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Tenda WiFi App User Guide for
Whole Home Mesh WiFi System
Copyright Statement
© 2018 Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
is a registered trademark legally held by Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd. Other brand and
product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Copyright
of the whole product as integration, including its accessories and software, belongs to Shenzhen Tenda
Technology Co., Ltd. No part of this publication can be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of
Shenzhen Tenda Technology Co., Ltd.
Pictures, images and product specifications herein are for references only. To improve internal design,
operational function, and/or reliability, Tenda reserves the right to make changes to the products without
obligation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes. Tenda does not assume any liability
that may occur due to the use or application of the product described herein. Every effort has been made in the
preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information and
recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Thank you for choosing Tenda! Please read this user guide before you use the Tenda WiFi App to set up your
whole home mesh WiFi system.
The typographical elements that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Cascading menus
System > Live Users
Parameter and
Set User Name to Tom.
UI control
On the Policy page, click the OK button.
The Success message appears.
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
This format is used to highlight information of importance or special interest.
Ignoring this type of note may result in ineffective configurations, loss of data or
damage to the device.
This format is used to highlight a procedure that will save time or resources.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Full Spelling
nova whole home mesh WiFi system node(s)
Internet Service Provider
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Domain Name System
Additional Information
For more information, search this product model on our website at http://www.tendacn.com.
Technical Support
If you need more help, contact us by any of the following means. We will be glad to assist you as soon as
Global: (86) 755-27657180
United States: 1-800-570-5892
Canada: 1-888-998-8966
Hong Kong: 00852-81931998
Registering and Binding ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Management Type .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
My WiFi ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
My Profile ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Wireless Settings ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Guest Network .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Parental Control ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Internet Settings ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
QoS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Add nova ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Fast Roaming ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Smart Assistant ................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Port Forwarding ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
UPnP ................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
DHCP Server ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
DNS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Firmware Upgrade ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
Maintenance Schedule ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Account Authorization ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
Registering and Binding
Binding an account to your nova network helps you secure your nova network and manage it remotely.
Binding with third party accounts
After you complete setup and installation using the Tenda WiFi App, a login prompt page appears. You can
authorize the Tenda WiFi App to use third party accounts, including Google+, Facebook, and Twitter, to login
If you miss the page above, tap on the upper-right corner and tap Login. Then choose one type of account
to login.
Binding with a registered account
You can register a Tenda account to manage your nova network.
To Register a Tenda account:
Step 1 Run the Tenda WiFi App, and tap on the upper-right corner.
Step 2 Tap Login.
Step 3 Tap Register on the upper-right corner.
Step 4 Enter a valid email address.
Step 5 Customize a password for your Tenda account.
Step 6 Tap Register.
A confirmation email will be sent to your email inbox. Check your email and follow the instruction to activate
your account. After following these guided steps, your Tenda account will be registered successfully.
To bind your nova network to your Tenda account:
Step 1 Connect your smart phone to your nova WiFi network, and run the Tenda WiFi App.
Step 2 Tap on the upper-right corner.
Step 3 Tap Login.
Step 4 Enter your registered Tenda account.
Step 5 Enter the password.
Step 6 Tap Login.
After you log in, your nova network is bound to your Tenda account successfully.
After your nova network is bound to an account, login with the account is required for network
management. This account is your administrator account.
Management Type
All Tenda nova whole home mesh WiFi systems support the Tenda WiFi App for local and remote management.
You can choose either of them as needed.
Local Management
Local management indicates that you can use the Tenda WiFi App to manage your nova network after connecting
your smart phone to the nova network.
Step 1 Connect your smart phone to the WiFi network of your nova nodes.
Step 2 Run the Tenda WiFi App on the smart phone, and then you can use the App to manage your nova
If your nova nodes are bound to a Tenda account, you can manage them only after login with the
bound account or other accounts authorized by the account.
Remote Management
Remote management indicates that you can use the Tenda WiFi App to manage your nova network anytime,
Prerequisites of remote management:
Your nova nodes connect to the internet successfully.
Log in with the bound or authorized account.
If your nova network is bound to an account, they cannot be bound to another account.
If you want to use other accounts to manage your nova network, you can authorize these
accounts after login with the administrator account.
Only the administrator account can authorize other accounts to manage the nova network.
