Q1: I cannot log in to the web UI of the device by entering What should I do?
Try the following methods:
Ensure that the device has been connected to the power supply and the computer
Ensure that the IP address of the login computer is 192.168.2.X (X ranges from 2 to 254).
If the CPE has performed one-to-one bridge, its IP address is changed to Visit
the new IP address for login.
If the CPE is set to Router mode, the PoE/LAN port is changed to a WAN port. You need to
connect to the wireless network of the CPE, and visit its LAN IP address for login.
Restore the device to factory settings.
Q2: How to reset the device to factory settings?
Note: Resetting the device clears all settings, and you need to configure it again.
Method One: 1 minute after the device is powered on, remove the cover of the device,
and hold down the Reset button for about 8 seconds. When all LED indicators light up
once, the device is restored to factory settings.
Method Two: Log in to the web UI of the device, choose Tools > Maintenance, and click
the Reset button.
Q3: How to determine whether the signal strength LED indicators are optimal when the devices
are used for CCTV surveillance?
Option One: Observe the LED indicators of the devices. The bridging signal is optimum
when all of the LED1, LED2 and LED3 indicators are solid on or blinking.
Option Two: Log in to the web UI of one device, choose Status, and check the Wireless
Status on the following page: