Reserving the CO line
If the CO line is busy, you have the possibility of reserving a CO line. As soon as a CO line is
free, it will be automatically transferred to your extension.
1. Pick up the handset.
2. Dial the CO line code number 0 .
3. Dial 90 to reserve the line.
4. Replace the handset.
5. Your extension will ring when the
CO line is free .
6. Pick up the handset.
7. Dial the telephone number.
You hear the telephone system’s dial tone.
You hear a busy tone.
The CO line is busy.
To confirm the reservation you hear an
acknowledgement signal.
If you do not hear an acknowledgement
signal, this indicates that the CO line has
already been reserved. Only one reser-
vation is possible at a time.
Your extension is connected to the CO
You hear the dial tone.
You do not need to dial the CO line code
number 0 , as you are already connected
to the CO line .