Clean the speaker regularly with a soft, damp microbre cloth.
Please be absolutely sure to observe the following notes in the
• If possible, only use plain water without any additives. In
case of stubborn marks, a mild soap solution may be used.
• Make sure that no liquid penetrates the unit.
Cleaning and care
The following notes and further detailed information on our website should help you to rectify malfunctions. If this does not lead
to success, please contact our hotline
00800 - 200 300 40 (free of charge). Please also observe the warranty notes.
ProblemPossible causeSolution
Playback is noisy.In general, the speaker is very low-noise. In
most cases, the speaker system with excep-
tional resolution in the high range area can
expose the poor quality of a signal source
(e.g. from MP3 les).
Ensure that the source is sending a clear signal.
The sound seems dull.The speakers have been connected with the
wrong poles.
Verify the correct connection of the cables for all speak-
Risk of damage!
Using the wrong cleaning materials may damage
the delicate surface of the case.
If possible, only use plain water without any additives. In
case of stubborn marks, a mild soap solution may be used.
In no circumstances should caustic cleaning products,
white spirit, thinners, petrol or similar be used for cleaning.
No responsibility is assumed for the correctness of this information. Technical changes, typographical errors and other errors reserved. Instruction No. 92705 FCR GB 20140716 / HC-HAM
Lautsprecher Teufel GmbH
Budapester Straße 44 - 46
10783 Berlin (Germany)
Phone: 00800 - 200 300 40
(free of charge)
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 300 930 930
Disposal of the unit
Used units must not be disposed of with
household waste.
If the unit is no longer operational, every consumer
is required by law to dispose of used devices
separately from household waste, e.g. at a collec-
tion point run by the communal authority borough. In this way
Protecting the environment
it is ensured, that used devices are properly recycled and that
negative consequences on the environment are avoided. For
this reason, electrical equipment is labelled with the displayed
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