Safet y inf ormation
Impor tant : Please read through the se operating instructions
very c arefully . It is essential that you take not e of all of the sa-
fety information and op erating instructions b efore switching
on the appliance. Please keep these op erating instructions in a
safe place for future refe rence.
Impor tant : Please read the operating instructions . Y ou should
also follow all instructions for st ar t -up and ongoing use.
Information on cleaning: Please do not at tempt to clean the
appliance using household chemicals because they could dama-
ge it s sur face. Simply use a dry cloth. Disconnec t the appliance
from the mains before cleaning.
Caution - moisture and sun light: Never op erate the appliances
in damp rooms, i.e. close t o baths , showers, wash b asins, drains,
damp cellars or swimming po ols; never use them wher e there is
moisture. Never expose the sp eakers to high air humidity and
avoid direct sunlight .
Information on lo cation: Do not use the appliance unsecured
in vehicles, in unstable places, on wobbly tr ipods or furniture or
suppor ts that are t oo small. The spe ake rs could fall and c ause
damage to pe ople, including yourself . Speakers, p ar ticularly if
posit ioned on st ands or on the T V / monit or , may fall and cause
damage due to their w eight , even if they have b een p ositioned
securely and st ably , as a result of external influences (pulling
on the cable, tr ipping o ver the cable, unintentional physical
contac t) . This also applies to wall suppor ts that have been at ta-
ched inappropriately or incorrectly to walls that ma y not be ca-
pable o f suppor ting their weight. Only use suitable wall b rackets
for mounting. Make sure that you know ho w much weight the
walls can bear . The appliance must not be placed ne ar sources
of heat . This includes r adiators and he aters, ovens and othe r ap-
pliances that emit heat (e .g. amp lifie rs) . Sources of heat , such as
fan heaters or candle s, should not be placed on the speakers.
For v entilat ion: Slits and openings in the case ha ve been pro vi-
ded for ventilation. Their purpose is t o guarante e reliable ope -
ration and to prevent the appliance from overheating. These
openings must not be blocked or covered, including by placing
the appliance on a bed, sofa, carpet or other sof t sur face. Do not
place any newspapers or table cloths, etc. on the appliance. The
cooling plate of the amplifier elec tronics must not be covered
or expos ed t o direct sunlight . Additional active co oling of the
appliance is genera lly not permit ted.
Elec tric al supply: The subwoofer must only be supplied f rom a
power source with the correct voltage as spec if ied on the iden-
tification lab el. If you are unsure about the electr icity supply
in your home, please cont act us or your electr icity supplier for
more information. The appliance do es not nee d to be ear thed.
Please only use the appropriate mains cable for connec ting to
the mains so cket. This mains cable must not be modified under
any circumst ances. Regulations on polar ity and ear th connec-
tion must be adhered to. Use only an appr opriat e ma ins plug for
receiving the mains cable.
Information on w iring: Please place the supply c able flat and
flush to the wall and f loor . Cables that are laid loosely rep resent
a risk of tripping. This could also r esult in inter ference and cau-
se the sound to be disrupted. T he electr icity supply cable shou ld
be laid so that it is not like ly to be stepped on or squashed from
the s ides or above by he avy objec ts. Damaged cables must be
replaced. Pay par ticular at tention to the cable/ plug connection,
the mains socket and the c able output from the subwoofer . The
power supply cable and the cables that connec t the spe akers
should be checked regularly for insulation faults or breaks. If a
fault is discovered, the appliance and the cabling must b e dis-
connect ed from the mains immediately and the defective cable
must be replaced.
Dur ing p er iods without use: Remove the subwo ofer ’s p ower
supply cable from the socket for longer per iods of absence or
Dur ing thunderstorms: In order to avoid damage cause d by
lightning str ikes, the appliance should be switche d of f and also
detache d from the mains socket as soon as a thunderstorm is
expect ed.
Risk of overload: You should not overload wall sockets, exten-
sion c ables or integrated appliance sockets, because this could
potentially le ad to shor t circuits and even f ires. Y ou shou ld also
avoid turning up the volume very high on the r elevant amplif ier ,
espe cially if y ou have increased the bass using the bass contr ol,
the loudness but ton or one of the deep bass b oost swit ches.
Foreign bo dies and liquids: Foreign bodie s and liquids mus t
not get into the appliance via its openings under any circum-
st ances, as they could come int o cont act with par t s carr ying
high voltage s, which could then cause shor t c ircuits and fires.
Therefor e do not spill any liquids of any kind on the appliance.
Frequently ask ed questions: Do not at t empt to r epair the appli-
ance yourself . Cont act our service depar tment f irst fo r authori -
sation if you think that you can repair the fault yourself . O ther -
wise the appliance must be s ent to our service dep ar tment .
T r anspor t: The appliance should be transpor te d using a hand
truck. Great care must b e t aken dur ing transpor t . Please note
that unev en surface s, sudde n stopping or inappropriate exerti-
on of force ma y cause the hand truck and the lo ad to fall over .
Information on spare par ts: Laut sprecher T eufel will provide
you with spare par ts during the warranty per iod. Y our war ranty
will not b e invalidated if you replace the p ar ts yourself on-sit e
using Laut sprecher T eufel spare par t s.
Unusual sounds: If any unusual sounds occur dur ing use or the
sound become s distor ted, the speaker output must be reduced
immediately so that the system plays an undistor ted sound.
Connec ting and changing the fuse:
Disconne ct the mains plug. A faulty fuse ma y only be e xchanged
for one of the same type.
Information on volume: Loud noises can damage hear ing. Sud-
den high pressur e may be created, part icularly if a “subwoofer ”
in “Standby/ Aut o On” mode is sw itched on by a b ass impulse at
full volume. In addition to physical damage, please b e aware of
possible p sychological consequences. Childr en and pet s require
par ticular c are. If nece ssary , set the vo lume control of your
signal source appliance to the lo west leve l. At high volumes, al-
ways keep a ce r t ain distance from the appliance and never have
your ears r ight next to the spe aker .
Please read the following
safety information carefully.
Risk of suffocation – keep
packaging materials
(e.g. the plastic lm) out of the
reach and sight of children.
Risk of electrocution – do not
leave children unsupervised with
electrical appliances!
In case o f emerge ncy:
If an y o f the following occur ,
disconnect the appliance f rom
the mains and consult our t ech-
4 If the plug or c able are da-
4 If foreign bo dies or liquid
have entered the appliance
4 If the appliance has been in
direct contact with rain or
other water
4 If the appliance does not
play , e ven though you hav e
followed the operating in-
4 If the appliance has b een
dropped or damaged in
some other way
We cannot accept any responsi-
bility for inc idences that occur
bec ause safety information has
not been adhered to.