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Toyota, t hrough diligent resear ch, design
and us e of t he mos t advanced technology
avail able, helps prevent corr osion and pro-
vides you with the f inest qualit y vehi cle
const ruct ion. Now, it is up to you. Pr oper
care of your Toy ota can help ens ure l ong
term cor ros ion pr eventi on.
The most common causes of vehicle
corrosi on are:
D The acc umulation of road salt, dir t and
moisture in hardtoreac h areas under
the v ehic le.
D Chipping of pai nt, or undercoati ng
caused by mi nor ac cident s or s tones
and gr avel.
Care is especially important if you live
in parti cular areas or operate your ve-
hicle under certai n environmental condi-
D Road salt or dust contr ol chemic als w ill
accelerate corrosion, as will the pres-
ence of salt in t he air near t he sea
coast or i n areas of i ndustr ial pollut ion.
D High humidity accel erates c orrosi on es-
pecial ly when t emperatur es range jus t
above freez ing poi nt.
D Wetness or dampness t o cer tain part s
of your vehic le for an ext ended per iod
of time, may caus e c orros ion ev en
though other part s of the v ehicl e may
be dr y.
D High ambient temperatures c ould caus e
corr osion to those vehicle components
which do not dry quic kly, due t o l ack
of pr oper venti lati on.
The above signi fies the nec ess ity t o keep
your v ehicle, parti cular ly the unders ide, as
clean as possi ble and t o r epair any dam-
age to paint or protec tiv e coat ings as
soon as poss ible.
To help pr event corr osion on your
Toyota, follow t hese guidel ines:
Wash your vehicl e fr equently. It is, of
cours e, necess ary to keep y our vehicl e
clean by regular washi ng, but to prev ent
corr osion, t he f ollowing point s should be
observ ed:
D If y ou dr ive on s alted roads in the
winter or if y ou live near the oc ean,
you s hould hos e off t he underc arri age
at least once a month to mini mize cor-
rosi on.
D High press ure wat er or steam is effec-
tiv e f or cleaning the v ehicl e’s under side
and wheel hous ings. P ay part icul ar
attent ion t o t hese areas as i t is di ffic ult
to see all the m ud and dirt. It wi ll do
more harm than good to si mply wet the
mud and debris without remov ing. The
lower edge of door s, roc ker panel s and
frame members hav e drai n holes whic h
should not be allowed t o c log with dir t
as trapped water in thes e areas can
cause c orros ion.
D Was h the under side of the vehi cle thor-
oughly when winter i s ov er.
See “ Washi ng and waxing your Toy ota” on
page 247 for mor e ti ps.
Check the condit ion of your vehicle’s
paint and trim. If you find any chips or
scr atches in the paint , touch t hem up im-
mediatel y to prev ent c orros ion from s tart-
ing. If the c hips or s crat ches hav e gone
through the bare metal , have a qualifi ed
body shop make the repair.
Check the i nteri or of your vehi cle. Wa-
ter and di rt can accumulate under t he
floor mats and could c ause c orros ion. Oc-
casi onally c heck under the mats to make
sure the area is dry. Be particularly care-
ful when trans porting chemical s, cleans-
ers, fertiliz ers, salt, etc.; t hese should be
trans ported in pr oper c ontainer s. If a s pill
or leak should occur, immediatel y clean
and dr y t he area.
11 02.18
Protecting your Toyota from

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Toyota Aygo 2011 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 318 seiten

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