Vibrato is a pitch and amplitude effect that
singers often use in their delivery of a piece of
music. It is a combination of various
characteristics of the voice being repeatedly
altered in a oscillating fashion. Every singer's
vibrato is unique. The Vibrato Styles are based
on real vocalist's vibratos. We have analyzed a
large set of parameters from a voice database
and created various vibrato models. The
Vibrato setting names reflect the style of the
vocals from which they were extracted.
Experimentation is the key to finding a style
setting that best suits your application. You
might begin incorporating Vibrato into your
sound by setting the VIB Amt control to 50%.
This setting matches the depth level that we
analyzed in our modeling subjects. You can
then vary the effect from this middle range up
or down to suit your taste.
VIB Amount
The depth of vibrato applied to the signal.
VIB Style
A list of base Vibrato types, each with unique
VIB OnsTim - Vibrato Onset Time
Sets the delay before the onset of the Vibrato
VIB OnsRnd - Vibrato Onset Randomization
A parameter that randomizes the delay
parameter of the vibrato. The randomized
values fall between the VIB OnsTim setting and
the percentage of this set in VIB OndRnd. For
instance, if your Delay is set to 2000ms and
your Randomization is set to 50%, your
randomization of the delay will fall between
2000 and 1000ms. This contributes to a more
human-like feel, as vibrato entrances are not
always at an equal value.
VIB PerTim - Vibrato Period Time
Sets the period or speed of the vibrato.
VIB PerRnd - Vibrato Period Random
A randomization on top of the existing vibrato
The Spectral styles reflect the natural
equalization equivalent to the native control a
singer has over his or her own voice, and apply
this equalization to the VM voice. These styles
may be used in conjunction with the
resonances, or purely as additional tonal
control over the VM voice.
SPE Amount
The amount of Spectral EQ applied to the
SPE Style
A list of base Spectral EQ types, each with
unique characteristics.