Divert if unreachable: Enables or disables the feature or diverts all calls to your
voicemail or another pre-set number f you are outside a network coverage area or
if the phone is powered OFF.
Divert if no answer: Enables or disables this feature or diverts all calls to your
voicemail or another pre-set number if the incoming call is not answered.
Divert if busy: Enables or disables the feature to divert all calls to your voicemail
or another pre-set number during an active call.
Divert all data calls: Enables or disables this feature or diverts all data calls to a
pre-set number.
Cancel all diverts: All call divert functions will be cancelled.
Call Barring:
Outgoing calls: Enables or disables all outgoing voice calls, international calls or
international calls with exception of calling home.
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