Section 9 : Appendix
Terms & Descriptions
There are some general terms when using VoicePro that
are helpful to understand. Additionally, some VoicePro
applications require specific understanding of terms. These
terms are summarized below.
erm Description
Voiced Voiced describes vowel sounds produced
by the human voice. Voiced sounds have
a recognizable pitch
Un-Voiced Un-Voiced describes sounds produced
by the human voice that don’t have
pitched signals. These sounds can
include breaths, sibilant sounds like ‘sss’,
Interval The distance between two pitches
Harmony Mode Method by which musical input is sent to
Diatonic Refers to the tone structures in major
and minor scales. Knowledge of these
scale structures is the "intelligence"
VoicePro uses to produce automatic
Interval The distance between two pitches
Notes Mode Fully manual harmony mode where notes
and chords performed on a MIDI
keyboard are used to select the fixed
harmony pitches independent of the pitch
of the sung note.
Notes 4Ch Mode A second Notes Mode where each note
is received on a different MIDI channel
from a sequencer program, enabling
unique pitch bends on each channel.
Chord Mode An intelligent harmony mode where a
sequence of chords played on a MIDI
keyboard are interpreted to produce
musically correct pitches that move
according to the pitch of the sung note.
Scale Mode An automatic harmony mode where you
set only the key and scale of your song.
Usually, no on-going musical input from a
keyboard is required.
Shift Mode This is the one non-intelligent harmony
mode where a fixed interval is set for
each harmony voice that is maintained
throughout the song.
Humanization Various methods by which VoicePro
introduces random variations to the
sound that mimic human deviations in
pitch and timing.
erm Description
Unison The same pitch
Micro shift Refers to an effect where detuned copies
of a vocal are played back at the same
time. Sometimes there is a time-varying
erm Description
Window The pitch range around a scale tone
where correction will occur.
Key The musical center of the song i.e. key of
Scale Major, minor or custom (edited); these
are the target notes that the vocal is
nudged towards.
Attack Rate When a singer's pitch falls winthin the
Window, the Attack Rate Parameter sets
how fast the vocal will be shifted to the
Window’s center.
Amount Can be used to reduce the effect of
correction if desired.
Time Phrasing
erm Description
Playback Rate Think of this as the "accelerator" and
"brake pedal" for the timing of the
incoming audio.
Reset Returns playback to real time instantly