System functions with tiptel 4011 XT
Via the macro programming, the following features for the programming of target telephone
numbers are available:
Internal target number with "busy" LED
If an internal telephone number has been stored on the speed dialling station, the following
signal modes are available:
❍ extension in the idle state - LED off
After pressing the speed dialling station a connection to the stored target number is being
established. An active call can be transfered to the stored telephone number by pressing the
button without the necessity to announce this before.
❍ incoming call at the extension - LED flashing
Provided that the corresponding authorisation has been programmed (see manual of the
tiptel 4011 XT, Pick-up groups), you have the option to pick up the call by pressing the button
beneath the flashing LED.
❍ active call at the extension - LED lit
Provided that the corresponding authorisation has been programmed (see manual of the
tiptel 4011 XT, Device connection), you have the option to take over the call by pressing the
button beneath the lighting LED.
Should a second call come in at the same extension during an active call (LED lit), this is sig-
naled by a flashing LED. Thus you can pick up the second call.
External target number (line key) with LED signal
In order to execute this function, the MSN (in case of point-to-multipoint access) or DDI (in case
of point-to-point access) that shall be used has to be stored in a specific form: You enter two
times the button "
" before and once the button " " after the desired telephone number.
to use the going MSN 471112 at the point-to-multipoint access
to use the DDI 0 (switchboard 428-0) at the point-to-point access
If a going telephone number has been stored with the button in that form, the following functions
are available:
❍ No incoming call on this MSN / DDI - LED off
After pressing the speed dialling station, a CO line with this going MSN is being established.
Afterwords the desired telephone number can be dialled. Alternatively you can use this
button after having chosen an entry of the electronic telephone book (see page 12 "Dialling
from the electronic telephone book / register").
❍ Incoming call on this MSN / DDI - LED flashing
You can pick up this call by pressing the flashing speed dialling station. This function also
allows an easy identification of the telephone number that was dialled by the telephone
partner. For example you can separate private calls from business calls.
Your extension must be member of the same pick-up group as the other extensions at which the
MSN / DDI in question is signalled. Otherwise you establish a CO line with the stored going tele-
phone number instead of answering the incoming call.