Safet y guidelines
General note: Make sure to read this operating manual care-
fully and in its entirety . Before plugging in the units for the
f irst time, mak e sur e you have complied with all rele vant safety
and op erating ins tructions. Keep this op erating manual in a
safe place so you can refer to it at a later date if nece ssar y .
Always: If in doubt , consult the operating manual. Make sure
to comply with all instructions regarding the units' setup and
ongoing operation.
Cleaning: Avoid cleaning the units w ith domes tic cleaning
agents, as these may scratch the sur face. Just use a dr y cloth.
Before cleaning a unit , always unp lug the power cable.
Humidity and sunlight: Never operate the unit in humid or
wet sp aces, e.g., near a b ath tub, shower , wash basin, drain, in
a damp b asement , or ne ar a sw imming p ool. Never expose the
loudspeaker to humidity , and avoid exposing it to direct sourc-
es of sunlight . Do not expo se device to dr ipp ing or splashing
water . D o not place objec ts filled with liquids, such as vases on
the device.
Placement: Never mount the unit s lo osely in a vehicle, on an
unst able sur face, on a loos e st and, on unsuit able furniture, or
with insuf f icient bracing. The loudspeakers could topple and
cause personal injur ies, which you w ill b e liable for . Espe cially
when speaker cabinet s are mounte d on st ands or place d on
top of TV sets/ monit ors, the y may topple due to external stress
(cable being pu lled, tripping over cable, accidental physical
contac t) – even if they se em t o be mounte d quite se curely . A s
a result of their weight , toppling spe aker cabinet s can caus e
considerable damage, as well as b ecoming badly damaged
themselves. The same applies to undersized or unprofession-
ally ins talled wall-mounting brack ets, p ar ticularly on light
walls. Alwa ys use adequately sized wall brack ets for mount -
ing loudsp eakers, and ensure that the wall can withs tand the
stress. Never mount the units near a heat source. This could
be a he ater or oven, but also any other electr ic al device that
heats up during operation (e.g., amplif ier) . Similarly , never place
a heat s ource on top of the loudspeakers, such as a fan heat er
or candles.
V entilat ion: There are severa l ventilation slits and op enings
in the unit's housing. Thes e are designed to ensure re liable
operation and prote ct the unit from overheating. Never block
or cover the ventilation slits; do not place the unit on a soft
sur face such as a be d, couch, c arpet , etc. , as this blo cks the
ventilation slits in the bottom of the housing. Do not put any
newspapers , t ablecloths, et c. , on top of the unit . Most impor-
tantly , do not cover up the heatsink of the amplifier section or
expose it to direct sunlight . C onversely , you should generally
not attempt to provide additional cooling to the unit yourself .
This is not necessar y .
Power source: Mak e sur e to connect the subwoofer to a power
source that provides the cor rect volt age, i.e ., the volt age in-
dicate d on the type plat e. If you are unsure about the voltage
provided by your dome stic p ower connec tion, please cont ac t
us or your lo cal electr ic ity provider for advice. The unit does
not require ear thing. When connecting to the mains power
socket , alway s use the supplied two-pole power cable. Unde r no
circumst ances should you modif y the po wer c able, as it mus t
comply with the off icial polar ity and ear thing r egulations. Make
sure to plug the power cable only into a double-p ole socket .
Cables: Lay all the cables flush with the floor and walls. Avoid
any loops in your c ables that could cause people to trip up.
Cable loops can also cause electr ical inter ference and degrade
the sound quality . Make sure t o lay your po wer cables out of
reach so that they are not stoo d on or squ ashed by heavy ob-
ject s. If you notice any c able damage, replace the cable. Pay
spec ial at t ention to all plug connectors , the mains socket, and
the subwoofer's connect or panel. Re gularly che ck all po wered
cables to and f rom the loudspe akers for insulation issues and
breakage. If you det ect a fault , immediat ely power down all
connect ed unit s, unplug the cables and replace the defect ive
Disus e: During prolonged per io ds of disuse (holidays, et c.) , al-
ways unplug the subwoofer from the mains socket .
Thunderstorms: In the event of a thunderstorm, swit ch of f
and unplug the unit as so on as you can in order to avoid dam-
age from lightning str ikes.
Overloading: Never overload your w all s ockets, extension c a-
bles and multib oxes, or the integrate d p ower sockets on your
electr ical devices. Power ove rloads can c ause shor t circuits
and fir es. Also avoid turning up the volume control excessively
on your amplif ier , par ticularly if you are also boost ing the bass
frequencies (bass control, loudness but ton, bass bo ost button,
etc.) .
Liquid and foreign subs tances: Liquids or other foreign sub-
st ances should nev er get ins ide the unit, as they may inter fere
with exposed live par ts and cause shor t circuits or f ires . Abso-
lutely avoid spilling any type of liquid onto the unit . In case of
a fault : Never at tempt to repair the unit yourself . Always con-
tac t our suppor t t eam first and discuss the fault with them.
If appropriat e, they may give you instructions on how to cle ar
the fault . If this is not poss ible, send the unit directly t o our
serv ice address.
T ranspor t : T ak e utmost care when transpor ting the unit , and
use a sack bar row if possible. Be aware that both the sack bar-
row and the unit can easily fall o ver a s a r esult of sudden stop-
ping or jolting (uneven ground, lurching movements, etc.) .
Replaceme nt p art s: Dur ing the per iod of w arranty , Laut -
sprecher T eufel w ill supply all required replacement par ts.
Y our warranty will not be voided as long as you use T eufel spare
par t s to replace any defective components.
Unusual noise s: If any unusual noises occur dur ing op eration,
or if the sound gets distor t ed, immediately turn down the am-
plif ier volume to a level whe re the sound returns to normal.
Replacing the fuse:
Unplug the po wer c able b efore replacing the fuse. Make sure
that the replacement fus e has the same rating as the defe c-
tive fuse.
Speaker volume: Excessive loudspeaker volume can cause ir-
reversible hear ing lo ss. The subwoofer may emit high sound
pressure levels very une xpec tedly when it is suddenly trig-
gered into activity by a bass impulse (“St andby/ Auto On” mode)
– par ticularly if the unit is on full volume. A s w ell as physical
hear ing loss, also watch out for psychological stress caused by
excessive volume. Children and p ets are par ticularly sensitive
to noise. Always set the volume control of your audio system
to a level that is appropriat e to the sur roundings. When the
system is playing at high volume, do not st and t oo closely to
the subwoofer and never put your e ars directly up to any of
the loudspeakers.
Please read the following
safety guidelines very
Packaging materials,
particularly plastic bags and
foils, should be kept out of
childrens' reach, as these can be
dangerous (e.g., risk
of suffocation).
Never leave your
children alone with electrical
devices, as there is potentially
always a risk of electrical shock.
In case o f an emergenc y:
Immediately disconnect the
unit's power plug from the
mains socket . In the following
cases, please contact one of our
serv ice technic ians:
4 Power plug or cable
is damaged
4 Liquid or other foreign
subst ances have entered the
inter ior of the unit
4 The unit has been directly
exposed t o rain or another
type of liquid
4 The unit is inoperational
even though you ha ve
followed all the operating
The unit ha s been droppe d
or otherwise damage d
Lautsprecher T eufel is not
liable for any incidents result -
ing from disregard for the
safety guidelines.