Operating Manual
Cost Control - Po wer Consumption Monitor
Introduction 1.0
The Cost Control 2.0
Features 3.0
Cost Monitoring 4.0
Cost Forecas ting 5.0
Instantaneous power consumption 6.0
The maximum power consumption 7.0
Total power consu mption 8.0
Intended Use 9.0
Safety Precaution s 10.0
Setting up 11.0
Tariff setting mode 12.0
Using Cost Control 13.0
Replacing batteries 14.0
Extra Notes 15.0
Maintenance 16.0
Specifications 17.0
Liability Disclaimer 18.0
1.0 Introduction:
Congratulations on purchasing the Cost Control. This is a state-of-the-art power
monitoring socket that i s highly accurate a nd easy to use. Please read thi s
instruction manual before putting the Cost Control into operation a s it will allow users
to gain the op timum benefits of all its features.
2.0 The Cost Control
3.0 Features:
• Cost monitoring
• Cost foreca sting
• Instantaneous power consumption (Watt).
• Maximum load power display (Max Watt).
• Total energy consu mption display (Total kilo Watt hour)
4.0 Cost Monitoring:
Using this feature, users will see the cost of electricity in running an their electrical
appliances. For cost monitoring, the value is show n on the LCD as “TOTAL C OST”
and the information obtained will enable users to b e more power consumption aware
and efficient.
5.0 Cost Forecasting:
Cost forecasting is useful for budgetin g future elec tricity bills as the approx imate cost
to run an electri cal appliance over a pe riod of time can be estimated in this way.
There are three cost forecasting di splays screens a s follows:
1) COST/D = cost per day forecast (assu ming normal usage)
2) COST/M = cost per month forecast (assuming normal usage)
3) COST/Y = cost per y ear forecast (assuming normal usage)
6.0 Instantaneous power consumption:
When an electrical appliance is plugged into the Cost Control, by pressin g the
“POWER” key, the instantaneous power ( Watts) being used a t that precise moment
in time can be ascertained.
7.0 The maximum load po wer display:
Again, by pressing the “POWER” key , the maximum load power (Maximum Watts)
will be display ed. This reading appli es to maximum pow er that an electrical appliance
has used during i ts monitoring period.
8.0 Total energy consumption display:
Again, by pressing the “POWER” key for a third time, the LCD w ill alternate to show
the total kWh consumed by an electrical appliance for the monitoring period.
9.0 Intended Use:
The measuring range o f the Cost Control is from approximately 4W to 3600W
(automatically v aries from one applianc e to another) and is therefore id eal for use
with a large v ariety of electrical applian ces.
Cost Control is designed for use only a s an indica tor for th e average cost an d
average amount of electricity used for electrical appliance s. Despite its accu racy it i s
not officially certifie d and therefore r eadings cannot be u sed as evidence in any
dispute between the Electricity Company and the u ser.
• Cost Control is approv ed for use on a 230V / 50Hz mains supply only.
• Only loads with the same voltage s (230V / 50Hz) can be connected.
• The max. load of any appliances connecte d must not ex ceed 3600 Watt (Max .
current 16A).
• Cost Control is only designed for indoor use within dry environments. Outdoor
use is strictly prohibited!
• Cost Control may not to be altered o r modified in any way.
• Observe the spe cifications on th e type plate of the a ppliance to be connected!
• Any other use, othe r than described, may risk dangers in short circuiting , fire,
electrical shock, etc and damage of thi s product.
In order to main tain perfect condition a nd guarantee safe operation of thi s product,
the user must ob serve the Intended Use , Safety Precautions and D isclaimer
Liability notes in th is operating manual .
10.0 Safety Precautions:
• Connect Cost Control only to an approved 230VAC / 50Hz ± 10% (10 /16A) earth-
contact type mains outlet (VDE)
• The max. load of 3600 Watts (16A) m ust not be ex ceeded
• The recommended operating tempera ture is 0°C to +50°C . Higher temperatures
may especially during mea surements of large load s lead to dangers of
overheating and permanent damage of the product.
• Do not operate the product w ithin confi ned rooms or o ther adverse con ditions
where inflammable gases, v apors or dusts may be pre sent!
• For safety , never allow the product to o perate in mo ist condition s or to get w et.
• The product must under all circumstances be separated from mains supply prior
any to maintenance , repair, change o f parts or disa ssembly otherwise
components and co nnectors carrying high and dangerous voltages may be
• Capacitors in the ci rcuitry of the product may stil l carry high v oltage charges ev en
though it has been separated from the mains supply.
• In commercial instit utions the safe ty regulations of the a lliance of commercia l
professionals associations for electri cal installations and production facili ties
must be observed!
• In schools, educa tional institutions, hobby shops or co-op erative wo rkshops the
use of the product must be responsibl y supervised by trained personnel!
• Never insert needles, metal or any other objec ts into the mains outlet!
• Do not plug one Cost Control into another !
• If the product is no longer ab le to oper ate safely , it must to be put ou t of
operation and disp osed of for reason of a ny accidental u se when the follow ing is
a) product shows obv ious signs of damage.
b) product does not function
c) product has been stored in unfavorable co nditions for a long perio d of
COST key
d) heavy strain during product’s transpor t may have occu rred.
11.0 Setting up:
Before plugging the Cost Control into the main s socket an d any appliances into i t, the
values must be set.
Firstly, enter the “TOTA L COST” displ ay by pressing the “COST” key to alte rnate
between “COST/D” , “C OST/M and “COST/Y” displays. Now check tha t all the
values display ed are set to zero as follows: (a s illustrated below ).
1. Any preset values i n the “TOTA L COST” di splay that th e user has no t set in
must be reset to ze ro to ensure accurate r eadings. To do this, simply press and
hold down the “C OST” key (for approximately 4 seconds) and all values with the
exception of Tariff ( cost per kilowatt hour) w ill be reset to zero.
2. Once all the v alues displayed are se t zero in the “TOTA L COST” di splay, then
press the “TAR IFF” key to enter the Tariff set ting mode.
12.0 Tariff setting mode:
The value of a single uni t of kWh (kilo Wa tt hour) can usually be found on a previous
electricity bill. Please take this figure from a recen t bill as costs may have since been
updated by the Ele ctricity Company . If the cost o f a kWh cannot b e found on the bill,
then contact your lo cal Electricity Company for the price of this unit. The Tariff
display may not necessari ly be set to zero (as illustra ted above). If there are any
preset values that the u ser has not set themselves, th en simply overw rite them when
setting the unit cost of a kWh as follows:
1. Press and hold the “TARIFF” key (approxim ately 3 seco nds) unti l the fir st digit
on the right hand side star ts flashing.
2. Now press either th e “POWER” or “COST” key s to set the desired digit. Each
press of either key change s the digits by one. The “POW ER” key increases the
digits from 0 to 9 and the “COST ” key decrea ses from 9 to 0.
3. Once a digit is set, press the “ TAR IFF” key once to mo ve to the nex t digit.
4. Repeat steps 2. and 3. until the desired v alues for the kWh are set. If any of the
digits do not requir e changing then simply press the “TA RIFF” key to mov e to the
next. Once all the desired value ha s been sele cted, the “TA R IFF” key should be