27 Whisper1 - Reduces a full on singing voice to a whispering tone.
28 Whisper2 - A variation on the whisper sound with differend frequency response.
MIDI CCs: On/Off: 20
Style: 56
Abbreviation definitions:
Adapt=Adaptive - The algorithm listens for extremes in amplitude from the vocal, and applies the
effect upon detection.
Cnst=Throat Constriction
RevConst=Reverse Throat Constriction
Style Value and Name
0 AdaptCnst - A throat constriction effect that thickens the sound as the amplitude of the vocal
1 AdptCns2 - Another Throat constriction algorithm, triggered by a loud input vocal.
2 Amplitude - Growl that is amplitude driven
3 Amplitud2 - Growl that is amplitude driven, but with a rough and grainy texture.
4 Amplitude3 - Yet another amplitude driven growl.
5 Blues - A growl reminescent of blues styles of the southern USA.
6 BigBlues - A variation on the Blues Growl.
7 ChaChow - A sharp, abrasive growl. ‘Cha Chow’ comes from a vocal line that was sung
while testing VoiceOne.
8 Grainy - Growl with graininess, or a gruff sound.
9 Grainy2 - Growl with graininess. This one is a bit tighter than the Grainy style.
10 Growl - A standard growl sound.
11 Growl2 - A variation on the standard growl sound.
12 HeavyAdap - Growl that is vry sensitive to aplitude for its triggering, moreso than styles 2,3,
and 4.
13 LiteConst - Light Throat constriction effect on high amplitude vocals.
14 OnsetConst - Throat constriction effects triggered on the onset of a phrase.
15 RevConst - Throat constriction working in reverse. The sound is deeper and fuller until the
amplitude of the vocal triggers the normal sound to return.
16 RevCnst2 - A variation on reverse throat constriction.
17 Seldom - Growl that occurs infrequently.
18 TooMuch - Growl that is very sensitive to amplitude. Includes throat constriction.
19 WierdOnset - Growl with throat constriction that appears in the phrase where you may not
expect to hear it.