Do not shut down the appliance according to the room temperature.
It is mandatory to deactivate the “Crono” symbol on the display if an external chronothermostat is used.
ATTENTION: The manufacturer denies all responsibility for the life of the electrical heater if subjected to excessive start-
ups. It is recommended not to set the desired room temperature or to set it at the highest possible value for the
chronothermostat in order to avert this danger.
ATTENTION: Use common type N.O. (normally open) contacts for the connection to the chronothermostat.
ATTENTION: In the event of connections to the chronothermostat Thermorossi shall not be held responsible for the
appliance not starting up, smoke leaks and breakage of the lighting component. In the event of a programmed cycle on
always ensure that the brazier is clean and seated correctly in its lodging. A maximum of 3 on-off cycles per day are
permitted. The chronothermostat must have a thermal hysteresis that is not less than 2°C.
If you use the Room Control device in Switch Mode you cannot use the additional room temperature thermostat.