Browse Style: View the pictures as list or grid format.
Send: Allows you to send the image via Bluetooth or as a MMS message.
Use As: Allows you to set the picture as your Wallpaper or Screen Saver.
Delete: Delete the current image.
Sort by:AllowsyoutoorganiseandsortthelebyName,Type,TimeandSize.
Delete All Files:Allowsyoutodeleteallles.
Storage: Allows you to select the default storage location to the Phone or Memory
8.3) Video Recorder
Enables you to Record Videos and change the video quality settings.
8.4) Video Player
Enables you to see videos you have recorded with your camera and other imported videos.
8.5) Audio Player
You can listen to music from your phone or your playlist from your memory card. Enables
you to repeat the same music the number of times you want and
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