Protalker PT-1078
1I n t r o d u c t i o n
Thank you for purchasing the Pro talker PT-1078. It’ s a long range, low po wered radio communic ation device with a range of maximum
10 Km. It has n o running costs oth er than the minimal co st of re-charging t he batteries.The Pro talker PT-1078 operate s on 8 channels.
The radio is built accord ing the IPX7 stan dard. This im plies that it is submersible: it w ill float in water and it can be he ld 1 meter below
the water su rface during 30 minutes wit hout being damaged.
2 Intende d purpose
It can be us ed for recreational purposes. For exampl e: to keep in cont act during travell ing with 2 or more car s, biking, skii ng. It can be
used to keep in c ontact with your childr en when they are playing outs ide, etc...
3C E M a r k
The CE symbol on the unit, user guide and giftbox indic ates that the unit complie s with the essential re quirements of the R&TTE
directive 199 5/5/EC.
4 Safety instructions
4.1 General
Please read c arefully through th e following informat ion concerning sa fety and proper use. Make yourself familia r with all functions of
the device. Kee p this manual in a safe place f or future use.
4.2 Burning injuries
• I f the cover of the ante nna is damaged, do not tou ch because when an antenna co mes in contact with th e skin, a minor
burn may result when transmitting.
• B atteries can cause pr operty damage such as burns if conduct ive material such as jewe llery , keys or beaded chains
touches expo sed terminals.The materi al may complete an electri cal circuit (short c ircuit) and become quite ho t. Exercise
care in handl ing any charged battery , pa rticularly when pla cing it inside a pocket, purse or other contai ner with metal
4.3 Injuries
• D o not place your devi ce in the area over an ai r bag or in the air bag d eployment area. Air bags inflate with great f orce. If
a PMR is pl aced in the bag dep loyment area and the air bag inflat es, the communicato r may be propelled with great forc e
and cause seri ous injury to the occup ants of the vehic le.
• K eep the PMR at least 15 centime tres away from a pacemak er.
• T urn your PMR OFF as soo n as interference is t aking place with medical equ ipment.
4.4 Danger of explosion
• D o not replace batter ies in a potentially exp losive atmosphere. Con tact sparking may oc cur while install ing or removing
batteries an d cause an explosio n.
• T urn your PMR of f when in any area with a pot entially explosiv e atmosphere. Sp arks in such areas coul d cause an
explosio n or fire resulting in bodi ly injury or even death.
• N ever throw batteries in fire as they may explod e.
4.5 Poisoning danger
• K eep batteries away fr om small children.
4.6 Legal
• I n some countries it i s prohibited to use your PMR wh ile driving a vehicle. In this case leave the road befor e using the
• T urn your PMR OFF when on board an aircraf t when instructe d to do so. Any use of th e PMR must be in accorda nce with
airline regu lations or crew instructi ons.
• T urn your PMR OFF in any facilities where posted notices instruct you to do so. Hospitals o r health care fa cilities may be
using equip ment that is sensitiv e to external RF energy .
• R eplacing or modif ying the antenna may af fect the PMR radio speci fications and viol ate the CE regulations.
Unauthorise d antennas could also damage t he radio.
4.7 Notes
• D o not touch the antenna whi le transmitting, i t could affect the ran ge.
• R emove the batteries if the device is not going t o be used for a long period.
5 Cleaning and ma intenance
• T o clean the unit, wipe with a soft c loth dampened with wate r. Don’ t use a cleaner or solve nts on the unit; they can
damage the ca se and leak inside, causi ng permanent damage.
• B attery contac ts may be wiped with a dry li nt-free cloth.
6 Disposal of the device (environment)
At the end of the p roduct lifecycle, you should not throw this prod uct into the normal hous ehold garbage but bring the
product to a col lection point for the rec ycling of electrical and el ectronic equipments. The symbol on the product, user
guide and/or bo x indicate this.
Some of the produ ct materials can be re-use d if you bring them to a recycl ing point. By re-using some parts or raw
materials fro m used products you make an imp ortant contributi on to the protection of the environment. Please
contact your local authorities i n case you need more informa tion on the collectio n points in your area.
7 Using a PMR device
To communicat e between PMR devices they need to be set all on the same channel and sub-channel (CTCSS/D CS) and within
receiving ra nge (up to max.10 km in open fi eld). Since these devices use free frequency bands (c hannels), all devices in operatio n
share these ch annels(total 8 channel s - Annex A). Therefore, priv acy is not garanteed. Anybo dy with a PMR set to your channel can
overhear t he conversation. If you want to c ommunicate (transmi tting a voice sig nal) you need to press the PTT-ke y .
Once this key pressed, the devic e will go into trans mit mode and you can speak into the m icrophone. All oth er PMR devices in r ange
, on the same chann el and in standby mode (not transmit ting) will hear your messa ge. You need to wait until the other party sto ps
transmitting before you can reply to th e message. A t the end of e ach transmiss ion the unit w ill send a beep if t he Roger Bee p is enable
(See chapter “13.12 Roger Beep On/Off”) . To reply, just press the P TT-key and speak int o the microphone.
8 Included in the package
• 2 x Protalker PT-1078
• 1 x Duo charger
• 1 x Power adapter
• 2 x NiMH battery pack
• 2 x Belt clip
• User guide
• C ard with service address and Hotlinenumbers
9 Getting started
9.1 Installing / Removing the belt clip
1. T o remove the belt clip from the unit , push the belt clip (B ) towards the
antenna, w hile pulling th e clip tab (A).
2. When re-installing the b elt clip, a clic k indicates that the belt clip is locked into
9.2 Installing the batteries
1. Open the batter y compartmen t. Use a scr ewdriver o r a coin to tu rn the screw
counter cl ockwise.
2. Put in the ba ttery . Th e battery pack label will ind icate the corr ect position of the
3. Before clos ing the battery door, c heck the rubber se al around the batt ery
compart ment. Make sure that the se al is in good conditi on and that there is no
foreign matt er under the seal.
4. Close the battery compar tment door and ti ghten the screw aga in (clockwise).
Areas with potenti ally explosive atmospheres are often, but not always, clearly marked. They incl ude
fuelling area s such as below deck on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities; a reas where the
air contains chemic als or particles, such as grain, dust or metal powders; and any other area where you
would normally be advis ed to turn off your vehicle engine.
After y our radio is submerged in water , you might noti ce that the sound is distorte d. This is because there i s
still water remaini ng in and around the speaker and microphone. Just shake the radio to clear excess water ,
and the sound shoul d return to normal.If your radi o is exposed to salt water , clean your radio thoroughly with
fresh water , and dry it before turning it on.
If 2 or more users press the PTT- ke y at the same time the recei ver will receive only the stongest
signal and the oth er signal(s) will be supresse d. Therefore you should only transmit a signal (press PTT-
key ) when the channel is free.
The range of radio wav es is strongly affected by obst acles such as buildings, concre te/metal structures,
the unevenness of t he landscape, woodland, pl ants, … This implies that t he range between two or more
PMR's may in some extreme cases be rest ricted to a maximum of a few tens of meters. You will soon
notice that PMR works best when there is a minimum of obstacles between user s.