II. Your Home Screen
2.1 Icons on your home screen
An example of the home screen is shown above. You can fill the space
with any combination of shortcuts, widgets, and folders you like. Some
pre-installed shortcut icons will appear at the bottom, and a Google
Search Widget appears at the top.
When you power on your tablet for the first time, you’ll see the main
home-screen panel. This panel is typically centered; you can access
additional panels on either side of the main one by swiping your finger
left or right.
At the top of the Home Screen is your Status Bar.
-Home: touch it to go back to the home screen
-Return: to return to the previous menu
-Menu: touch to show the submenu (at some interfaces, there may
be not a submenu)
-Vol-: touch it to reduce the volume
-Vol+: touch it to increase the volume
-App Panel: touch it to view all apps