When using the automac posion, the appliance automacally selects whether it should cool or circulate air. ThisЇmodeЇcanЇonly be adjusted with the remote control.
This depends on the room temperature.
• Press the mode key [mode] unl the arrow on the display lights up at the auto mode.
• Press the [ tempand temp ] keys to set the required room temperature (between 17°C and 30°C). 23°C for example. When the room temperature is below 23°C, the appliance starts
to circulate the air, and above 23°C the appliance starts to cool.
• It is not possible to adjust the wind speed in this mode.
Use the sleep mode when you want to use the appliance at night. This mode can only be adjusted with the remote control.
• Switch on the appliance in the cooling or auto posion.
• Press the sleep key.
• If the display light on the appliance bothers you, you can switch it o by pressing the [led display] key. Press the key once more to reacvate the display light.
The sleep mode maintains the opmum temperature in the room, without excessive uctuaons in temperature and air humidity. Slightly vary room temperature and air humidity to make
sure the room remains comfortable.
The selected temperature will rise every half hour by 1°C for a period of one hour. This new temperature is maintained for the next 7 hours. Then the appliance switches back to the set
temperature and remains on in accordance to its seng.
The sleep mode can be cancelled by switching o the appliance, or by pressing the sleep, mode or wind speed key.When using the air circulaon and dehumidicaon posions, it is not
possible to use the sleep mode.
The mer funcon can be used to allow the air condioner to switch on automacally (delayed start) or switch o automacally at a set me (automac deacvaon).
• Press the mer key when the air condioner is o. Repeatedly press the key . The starng me is delayed by half an hour each me, up to a total of 10 hours. If you want to
delay the start by more than 10 hours, an hour is added each me unl a maximum of 24 hours.
• The set number of hours is shown in the display. Once the temperature is shown on the display again, the seng has been conrmed.
• When the set number of hours have passed, the air condioner switches on automacally.
To cancel the delayed start, press the mer key unl the display shows 0.0 again.
• Press the mer key when the air condioner is on. Repeatedly press the key .The required me at which you wish the air condioner to switch o, will be extended by
half an hour each me, up to a total of 10 hours. If you want to delay the deacvaon by more than 10 hours, an hour is added each me unl a maximum of 24 hours.
• The set number of hours is shown in the display. Once the temperature is shown on the display again, the seng has been conrmed.
• When the set number of hours have passed, the air condioner switches o automacally.
To cancel the automac deacvaon, press the mer key unl the display shows 0.0 again.
The sengs can also be combined.
The reset buon enables you to reset the appliance. All sengs are cancelled and the remote control returns
to the factory sengs.
• Use a pointy object to press down the reset buon.
To prevent the sengs of the remote control from being changed, you can lock them with the lock buon.
• Use a pointy object to acvate the lock. A lock appears in the display on the remote control.
• It is no longer possible to control the appliance with the remote control.
• Press the lock buon once more to deacvate the lock. The lock disappears and the appliance can be controlled again
by means of the remote control.
• If the display light on the appliance bothers you, you can switch it o by pressing the [led display] key.
Press the key once more to reacvate the display light.
Aer a power interrupon, the appliance automacally restarts in accordance with the latest sengs, once the power supply has been restored.
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