: Using a mobile phone directly next to your scales may
cause the display to show wrong results.
TARE = Reset scales to zero
If you would like to add an ingredient to one already on the
scales, press until you hear an audible signal.
This resets the scales to zero. Wait until
appears in the
display and add the next ingredient to the scales. The scales
will now display the weight of the last ingredient you added.
Capacity overload
You can weigh up to 2 kg. If
is displayed, then you have
exceeded the maximum weight.
Automatic shut-off
To turn off the scales, press and hold down until the dis-
play goes off.
If you are not using your scales, it will shut down automatical-
ly after 60 seconds.
Switching between metric and imperial weight units
The scales can also be set to read out in pounds
and oun-
(16 ounces equals one British pound).
Follow these steps to switch to and from metric:
1. Turn on the scales.
2. Press . An audible tone is emitted. The weight dis-
played switches from
. After a few seconds the
display stops flashing and
appears in the display.
The scales are now set to pounds and ounces.
Before use
Open the battery compartment on the
bottom of the scales by turning the com-
partment cover anticlockwise towards
. If required, use a coin.
Remove the insulating foil and insert the
battery with the plus pole facing up. Fix
the battery in place by pushing it under
the metal clip. Replace the lid of the bat-
tery compartment and turn it in the direc-
tion of
. Check that the lid has been
put back on correctly.
Touching the contacts may have an insula-
ting effect due to the transfer of dirt par-
ticles from your fingers. Therefore, always
use a dry, soft cloth when inserting or re-
placing the battery.
Press .
After releasing the display buttons, all the symbols
displayed, followed by
. Your scales are ready for use. Place
the scales on a level surface and, if required, place a bowl or
other light container on the weighing platform.
Press to turn the scales on.
All the symbols
8888 appear on the display, followed by 0
Your scales are ready for use.
Now place what you want to weigh into the bowl or onto the
weighing platform.