The flexible window seal set is suitable for many windows. Such as: tilt and turn windows, windows turning to the outside and inside. It ensures that you are able to hang the discharge
hose to the outside, without hot air flowing indoors again or having problems with insects.
For windows turning to the outside, we recommend taping all four sides (a+b+c+d) around the window and for windows turning to the inside only three sides (a+b+c).
•Attach the supplied double-sided tape on the window frame and the window in accordance with one of the drawings below that is similar to your situation.
•Then attach the cloth to the tape that you attached in the openings.
1.Attach the supplied double-sided tape on the window frame.
2.Then attach double-sided tape on the window.
3.Cut away excess tape.
4.Make sure the tapes on the corners properly overlap to achieve proper sealing.
5.Attach the cloth to the tape attached to the window frame and window.
6.Make sure the cloth is neatly attached to the tape on both sides.
7.Zip open the cloth.
8.Insert the discharge hose through the opening and zip the cloth closed to achieve proper sealing.
Fig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3Fig. 4
Fig. 5Fig. 6Fig. 7Fig. 8
• Drill a 125 diameter hole in the wall, for the wall outlet with valve.
• Fasten the wall outlet with the provided screws and plugs.
• Aach the end of the discharge hose with the wall outlet connector to the wall outlet.
• Close the valve of the wall outlet when the appliance is not being used.
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