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Do not make another pot of coffee if the
jug already contains coffee.
Automatic stop
In order to save energy, your coffee
machine will turn off automatically.
About 30 minutes after the end of the coffee
brewing cycle (i.e. about 30minutes after
there is no more water in the tank), your
coffee machine will turn off automatically.
The light on the on/off button will turn off.
During these 30 minutes, your coffee will
be kept warm at a suitable temperature.
This coffee maker features a switch that
remains in the "I" position when the
product automatically shuts off. When
powering on again, the switch must be
returned to the "O" position.
Reheating the coffee
Do not put the glass jug into the
To dispose of the used coffee grounds,
remove the filter paper (fig.5).
Unplug the appliance from the wall socket
outlet, and allow the coffee maker to
completely cool down.
• Clean with a cloth or damp sponge.
Do not clean the appliance when it is still
Never immerse the appliance, the power
cord or plug in water or any other liquid.
The glass jug cannot be placed in the
Descale your coffee maker every 40 uses.
You can use:
- a sachet of descaling agent diluted in two
large cups of water;
- or two large cups of commercially
available white vinegar.
Pour into the tank (b) and turn on the
coffee maker (without coffee).
Allow the equivalent of one cup flow into
the jug then stop your coffee maker.
• Restart the coffee maker to stop the flow.
Run the coffee maker two or three times
with the equivalent of one jug of water to
The guarantee excludes coffee makers
that are not working or are not working
properly due to lack of descaling.
Lees de gebruiksaanwijzing grondig door
voordat u uw apparaat in gebruik neemt
en bewaar deze voor latere raadpleging.
De fabrikant is niet aansprakelijk voor
schade of letsel veroorzaakt door
verkeerd gebruik van het apparaat.
Dit apparaat is niet bedoeld
voor gebruikers (waaronder
kinderen) met beperkte
fysische, visuele of mentale
mogelijkheden, of die een
gebrek hebben aan ervaring en
kennis, tenzij ze onder toezicht
staan of aanwijzingen hebben
gekregen omtrent het gebruik
van het apparaat door een
persoon die verantwoordelijk is
voor hun veiligheid.
N.B.: as soon as the coffee brewing cycle
takes longer or becomes noisier, de-scale
your machine.
• Glass jug
Think of the environment!
iYour appliance contains valuable
materials which can be recovered or
 Leave it at a local civic waste collection
point or at an approved service centre,
where it will be disposed of properly.
European Directive 2012/19/EU on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE), stipulates that used household
appliances must not be disposed of in
normal unsorted municipal waste. Old
appliances must be collected separately to
optimise the sorting and recycling of their
parts and to reduce the impact on human
health and the environment.

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  • Keine Vorrichtung / Striche für Anzahl der Tassen Eingereicht am 28-8-2022 18:45

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