4.3 Guess the Word
In this game, you have to fill in the missing letter for
the word. To help you find the correct answer, the
meaning of the word is included.
Type a character. If correct, you will be prompted to
the next step. Continue guessing if your answer is
4.4 Hangman
The number of letters in each word is represented
by a row of question marks (?). If the word has the
letter you guess, that letter will replace the question
mark(s) in the space where it belongs in the word. If
not, it will replace one of the hash signs (#), which
represents the number of allowed wrong guesses. If
you guess the word before running out of allowed
mistakes, you win.
5. English Irregular Verbs
6. English Verb Conjugation
7. English Noun Inflection and Adjective
8. English Synonym and Antonym
Note: If there are other languages installed on the
device, you will receive language learning content in
those languages as well.