Procedure of remote management:
Step 1 Connect your smart phone to the internet by connecting it to a WiFi network nearby or enabling your
mobile data.
Step 2 Run the Tenda WiFi App on the smart phone.
Step 3 Tap on the upper-right corner.
Step 4 Use your account to log in, and then you can manage your nova network remotely.
My WiFi
After completing the internet settings, the Tenda WiFi App shows you the following page. You can view the status
of your nova nodes, real-time upload/download speed and connected devices, and manage your nova network.
Advanced Settings
WiFi name
My Profile
Node name
upload speed
Total connected
To check or manage your nova nodes
Tap the WiFi name, which is my-my-my in the following picture, on the upper-left corner of the My WiFi page to
enter the following page.
All nova nodes in a network share the same WiFi name.
To view details of the internet settings
Tap the icon on the home page of the App.
Tap here to add
Tenda devices.
Connection status
Real-time upload/download
Internet connection type
Internet information
WiFi Name
To view details of the nodes
Tap the icon on the home page of the App to see details of the corresponding nova node.
Choose this to delete
the node from your
WiFi network.
Choose this to change
the location information
of the node.
Choose this to
enable/disable the LED
indicator of the node.
Choose this to see
more information
about the nova node.
To view the connected devices
Tap the icon on the home page of the App. If you want to check the details of a device or manage more
closely, choose the device.
Choose this to rename the device, such
as Jacks iPhone.
Choose this to create a group or add
the connected device to a group for
the parental control function.
Choose this to check the details of the
connected device.
Choose this to blacklist the device.
The devices in the blacklist cannot access
the internet via the nova network.
Choose this to remove
connected devices
from the blacklist.
This indicates the frequency
band of the WiFi network
the device connects.
This indicates the time the
device connects to the WiFi
My Profile
Tap the icon in the upper-right corner of the home page (My WiFi) page to enter the following page.
Choose this to log in or
register a Tenda account.
Choose this to see FAQ or
give us your feedback.
Choose this to upgrade
the App or learn about
Choose this to clear
the cache for better
Wireless Settings
In this section, you can change the WiFi name and password of your nova WiFi network.
To change your WiFi name and password
Step 1 Choose Settings > Wireless Settings to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Change the WiFi name and password as required.
Step 3 Tap Save.
Tap here to share the WiFi
name and password with
your family.
Tap here to hide the
WiFi password.
Guest Network
The Guest Network function allows you to create a separate network for your guests to secure the main network.
Step 1 Choose Settings > Guest Network to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Set the button to the enabled state .
Step 3 Change the WiFi name, password and validity period as required.
Step 4 Tap Save.
Tap here to share the WiFi
name and password with
your friends.
Tap here to hide the
WiFi password.
Tap here to select a valid
period for the guest
Parental Control
The Parental Control function allows you to create a healthy time session for internet access for your family
Step 1 Choose Setting > Parental Control to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Create a group.
1. Tap Add Group.
2. Enter a group name, which is Family in this example, and tap Next.
3. Select the devices to be added into the group.
4. Tap Complete.
For security, the group name for parental control cannot be modified after the group is created. If you
want to modify a group name, you can delete the group, and create one again.
Step 3 Tap or to change the rules.
indicates that the devices in the group are allowed to access the internet.
indicates that the devices in the group are not allowed to access the internet.
Step 4 Specify a period for the rule.
1. Choose the group.
2. Tap Period.
3. Tap Add Period.
4. Specify a Period Name, Start Time, End Time, and the dates from when the rule takes effect.
5. Tap Save.
Internet Settings
Generally, you complete the internet settings by following the quick setup wizard of the Tenda WiFi App when
you set the nova nodes at the first time. If your internet connection type or parameters are changed, you can set
them again here to enable your nova nodes to access the internet. The nova nodes support the following four
connection types.
PPPoE: If this type is selected, you need to enter the PPPoE user name and password provided by your ISP
for internet access.
DHCP: If this type is selected, no parameter is required to enter. The nova node obtains the dynamic IP
address and other related parameters automatically from your ISP.
Static IP Address: If this type is selected, you need to enter the static IP address and other related
parameters provided by your ISP for internet access.
Bridge: If this type is selected, the nova node can access the internet only after being connected to another
router with internet accessibility in wired manner.
