Conte nts
1– Introduction ........................................................ 3
Main func tions ........................................................ 3
Supplied a c cess o rie s ................................................ 3
Rec y cling the r e char g ea b le bat ter y ............................. 3
Notes ab o ut t h is manual ........................................... 3
Copyr i g h t s .............................................................. 3
2– Preparation ......................................................... 4
Ab o ut SD c a r d s ....................................................... 4
Inser ting the SD c a rd ................................................. 4
Removi n g th e S D c a rd ............................................... 4
Inser ting a new c a rd ................................................. 4
Ot h er c ases that req u ire fo r ma tting ................................ 4
Powering the u n it .................................................... 5
Inst a lling t h e b a t tery ................................................. 5
Charging th e b a tter y .................................................. 5
Changing t h e ba tter y ................................................. 5
T urning th e p ower o n a nd of f .................................... 6
Set ting the date and time ......................................... 6
Reset ting the unit .................................................... 6
3 – P ar t N ame s a nd Funct io ns .............................. 7
T op panel .............................................................. 7
Right side pane l ....................................................... 9
Lef t s id e p ane l ......................................................... 9
Front Panel ........................................................... 1 0
Rear Panel ............................................................ 1 0
Bot t om p a nel ........................................................ 1 0
4 –Scre e n Over v iew .............................................. 1 1
Home S c re e n ..........................................................1 1
Record S c re e n ....................................................... 1 2
Set ting Screens...................................................... 1 3
Set ting scre e n s t r u c ture ............................................ 1 3
Op e rat i on b a sic s ..................................................... 1 4
Op e rat i on e x am p le .................................................. 1 4
5 – M aking Conne ctions ...................................... 1 5
Connec ting monitors .............................................. 1 5
Connec ting with a compute r ................................... 1 5
Disco n ne cting fr o m a co m p u te r ................................... 1 5
Connec ting mics and other aud io d ev i ces ...................1 6
Connec ting to the MI C 1 I N jac k .................................. 1 6
Connec ting to the MI C 2 I N jac k ...................................1 6
Connec ting to the L I NE I N j ac k ..................................... 1 6
6 – Copyi ng T racks from a Computer ................1 7
Prep a ring au d io f i les on a co m pu t er ..........................1 7
Copying audio f i le s from a computer .........................1 7
Managing the M u sic Fold e r f r om a co m put e r ..............1 7
7– Pl ayback ............................................................. 1 8
Star t ing an d s to p pin g p laybac k ................................ 1 8
Selec ting tracks ..................................................... 1 8
Search fo rward and back ward ................................. 1 8
Using the whe e l to chang e the playback position ....... 1 8
Adjusting t h e volume ............................................. 1 8
8 – Recording .......................................................... 1 9
Selec ting the file t ype and s a mpling f r e q uen cy........... 1 9
Set ting the maximum f i le size .................................. 1 9
Selec ting the input sou r ce ....................................... 2 0
Set ting the IN T / MIC1 input func tions ............................ 20
Display of in p u t f u n c tions on the Rec o r d S c r e e n ................ 2 1
Adjusting t h e built-in microp h one a n gle .................... 2 1
Adjusting t h e inpu t l evels of microp h on e s ................. 2 1
Ab o ut r e cor d ing m o d e s .......................................... 2 2
Ordinar y recordin g ................................................. 22
Overdubbing ......................................................... 23
Prepa r ati o n fo r o ver d ub b in g ....................................... 2 3
Ove r du b r ec o rd i ng .................................................. 23
9 – Pla yback Area and Playlist ............................ 24
Set ting the playback ar e a........................................ 24
Selec ting a folder for t h e playb a ck area .................... 24
Selec ting a file to set th e p layb a ck area .................... 2 5
Playlis t ................................................................. 25
Addin g t ra c k s to the playlist ...................................... 25
Editin g t he p l aylis t ................................................... 26
10 –B r owse Scree n ............................................... 27
Scre e n navigatio n .................................................. 27
Icons on th e B ROW S E scr e en ................................... 2 7
File operatio ns ...................................................... 28
Folder o perations ................................................... 28
1 1–Special Playback Control Functions .......... 29
Set ting the playback cont rol functions ...................... 29
Changing the sp e e d ............................................... 2 9
Change spe e d wi t hou t c hangin g p itch ...................... 29
Changing the pitc h w ith o ut chan g ing th e sp e e d ......... 29
Reducing voc a l and s o lo inst r um e nt sou n ds ............... 30
1 2– Loop, Rep e at and Single Playback .............3 1
Loop p l aybac k ........................................................3 1
Repeat and single t r ack p l ayback m o d e s ....................3 1
1 3 – U sing th e E ffec ts ........................................... 3 2
T urning th e e f fect O N a nd OFF ................................. 3 2
Set ting the ef f e ct ................................................... 3 2
Closing the Ef f e ct Screen ........................................ 3 2
1 4 – Using the Metronom e ................................. 3 3
Set ting the metro n om e ........................................... 3 3
Star t ing an d s to p pin g t he m e tr o nom e....................... 3 3
1 5 – Using the T u ner ............................................. 34
Preparation ........................................................... 34
Chromatic tune r m od e ............................................ 34
Oscillator mod e ..................................................... 34
1 6 – S ystem Settings an d F ormat t ing ............... 3 5
Making System S e t tings .......................................... 3 5
Restorin g t he fa ctor y s et tings .................................. 3 5
Format ting the SD car d ........................................... 36
Using QUI C K FO R M A T .............................................. 36
Using FUL L FORMAT ................................................ 3 6
1 7–View ing File Information ............................. 3 7
File information p a ge ............................................. 37
Memor y information p a ge ...................................... 37
System informatio n p ag e ........................................ 3 7
18 –Effe cts Preset List .......................................... 38
1 9 – Messages ........................................................ 39
20 –Specifications ..................................................4 1
Audio Inpu t a nd O u t p ut ........................................... 4 1
Audio per formance ................................................. 4 1
Ot h er sp e cif i c at ions ...............................................4 1
Compute r r eq u irem e nt s ......................................... 4 2
Dimensions .......................................................... 42