Please read and follow this instructional guide completely before using your 3 MINUTE LEGS
Keep this guide in a safe place and make sure everyone who uses the 3 MINUTE LEGS
machine also reads
this guide. Have a safe and enjoyable workout. Parents should be aware of their responsibility with respect
to their children’s natural play instinct. This can cause situations in which the product can be used for other
purposes than intended.
This exercise machine is built for optimum safety. However, certain precautions apply whenever you operate
a piece of exercise equipment. Be sure to read the entire manual before you
assemble or operate your machine. In particular, note the following safety precautions:
Please consult with your doctor before you commence with training program or any other. Your
doctor should support you in ascertaining your target heart rate, as determined by your age and
physical fitness. Certain training programs and types of exercise equipment may not be suitable
for everyone. This is particularly important to those individuals over 35, pregnant women and
individuals with existing health problems or programs with balance. If you take medication which
affects your heart rate, you must seek medical advice from your doctor.
1. This product has been tested in accordance with the
requirements of EN 957-1, class H (home use).
MACHINE IS 275 LBS (125 kg).
Persons whose body weight exceeds this limit
should NOT use this machine.
2. Ca re fu ll y in sp ec t t he e qu ip me nt p ri or t o E VE RY u se .
Never work with the device if it is not functioning
3. Use this equipment EXCLUSIVELY for the purpose
intended and described in these user instructions.
Do not alter the equipment and only use those
accessories which have been recommended by
the manufacturer.
4. Ensure that sufficient free space is available in front
of and behind the equipment. It is impo rtant t hat
p e ts, fur niture a nd other object s are ke pt away from
t h e equip ment dur ing its use.
You should retain at least 2-3 meters (6.5-10 feet)
of space in front of and behind the equipment.
I n o rd er t o av oi d in ju ri e s, k ee p th is a nd a ll o th e r
f itn es s eq ui pm en t ou t of th e re ac h of c hi ld re n.
6. Handicapped or disabled persons should not use the
machine without th e presence of a
qualified health professional or physician.
7. P o s it i o n the 3 MINUTE LEGS
machine on a clear,
level surface. Always place a double-sided non -sl ip
f l oor cov erin g m at u nder the 3 M INUT E LEGS
help keep the machine stable and to protect
flooring. Note: The 3 MINUTE LEGS
should not be pushed across delicate floor
coverings (laminate, parquet, plush carpet, etc.)
in order to avoid damage. It is recommended
that you check the use instructions of the floor
manufacturer to ensure suitability and durability
of the floor surface for the pressure caused by
rotating wheels of the 3 MINUTE LEGS
8. Do not place any sharp object around the machine.
9. Wear appropriate clothing during training sessions.
Training apparel should be comfortable and light,
allowing freedom of movement. Wear comfortable
training shoes which provide good support and have
non-slip soles, such as running shoes or trainers.
10. Keep hands away from all moving parts.
11. Always warm up before each training session by
undertaking exercises.
12. If the user experiences dizziness, nausea, chest pain,
o r any other abnormal symptoms, STOP the workout
13. NEVER operate the 3 MINUTE LEGS
machine if it
is not functioning properly.
14. Tighten all bolts on a regular basis.
15. Be sure that the legs of the machine and the Depth
Control Cable are securely locked.
16. Always follow the correct exercising procedure as
outlined in this guide when using the 3 MINUTE
17. Always choose the proper intensity level that
be st su it s yo ur p hy si ca l st r en gt h an d fl ex ib il it y l ev el s.
Know your limits and train within them. Always use
common sense when exercising.
18. Begin slowly and get used to the unique movement
of the 3 MINUTE LEGS
machine prior to starting
your routine.
19. To avoid serious injury, never place any part of your
body between or near any moving parts.
20. Do not operate this or any other piece of exercise
equipment if it is damaged.
21. DO NO T us e an y ot he r a cc es so ri es n ot r ec om me nd e d
by the manufacturer.
