
Connec ting with other equipm ent ........................35
Rear panel connections .........................................35
Right s ide pan el conne ct ions ..............................35
Adjusting the contrast ................................................ 36
Set ting the backlight .................................................. 36
5 – Song M anagement .................................37
Partitions a nd songs.....................................................37
Sele cting the ac tive parti tion ...................................37
Editing names ................................................................ 38
Load ing a saved s ong ................................................. 38
Creatin g a new son g ....................................................39
Savin g a song ..................................................................39
Viewing song informa tion .........................................39
Copying songs ............................................................... 40
Erasing songs ................................................................. 40
Protectin g songs ...........................................................41
6 – Basic Re cording ......................................42
Sele cting the input sou rce.........................................42
Phantom p ower .............................................................42
Mon itoring i nput sig nals ............................................43
OL ind icator s and leve l meter s ................................43
Assignin g inputs ........................................................... 44
Using th e input e qualize rs ........................................ 44
Using inp ut dyn amics e f fec ts .................................. 45
Appl ying d ynami cs ef fe ct s.................................. 45
Using the compressor ........................................... 45
Using th e exciter ...................................................... 46
Using th e de- ess er ...................................................47
Makin g the firs t recording .........................................47
Multitrack recording ................................................... 48
Set ting the recording track s ............................... 48
Set ting T RACK P AN a nd LEV EL value s ............. 48
Inpu t sele cti on and assi gnment ........................ 48
Setting input levels ................................................ 48
Recording additional tracks ................................ 48
Undoing operat ions (u ndo)...................................... 49
Undoing t he last operation ( single undo ) ..... 49
Undoing a previous operation ( multi-undo ) ... 49
Erasin g the op eratio n histor y ............................. 50
7 – Recorder F unctions ................................51
Bouncing tracks .............................................................51
Using the bounce function ..................................51
Confirming the result .............................................52
Loc ate and sea rch func tio ns .....................................52
Direct locate function ............................................52
Retu rning to th e song b egin ning (RT Z
fun ctio n) or the poi nt where r ecordin g
was las t sta rte d (LRP fun cti on) ...........................52
Search back ward/for ward ....................................52
Repeat playback ............................................................53
Set ting I N and OU T point s ....................................53
Using rep eat pl ayback ............................................53
Set ting the time bet ween repe titions
(repeat inter va l) ....................................................... 54
Loc ating to IN an d OUT p oints........................... 54
Punchin g in and ou t .................................................... 54
Using a fo ot swi tch to punch in / o ut ................ 54
Set ting t he foo t switch p olari ty..........................55
Using auto matic pu nching in / o ut ..........................55
Reh earsin g with auto p unch in / ou t ..................55
Reco rding wi th auto pun ch in/out ....................55
8 – Edi ting Track s .........................................56