The following three connection types are available only when the language of your mobile device used to setup
is set to Russian or Ukraine.
PPPoE Russia: If this type is selected, you need to enter the PPPoE user name, PPPoE password, service
name, server name, MTU value, and IP address information (if any) provided by your ISP for internet access.
PPTP/PPTP Russia: If this type is selected, you need to enter the IP address, user name and password of the
PPTP server, MTU value, and IP address information (if any) provided by your ISP for internet access.
L2TP/L2TP Russia: If this type is selected, you need to enter the IP address, user name and password of the
L2TP server, MTU value, and IP address information (if any) provided by your ISP for internet access.
If you set the Connection Type to Bridge, the Guest Network, Parental Control, Port Forwarding, UPnP,
DNS, QoS, and DHCP server functions becomes unavailable.
Setting up PPPoE
Step 1 Choose Settings > Internet Settings to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Connection Type.
Step 3 Select PPPoE.
Step 4 Enter the PPPoE user name and password provided by your ISP.
If a service name and a server name are provided, tap Advanced and enter them.
Step 5 Tap Save.
Setting up DHCP
Step 1 Choose Settings > Internet Settings to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Connection Type.
Step 3 Select DHCP.
Step 4 Tap Save.
Tap here to see the
PPPoE password.
Tab here to select
a connection type.
Setting up Static IP Address
Step 1 Choose Settings > Internet Settings to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Connection Type.
Step 3 Select Static IP Address.
Step 4 Enter IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and Primary DNS Server.
If a secondary DNS server is provided, enter it as well.
Step 5 Tap Save.
Setting up Bridge
Ensure that the one of the nova nodes in your nova network is connected to your router with internet
accessibility using an Ethernet cable.
Step 1 Choose Settings > Internet Settings to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Connection Type.
Step 3 Select Bridge.
Step 4 Tap Save.
Russian UI is used for illustration here.
Setting up PPPoE Russia
Step 1 Choose Настройки > Настройки Интернета to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Тип подключения.
Step 3 Select PPPoE Россия.
Step 4 Enter Имя пользователя PPPoE, Пароль PPPoE, Имя сервиса and Имя сервиса, and change the
MTU value as needed.
If a static IP address and related information are provided, set the Получить IP адрес автоматически
button to state, and enter them as well.
Step 5 Tap Сохранить.
Setting up PPTP/PPTP Russia
Step 1 Choose Настройки > Настройки Интернета to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Тип подключения.
Step 3 Select PPTP/PPTP Россия.
Step 4 Enter IP адрес/ Имя PPTP сервера, Имя пользователя and Пароль, and change the MTU value as
If a static IP address and related information are provided, set the Получить IP адрес автоматически
button to state, and enter them as well.
Step 5 Tap Сохранить.
Setting up L2TP/L2TP Russia
Step 1 Choose Настройки > Настройки Интернета to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Тип подключения.
Step 3 Select L2TP/L2TP Россия.
Step 4 Enter IP адрес/ Имя L2TP сервера, Имя пользователя and Пароль, and change the MTU value as
If a static IP address and related information are provided, set the Получить IP адрес автоматически
button to state, and enter them as well.
Step 5 Tap Сохранить.
The QoS function prioritizes gaming and web browsing activities.
To enable the QoS function
Step 1 Choose Settings > QoS to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Set the button to the enabled state .
Step 3 Enter download and upload speed based on your bandwidth value.
If you dont know the value, tap Online Test or ask your ISP.
Step 4 Tap Save.
To get an accurate value, ensure that wireless devices connected to your nova network have no
internet activity when you operate online test.
Add nova
If you want to expand your WiFi coverage, you can add nova nodes coming with different models to your existing
nova network. The maximum number of the nova nodes supported in a nova network is shown in the following
Max. nova nodes
To add another nova node into your existing nova network
Step 1 Choose Settings > Add nova to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Follow the on-screen guide to complete the settings.
Fast Roaming
The Fast Roaming function lets you enjoy uninterrupted internet service when moving around your house.
To enable the Fast Roaming function
Step 1 Choose Settings > Fast Roaming to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Set the button to the enabled state .
