Delete All les:Allowsyoutodeleteallles
Storage: Allows you to select the default storage location to the Phone or Memory
6.3) Video Recorder
1. In Standby mode, press the Left Soft key to access the main menu.
2. Use the Navigation key to select Multimedia > Video Recorder.
3. Press the OK key to start recording.
4. Press the OK key to stop recording.
6.4) Audio Player
1. In Standby mode, press the Left Soft key to access the main menu.
2. Use the Navigation key to select Multimedia > Audio Player.
3. Press the Up key toplayorpausetheaudiole.
4. Press the Down key tostopplayingtheaudiole.
5. Press the Left/Right Soft key to skip to the last or next track.
Note:AudioplayercanonlyplayaudiolesstoredintheMy Music folder in the memory
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