·System 6 THX
S a fe ty g ui d el i n e s
General note: Make sure to read this op er ating manual care-
fully and in its entirety . Before plugging in the unit s for the rst
time, make sur e y ou ha ve complied with all rele vant s afet y and
operating instruct ions. Keep this operating manual in a safe
place so you can refer to it at a later date if necessar y .
Always: If in doubt , consult the operating manual. Make sure
to comply with all instruct ions r egarding the units' setup and
ongoing operation.
Cleaning: Avoid cleaning the unit s w ith domest ic cle aning
agents, as these may scra tch the sur face. Jus t use a dr y cloth.
Before cleaning a unit , always unplug the power cable.
Humidity and sunlight : Never operate the unit in humid o r
wet sp aces, e.g. , near a bath tub, shower , wash b asin, drain, in
a damp basement , or near a swimming p ool. Never expose the
loudspeaker to humidity , and a void exposing it to direct sources
of sunlight .
Placement: Never mount the unit s loosely in a vehicle, on an un-
st ab le sur face, on a loose stand, on unsuitable furnitur e, or with
insufcient bracing. The loudsp eak ers could topple and cause
personal injur ies, which you w ill be liable for . Especially when
speaker cabinets are mounted on st ands or placed on top of
T V sets/ monit o rs, they may topple due t o external stress (cable
being pulled, tripp ing over cable, accident al physical cont act)
– even if they seem to be mount ed quite se cur ely . As a result
of their weight , toppling sp eake r cabinets can cause consider-
able damage , as well as be coming b adly damaged themselves.
The s ame applies to undersize d or unprofessionally inst alled
wall-mounting brackets, par ticularly on light walls . Alw a ys use
adequately sized w all brack ets for mounting loudspeakers, and
ensure that the wall can withst and the str ess. Nev er mount the
units near a heat source. This could b e a heater or oven, but
also any other electr ical device that he ats up dur ing operation
(e.g., amplier) . Similarly , never place a heat source on top of the
loudspeakers, such as a fan heat e r or candle s. Do not expose
device to dripping or spla shing water . Do not p lace objects lled
with liquids, such as v ases on the device.
V entilat ion: There are several ventilation s lits and openings in
the unit's housing. These are designed to ensure r eliable opera-
tion and protect the unit fr om overheating. Never block or cov-
er the ventilation slits; do not place the unit on a soft sur face
such as a bed, couch, carpet , etc., as this blocks the v entilation
slits in the bottom of the housing. Do not put any newspapers,
tablecloths , etc. , on top of the unit . Most impor tantly , do not
cover up the heat sink of the amplier section or expo se it to
direct sunlight . C onv ersely , you should generally not at t empt
to provide additional co oling t o the unit yourself. This is not
necess ary .
Power source: Make sure to connect the subwoofer to a p ower
source that provides the correct voltage , i.e. , the volt age in-
dicated on the type pla te. If you are unsur e about the v oltage
provided by y our domestic power connection, please contact us
or your local electr icity p rovider for advice. The unit does not
require e arthing. When connecting t o the mains p ower so ck et ,
always use the supplie d power cable. Under no circumst ances
should y ou modify the po wer cable, as it must comp ly with the
ofcial polarity and ear thing regulations. Mak e sure to plug
the power cab le only into an appr opriat e socket . Make sure the
power switch is in the »off« position before conne cting or dis-
connecting the device.
Cables: Lay all the cables ush w ith the oor and walls. Avoid
any loops in your cables tha t could cause people t o tr ip up. Ca-
ble loops can also cause electr ica l interference and degr ade the
sound quality . Make sur e to lay your power cables out of reach
so that they are not st ood on or squashe d by he a vy object s.
If you notice any cable damage, replace the cable. Pay spe cia l
at t ention to all plug connectors, the mains socket, and the sub-
woofer's connector panel. Regularly check all powered cables to
and fr om the loudspeakers for insulation issues and breakage. If
you detect a fault, imme diately p ower down a ll connected units,
unplug the cables and rep lace the defective cable.
Disus e: During prolonged p eriods of disuse (holida ys, etc.) , al-
ways unplug the subwoofer from the mains socket.
Thunderstorms: In the event of a thunderstorm, switch o ff and
unplug the unit as so on as you can in order to avoid damage
from lightning strikes.
Overloading: Never overload your w all sockets, extension ca-
bles and multib o xes, or the inte gr ated p ower sockets on your
electr ical devices. Power overloads can cause shor t circuits and
res. Als o avoid turning up the volume control excessive ly on
your amplie r , par ticularly if you ar e also boo sting the bass fr e-
quencies (bass control, loudness button, bass boost but ton, et c.) .
Liquid and for eign subst ances: Liquids or other for eign sub-
st ances should never get inside the unit, as they may inter fer e
with exposed li ve par ts and cause short circuits or res. Abso-
lutely avoid spilling any ty pe of liquid onto the unit . In case of a
fault , ne ver at tempt to re pair the unit yourself. Always cont act
our suppor t team rst and discuss the fault with them. If ap-
propriate, they may give you instructions on how to clear the
fault . If this is not possible, send the unit dir ectly to our serv ice
T ranspor t: T ake utmost care when transporting the unit , and
use a sack bar r ow if possible. Be aware that b oth the s ack bar r ow
and the unit can easily fall over as a result of sudden s topping or
jolting (uneven ground, lurching movements, etc.) .
Replaceme nt par ts: Dur ing the per iod of war rant y , Laut-
sprecher T eufel w ill supply all required replacement par ts . Your
warranty will not be voided as long as you use T eufel sp are p art s
to replace any defective components.
Unusual noises: If any unusual noises occur during operation,
or if the sound gets dis tort ed, immediately turn down the am-
plier volume to a level whe re the sound returns to normal.
Replacing the fuse:
Unplug the power cable b efo re replacing the fuse . Make sure
that the replacement fuse has the s ame rating as the defec-
tive fuse.
Speaker volume: Excessive loudsp eaker volume can cause ir -
reversible he aring loss. The subwoofer may emit high sound
pressure levels v ery unexpect edly when it is sudde nly triggered
into act i vity by a bass impulse ( “Standby/ Auto On” mo de) – par-
ticularly if the unit is on full vo lume. As w e ll as physical hear ing
loss, also watch out for p sy chological stress caused by excessive
volume. Children and pet s are par ticularly sensitive to noise. Al-
ways set the volume control of your audio system to a level tha t
is appropr iate to the sur r oundings. When the system is playing
at high volume, do not stand to o closely to the subwoofer and
never put your ears directly up to any of the loudspeakers.
Please read the following
safety guidelines very
Packaging materials,
particularly plastic bags and
foils, should be kept out of
childrens' reach, as these can
be dangerous (e.g., risk of
Never leave your children alone
with electrical devices, as there
is potentially always a risk of
electrical shock.
In case o f an emer gency:
Immediately disconnect the
unit's power plug from the
mains socket . In the following
cases, p lease cont act one of our
serv ice technicians:
4Pow er plug or cabl e
is dam age d
4Li quid or ot her fore ign
su bst an ce s ha ve e nte red
th e in ter i or o f th e u nit
4The un it has be en dire ctl y
exp ose d t o rai n or anot her
typ e o f l iqui d
4The un it is i nop erat ion al
eve n th oug h yo u h ave
fol low ed all th e op era tin g
in stru cti ons
The un it h as b ee n d ropp ed
or oth erw is e da mag ed
Lautsprecher T eufel is not
liable for any incide nts result -
ing from disregard fo r the
safety guidelines.