Smart Assistant
With this function enabled, the mobile device used to do the setup, such as your smart phone, is connected to
2.4 GHz WiFi network for 30 minutes. This is to allow the mobile device to discover and set up smart home
devices that only support 2.4 GHz WiFi networks.
To enable the Smart Assistant function
Step 1 Choose Settings > Smart Assistant to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Enable.
Port Forwarding
The Port Forwarding function enables users to access your LAN resources, such as resources on the web server or
FTP server, through the internet.
Step 1 Choose Settings > Port Forwarding to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Add rule.
Step 3 Select the device to which the rule applies.
Step 4 Tap Next.
Step 5 Set up a port forwarding rule.
Common Protocol/Port: optional. The App presets some common protocols and their port numbers,
such as FTP, TELNET, and so on. You can select one as required, and the Internet Port Number and
External Port Number are automatically populated. If the port numbers you want to set are not
included, you can set them manually in the Internal Port Number and External Port Number boxes.
Internal Port Number: Enter the service port of the corresponding server on the LAN device.
External Port Number: Enter the port which is enabled for the internet users.
Protocol: Select the protocol of the service. If you are not sure about it, you can select TCP&UDP.
Step 6 Tap Save.
After completing the settings, internet users can visit Protocol name://WAN port IP address of the nova
node:External portto access LAN resources.
Ensure that the WAN IP address of the nova node is a public IP address, and the internal port you
entered is correct.
Security software, antivirus software, and the built-in OS firewall of the server may cause port
forwarding function failures. Disable them when using this function.
Manually set an IP address for the web server to avoid the service disconnection caused by the
dynamic IP address.
After the UPnP function is enabled, it can automatically enable ports for UPnP-supported programs, such as P2P
and gaming software, in the internal network for a smoother network experience.
To enable/disable the UPnP function:
Step 1 Choose Settings > UPnP to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Set the button to the enabled state or the disabled state as required.
DHCP Server
The DHCP Server function allows you to change the IP addresses assigned to all devices that are connected to the
nova network.
To change the LAN IP address of the nova node:
Step 1 Choose Settings > DHCP Server to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Select a LAN IP address for the nova node.
Step 3 Tap Save.
If clients connected to the nova network cannot access the websites using the domain names, but the IP address
works, it may be due to a DNS resolution problem. You can try changing the DNS settings to solve the problem.
To change the DNS settings:
Step 1 Choose Settings > DNS to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Select Automatic (default) or Manual.
Step 3 If you select Manual, enter the correct DNS IP address in the Primary DNS Server box. If you have
another DNS server IP address, enter it in the Secondary DNS Server box.
Step 4 Tap Save.
Firmware Upgrade
Tenda is dedicated to improving its products to let users enjoy better performance. Please update the firmware
when the App prompts a new firmware version is available.
To update the firmware:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Firmware Upgrade to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Detect Latest Firmware.
Step 3 The New icon appears if a new firmware version is detected. Tap Update now to upgrade these nodes.
Step 4 Wait until all nodes complete the upgrade, and then continue to manage them.
Do not remove the power supply of the nova nodes when upgrading.
Maintenance Schedule
The Maintenance Schedule function makes the nova nodes reboot at specified time to keep the nova nodes in
good condition.
To set up the Maintenance Schedule function:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Maintenance Schedule to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Set the button to the enabled state .
Step 3 Select a System Reboot Time. You are recommended to set a time when your network is idle.
Step 4 Select the dates on which the rule takes effect.
Step 5 Enable or disable the Delay Reboot function as required.
Step 6 Tap Save.
If the Delay Reboot function is enabled, the devices wont reboot at the specified time when the
devices are exchanging data and the traffic is greater than 3 KB/s. Within 2 hours after the specified
reboot time, the devices keep detecting the traffic, and reboot once when the traffic is lower than 3
KB/s. Otherwise, the devices will reboot the next day at the specified reboot time.
Account Authorization
You can authorize your family members to manage your nova network. An authorized account has the same
permission as the bound account except for authorizing other accounts.
To authorize another account:
Step 1 Choose Settings > Account Authorization to enter the configuration page.
Step 2 Tap Add an account.
Step 3 Enter a registered account. If you want to authorize a Google+, Facebook, or Twitter account, enter the
ID generated at your initial login.
Step 4 Tap OK.
Tap here to authorize another account.
Tap here to delete the authorized account.

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