22. Only one person at a time should use the 3 MINUTE
23. This is NOT a stool. Use ONLY for the exercises
described in the User’s Manual.
Question: Why should I squat instead of take a walk?
Answer: Ideally you should be doing both. Walking is aerobic in nature, meaning it burns body fat while
conditioning your heart, lungs and muscles. Squatting, lunging and other resistance training burns calories
and fat while building lean muscle tissue, which elevates your metabolism, even at rest, giving you the tone
and sleek shape you’ve always desired. So do your strength training to give your muscles shape and do your
cardio to burn off the fat on top of them so you can show them off!
Question: How do I lose weight in my belly (or hips, butt, thighs, waist)
Answer: Unfortunately there is no such thing as spot reduction. Your body removes body fat at an even rate
from all over, and unfortunately the places you have the most of it will usually be the last places you lose it.
But don’t worry – you can lose it!
However, the 3 MINUTE LEGS
machine is great for sculpting the muscles in your legs, buns and thighs to
help you get that beautiful defined look. For the best results, follow the 3 MINUTE LEGS
Total Body
Transformation Plan closely to lose the most body fat in the least amount of time. And remember:
Be patient achieving the best results takes dedication and commitment.
Question: Can I skip meals?
Answer: Short answer: No. Starving yourself and cutting calories is the wrong way to go about losing weight.
When you drastically restrict your caloric intake (below 1200 calories a day) your metabolism slams on the
brakes and goes into fat-storage mode. Keep your calories in the 1200-1500 range to optimize your
success potential.
Question: Can I do 3 MINUTE LEGS
for more than three minutes?
Answer: Of cou rse! Ex perimen t with d ifferen t squat and lu nge com bination s, as w ell as varied arm pos itions
and exe rcises for a k iller w orkout h ead to toe. Fo r even better results, you ca n exerc ise mor e than once a d ay.
Question: Can fat turn into muscle?
Answer: Although it might seem like that is what is happening, your body doesn’t work that way since fat and
muscle are two totally different things. When you begin strength training, you will likely gain muscle at the
same time as you are burning fat, so yes, one is replacing the other in your body, but neither is ‘becoming’
the other one, so to speak.
Question: I have been at this for a few weeks, and am not losing any weight – what gives?
Answer: Do your clothes fit differently? Do you look and feel tighter in your legs, hips and waist? Then you are
probably gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneously. Muscle is tighter and denser than fat, and though you
are not losing pounds on the scale, you’re losing inches all over. Think of it this way: a pound of lead (muscle)
fits in the palm of your hand while a pound of cotton balls (fat) could fill a bathtub. Which one takes up less
space? Muscle. Therefore, as you lose inches, you’re getting smaller, tighter and leaner, which means you’re
losing a lot of fat. But since you’re simultaneously replacing it with denser, heavier muscle, you’re not losing
scale weight even though you’re getting smaller. For now, go by how your clothes fit and how you look rather
than your scale weight. Weigh yourself no more than once a week to avoid getting discouraged. Eventually
your scale weight will catch up with your progress, we promise!
Question: I’m sore – is this normal?
Answer: Yes. It’s totally normal to feel sore or stiff after your workouts, especially if you’ve been sedentary for
a long while.
Take some extra time to stretch during the day or take a hot bath and relax if you’re feeling sore. If you are
excessively sore, take a few days off to recover. Take a slow walk and get the blood flowing without too much
exertion and stretch your sore muscles thoroughly. If your pain is sharp and/or relentless, however, take a
trip to the physician to make sure it’s not a more serious problem.
Question: Where does alcohol fit into my nutrition plan?
Answer: Alcohol is an entity unto itself, as it doesn’t fit neatly into any particular nutrient category. But all you
really have to know is that it contains a lot of calories that provide little nutritional value to your body, and
can contribute to weight gain, a slower metabolism and fatty deposits in the liver. If you’re really striving for
optimal weight loss, keep your tippling to no more than one or two alcoholic drinks per week.